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Orbis Tertius, El síndrome de Estocolmo en los programadores. Las condiciones en que se trabaja como programador en la mayoría de las empresas en México son muy malas. Hace unos años se puso de moda que los programadores debían ser subcontratados a empresas que, a falta de mejor nombre, se les denomina “ consultoras ”. Este esquema permite reducir las responsabilidades de la empresa para con los programadores y poder crecer y reducir el número de ellos de acuerdo a los proyectos o el presupuesto de forma dinámica y sencilla.

El problema con este esquema es que las consultoras tampoco se hacen responsables de los programadores, una de las razones es lo poco reguladas que están las empresas de outsourcing en el país. De entrada, normalmente no hay contrato firmado. Si lo hay, nadie lo respeta. La mayoría de las consultoras tienen varios regímenes ante Hacienda, siendo uno de ellos invariablemente ser una Cooperativa. . * Detalle del mural “Sufragio efectivo, no reelección” de Juan O’Gorman ¿Por qué permites esto? ¿Cómo evitar esto? Download Games | Free Download Games at IncrediGames Games Games. Renga Creators - Adam Russell and John Sears of Wall Four. Kanban (development)

This article is about the process management and improvement method. For the lean manufacturing process, see Kanban. Kanban in the context of software development can mean a visual process management system that tells what to produce, when to produce it, and how much to produce inspired by the Toyota Production System[1] and Lean manufacturing.[2] The name 'Kanban' originates from Japanese[看板], and translates roughly as "signboard" or "billboard".

It was formulated by David J. Anderson[3][4] as an approach to incremental, evolutionary process and systems change for organizations. It uses a work-in-progress limited pull system as the core mechanism to expose system operation (or process) problems and stimulate collaboration to continuously improve the system. Visualisation is an important aspect of Kanban as it allows to understand the work and the workflow.[5] Kanban is rooted in four basic principles: Start with existing process Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change 1. 2. 3. 4.

Actor model. History[edit] Major software implementation work was done by Russ Atkinson, Giuseppe Attardi, Henry Baker, Gerry Barber, Peter Bishop, Peter de Jong, Ken Kahn, Henry Lieberman, Carl Manning, Tom Reinhardt, Richard Steiger and Dan Theriault in the Message Passing Semantics Group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Research groups led by Chuck Seitz at California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Bill Dally at MIT constructed computer architectures that further developed the message passing in the model. See Actor model implementation. Research on the Actor model has been carried out at California Institute of Technology, Kyoto University Tokoro Laboratory, MCC, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, SRI, Stanford University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,[6] Pierre and Marie Curie University (University of Paris 6), University of Pisa, University of Tokyo Yonezawa Laboratory and elsewhere.

Fundamental concepts[edit] Formal systems[edit] Applications[edit] Reactive – Typesafe Platform - Typesafe. Get Started Now With Typesafe Activator What is a Reactive application? Reactive applications are a new class of applications that are becoming more and more prevalent in both Consumer and Enterprise-facing environments. Reactive applications are fundamentally different to the traditional web-based or mobile applications seen today and are distinguished by having one or more of the following defining traits: Event-Driven: Enables parallel, asynchronous processing of messages or events with ease.

Scalable: Can scale within and across nodes elastically to provide compute power on-demand when it’s needed. Resilient: The ability to recover and repair itself automatically in order to provide seamless business continuity. Responsive: Rich, engaging, single page user interfaces that provide instant feedback based on user interactions and other stimuli. Typesafe Reactive Platform Typesafe Activator Typesafe Activator helps you get started with the Typesafe Reactive Platform. A Solid Foundation. Mark Lynas. Main work and publications[edit] In January 2007, Lynas published Gem Carbon Counter,[4] containing instructions to calculate people's personal carbon emissions and recommendations about how to reduce their impact on the atmosphere.

In 2007, he published Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet, a book detailing the progressive effect of global warming in several planetary ecosystems, from 1 degree to 6 degrees and further of average temperature rise of the planet. Special coverage is given to the positive feedback mechanisms that could dramatically accelerate the climate change, possibly putting the climate on a runaway path.

As a possible end scenario the release of methane hydrate from the bottom of the oceans could replicate the end-Permian extinction event. This book won the Royal Society's science book of the year award in 2008.[5] In 2008, National Geographic released a documentary film based on Lynas's book, entitled Six Degrees Could Change the World.[6] References[edit] Counterfactual conditional.

Examples[edit] The difference between indicative and counterfactual conditionals, in a context of past time reference, can be illustrated with a pair of examples in which the if clause is in the past indicative in the first example but in the pluperfect subjunctive in the second: If Oswald did not shoot Kennedy, then someone else did.If Oswald had not shot Kennedy, then someone else would have. A corresponding pair of examples with present time reference uses the present indicative in the if clause of the first sentence but the past subjunctive in the second sentence's if clause: If it is raining, then he is inside.If it were raining, then he would be inside.

