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Google for Educators - Resources for using Google in school. I am a huge proponent and user of Google tools, both for myself and in my classroom.

Google for Educators - Resources for using Google in school

Here are some great resources for educators who want to learn more about using Google's many tools in their classroom. Last week, Kathy Schrock posted a great interactive image of Google tools listed by Bloom's taxonomy levels. It is a great way to search for Google tools as you work to create activities for your students. Google for Educators Mind Map is an interesting site that has resources for educators for using Google tools in the classroom.

It has classroom posters, links to Google tools by topic, links to help resources, and links to discussions and more about Google. Google For Educators - Google's official page for educators. Google Accessibility - Google's page with tips, links and resources for using accessibility features in Google tools. Google List of Tools - this page has a listing of the major Google tools available. Google Tutor - how-to's, tech tips, and more on Google tools. Resources - ePortfolios with GoogleApps. Have Google Grade your Tests for You! Many people have talked about using Google Forms in your classroom as a way of assessment.

Have Google Grade your Tests for You!

This is especially helpful if you are going for a paperless classroom or you have a 1:1 deployment with i-Pads or mobile computers. The best part of creating your assessments in Google Forms is the ability to have the spreadsheet do all of the work for you. Lets take a look at how to have Flubaroo a script for Google spreadsheets grade your assesments for you! The first thing we have to do is create our assessment in Google Forms. We do this by logging into our Google Docs account (if you do not have Google apps or a Gmail account you can sign up for one here) and clicking on “Create New” and then “Form” Go through and setup your questions. Now take the test your self with the correct answers. Assign your test to your students via email or other means.

When you open it you will see your answers that you submitted earlier: In the toolbar click on “Insert” and than click on “Script” i.e. TICAL - Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership. GoogleApps Walkthrough and Observation Forms (Update: Tech Support Forms) As I highlighted in this blog entry--it's possible to use GoogleApps for Education Forms to conduct walkthroughs and observations.

GoogleApps Walkthrough and Observation Forms (Update: Tech Support Forms)

This can save Districts money...right? In that blog entry I suggested the following: Imagine a GoogleApps workbook that would allow a form per worksheet. Now, imagine that such a workbook contained worksheets--with accompanying forms--from every principal in a school district, or for every teacher in a school. Since the data was already in one workbook, it would be a simple matter of aggregating results, running summaries with pretty graphs of the data that would represent District needs.

Although I'm not aware if that's possible, others are sharing how they are using GoogleApps for Education Forms to save money while they do something that most campus administrators do every day--observe teachers via walkthroughs. If you combine the idea of self-grading GoogleForms, you get an entirely different possibility.