Here again, in the first sentence the if clause may or may not be true; the then clause may or may not be true but certainly (according to the speaker) is true conditional on the if clause being true. Psychology[edit] People engage in counterfactual thinking frequently. Comprehension[edit] Reasoning[edit] Psychological accounts[edit] Los 10 inventos de IBM que cambiaron el mundo. Enterprise resource planning. Picture showing some typical ERP modules Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a business management software—usually a suite of integrated applications—that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities, including: Product planning, costManufacturing or service deliveryMarketing and salesInventory managementShipping and payment ERP provides an integrated view of core business processes, often in real-time, using common databases maintained by a database management system.

ERP systems track business resources—cash, raw materials, production capacity—and the status of business commitments: orders, purchase orders, and payroll. The applications that make up the system share data across the various departments (manufacturing, purchasing, sales, accounting, etc.) that provide the data.[1] ERP facilitates information flow between all business functions, and manages connections to outside stakeholders.[2] History[edit] Origin of "ERP"[edit] Tips for an Elevated LinkedIn Profile | PMI Career Central. Google I/O 2009 - The Myth of the Genius Programmer. Las ‘mentes en red’ generan una nueva forma de economía.

Raysxr. Dianaromero. IAB. Diet. Projectbrainsaver. Renogamble. Don’t Waste Your Twenties — Part 1: Taking Advantage of the Unique Powers of the Twentysomething Brain. Amy Cuddy: El lenguaje corporal moldea nuestra identidad. 15 year old invents New Method of Diagnosing Cancer. Midi Controller Jacket v1.0 by MACHINA. The Creators Project - "This idea has the potential to be revolutionary in the live performance aspect of controller-based music.

" TechCrunch - "This is a cool concept and an interesting and kinetic way to trigger and control beats and sounds.“ Ubergizmo - "Definitely one of the more interesting articles of clothing that might just baffle future archaeologists as they dig this up under a pile of nuclear dust" Hypebeast - "Pieces like this are the next step for a DJ to bring his live show to the next stratosphere. " Dj Techtools -"Why not wear your MIDI controller on you while you’re walking around? " THE WEARABLE MACHINES PROJECT I MJ v1.0 Imagine being able to create music by using your body as an interface. We are working with the best musicians, DJ's and electronic artists worldwide to make this project a success. The MJ v1.0All of our jackets draw their inspiration from electronic component devices.

DEMO I MJ v1.0 The Money Where is the money going? Contact. Mpemba effect. The Mpemba effect, named after Erasto Mpemba, is the assertion that, in some circumstances, warmer water can freeze faster than colder water. Although there is evidence[1][2][3] of the effect, there is no agreement on exactly what the effect is and under what circumstances it occurs. There have been reports of similar phenomena since ancient times, although with insufficient detail for the claims to be replicated.

The phenomenon seems contrary to intuition, but a number of possible explanations for the effect have been proposed. Further investigations will need to decide on a precise definition of "freezing" and control a vast number of starting parameters in order to confirm or explain the effect. Effect definition[edit] Although widely mentioned, there are very few, if any, modern descriptions of exactly what the effect is and how it may be observed.

Observations[edit] Historical context[edit] Mpemba's observation[edit] The effect is named after Tanzanian Erasto Mpemba. Recent views[edit] ERA in Moscow.m4v. Los Catedráticos: Optimismo vs pesimismo - 19/05/11. Viber - Free calls, Free text messages, photo and location sharing. Reactive answer set programming. Alianzas y socios. Salud y Poder. [GET] Top Books for Entrepreneurs Part 3. What's Included:******************************Growing a Business - Paul Hawken ========================================The Republic of Tea: The Story of the Creation of a Business, as Told Through the Personal Letters of Its Founders by Mel Ziegler ==========================================The Force by David Dorsey =========================To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design ======================================Questions of Character: Illuminating the Heart of Leadership Through Literature - Joseph L.

Badaracco Jr. Inicio. German Energy Transition. Corey Haines, Software Journeyman. Enlace de Bibliotecas Digitales: Psicología,Emergencias (13 títulos) Is the formal semantics of first-order logic ambiguous. El Condicionamiento Operante y su Implicancia en las Redes Sociales: "Facebook" Esta entrada tiene fines inmensamente didácticos para todo estudiante de psicología, específicamente para alguna cátedra de psicología de aprendizaje, desde el paradigma conductual o "conductual-cognitivo". El tema es condicionamiento operante. Para ser precisos, no existe uno solo, y existen diversas teorizaciones con respecto a los mecanismos que los fundamentan, las cuales ustedes mismos en el estudio de la literatura relacionada aprenderán.

Sin embargo, para no entrar en polémicas, y fomentar el entendimiento de la lógica con lo que trabaja esto, prefiero compararlo y complementarlo con la teoría de la evolución. Básicamente, los sujetos más exitosos (fitness) tiene más descendencia y propagan sus genes a nueva generación, extendiéndose de este modo X genes exitosos, y extinguiéndose Y genes que no lo son. Esta misma idea, ha sido aplicada en el ámbito de las neurociencias, G. Para introducir con algo practico entonces todo esto teórico, lo aplicaremos a algo de uso diario.

Ebooks online. Online Event Software, Registration & Events Management Software. Coinduction. To generate and manipulate codata, one typically uses corecursive functions, in conjunction with lazy evaluation. Informally, rather than defining a function by pattern-matching on each of the inductive constructors, one defines each of the "destructors" or "observers" over the function result. In programming, the co-logic paradigm (Co-LP for brevity) "is a natural generalization of logic programming and coinductive logic programming, which in turn generalizes other extensions of logic programming, such as infinite trees, lazy predicates, and concurrent communicating predicates. Co-LP has applications to rational trees, verifying infinitary properties, lazy evaluation, concurrent LP, model checking, bisimilarity proofs, etc.

"[1] Experimental implementations of Co-LP are available from U.T.Dallas [2] and in Logtalk (for examples see [3]) and SWI-Prolog. See also[edit] References[edit] Further reading[edit] Norbert Elias. Peter Diamandis - The best way to predict the future. Scientific Computing | Coursera. The Community of Reason, a self-assessment and a manifesto. By Massimo Pigliucci I have been an active member of the self-described Community of Reason since about 1997. By that term I mean the broad set encompassing skeptics, atheists and secular humanists (and all the assorted synonyms thereof: freethinkers, rationalists, and even brights).

The date is easily explainable: in 1996 I had moved from Brown University — where I did my postdoc — to the University of Tennessee, were I was appointed assistant professor in the Departments of Botany and of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. A few months after my arrival in Knoxville, the extremely (to this day) unenlightened TN legislature began discussing a bill that would have allowed school boards to fire teachers who presented evolution as a fact rather than a theory (it is both, of course). But in fact it took only a couple more polite attempts on their part before I joined the group and, by proxy, the broader Community of Reason (henceforth, CoR).

What am I talking about? * The Singularity is near! Ananda Marga: A Journey in Joy (full version) Wall of Films! | Films For Action. Just imagine what could become possible if an entire city had seen just one of the documentaries above. Just imagine what would be possible if everyone in the country was aware of how unhealthy the mainstream media was for our future and started turning to independent sources in droves.

Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. From all the documentaries above, it's evident that our society needs a new story to belong to. The old story of empire and dominion over the earth has to be looked at in the full light of day - all of our ambient cultural stories and values that we take for granted and which remain invisible must become visible.

But most of all, we need to see the promise of the alternatives - we need to be able to imagine new exciting ways that people could live, better than anything that the old paradigm could ever dream of providing. So take this library of films and use it. Dark Matters Twisted But True - Season 1 Episode 5. Welcome to Project Camelot - Project Camelot. FARMAGEDDON. A Disambiguation Process (also PiALOG, PiALOGIC, PiALOGICAL), PiALOGUE Books for References, Triangulate TRUTH, Transcend Bohm Dialogue and Improve Upon Socratic Dialogical Methodology (Socratic Dialogue), Updated: 16 Aug 2012. Superveniencia.

En filosofía, la superveniencia es una relación de dependencia entre propiedades de 'alto nivel' y de 'bajo nivel'. Un grupo de propiedades X superviene de un grupo de propiedades Y cuando las propiedades del grupo X están determinadas por las del grupo Y. Formalmente, un grupo de propiedades X superviene de un grupo de propiedades Y si y sólo si, para todos los objetos a y b se cumple cualquiera de las siguientes condiciones (lógicamente equivalentes): a y b no pueden diferir en las propiedades de su grupo X sin diferir también de las propiedades del grupo Y.Si a y b tienen propiedades idénticas a las del grupo Y, entonces también tienen propiedades idénticas a las del grupo X.Si a y b no tienen propiedades idénticas al grupo X, entonces tampoco tienen propiedades idénticas a las del grupo Y.

Si las propiedades de A supervienen las propiedades de B, las propiedades de B son las propiedades base y las de A son llamadas propiedades supervenientes. Ejemplos[editar] Críticas[editar] LA SOCIEDAD DE LOS POETAS MUERTOS. Best Young Adult Novels, Best Teen Fiction, Top 100 Teen Novels. Limón+bicarbonato = fraude « Misterios al descubierto. Keek - Share Quick Video Updates With Friends. 12 great free online courses. EL POR QUE DE LAS CREENCIAS? Sam Harris (parte 1)

Elephant Princess Die Rettung von Manjipoor Folge 1 Neues und Altes. 2012 Un mensaje de Esperanza (SUBTITULADO AL ESPAÑOL).mp4. Science Fiction Writer Robert J. Sawyer: Spiritual Machines. THE MARMALADE Identity. David Icke. Top 10 métodos modernos de control mental de las masas. How artificial intelligences will see us. SaveMyDay > deals > México DF. The World’s Largest Body Transformation Program: An interview with Dr. John Berardi. The Biology Of Perception - Where Mind and Matter Meet. Saga de la Fundación. Two Steps From Hell. Cancer Truth | Alternative Cancer Treatments. Technology - Daniel C. Dennett - 'A Perfect and Beautiful Machine': What Darwin's Theory of Evolution Reveals About Artificial Intelligence. IDMA's - 2012 IDMA Nominees FOR 2011 - Winter Music Conference 2012 - WMC 2012. Confabulation. Datos, información, conocimiento, sabiduría - Epistemowikia.