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Pricing. Automating Layouts Bring Flipboard’s Magazine Style To Web And Windows. An error occurred with this part of the page, sorry for the inconvenience.

Automating Layouts Bring Flipboard’s Magazine Style To Web And Windows

Good layout design frames a story and impacts how you are informed by the content. For example, in the hallways of Sports Illustrated, editors hang up every page of the print edition to be reviewed... Twitter announced today it’s partnering with news organizations The Associated Press (AP) and Reuters to expand its efforts focused on highlighting reliable news and information on its platfo... How To Build Habits In A Multi-Device World. Editor’s Note: This excerpt is authored by Nir Eyal and appears in Michal Levin’s new book, Designing Multi-Device Experiences.

How To Build Habits In A Multi-Device World

Nir Eyal is also the author of Hooked: A Guide to Building Habit Forming Products and blogs at Allow me to take liberties with a philosophical question reworked for our digital age. If an app fails in the App Store and no one is around to use it, does it make a difference? Unlike the age-old thought experiment involving trees in forests, the answer to this riddle is easy.

Major site functions

Walkaround - Wave on App Engine. Conexus. - from world wide web to Realtime Web! Icon Search Engine. Silk Icons. “Silk” is a smooth, free icon set, containing over 700 16-by-16 pixel icons in strokably-soft PNG format.

Silk Icons

Containing a large variety of icons, you're sure to find something that tickles your fancy. And all for a low low price of $0.00. You can't say fairer than that. Current version: 1.3. View all icons (.png file, 1Mb) Download License I also love to hear of my work being used, feel encouraged to send an email with a link or screenshot of the icons in their new home to mjames at gmail dot com. The icons can also be used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (Hi Debian folks!) As an author, I would appreciate a reference to my authorship of the Silk icon set contents within a readme file or equivalent documentation for the software which includes the set or a subset of the icons contained within.

Web Fonts. Typekit. Cloud Computing for dummies. Cloud Computing. Cloud Playground. Social Media.


Website creation. Insoshi's insoshi at master - GitHub. Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers. Web Toolkit - Google Code. Test everything — 100+ tools in one! Choose the tools with that you want to test the given adress: CSS and HTML validators.

test everything — 100+ tools in one!

Buildor / Pro. Technical Overview - Native Client. Native Client (NaCl) is an open-source technology for running native compiled code in the browser, with the goal of maintaining the portability and safety that users expect from web applications.

Technical Overview - Native Client

Native Client expands web programming beyond JavaScript, enabling developers to enhance their web applications using their preferred language. This document describes some of the key benefits and common use cases of Native Client. Google has implemented the open-source Native Client project in the Chrome browser on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS. The Native Client Software Development Kit (SDK), itself an open-source project, lets developers create web applications that use NaCl and run in Chrome across multiple platforms. Balsamiq. MyBalsamiq. Website Tools. Habitat - Scalable digital publishing for professionals. Webmaster Academy - Webmaster Tools Help. Carriots. Database. Web2.0. The Linking Open Data cloud diagram.


Search. Principles & techniques. Visual Thinking. Data Mining: Text Mining, Visualization and Social Media. The Turing Test for artificial intelligence is a reasonably well understood idea: if, through a written form of communication, a machine can convince a human that it too is a human, then it passes the test.

Data Mining: Text Mining, Visualization and Social Media

The elegance of this approach (which I believe is its primary attraction) is that it avoids any troublesome definition of intelligence and appeals to an innate ability in humans to detect entities which are not 'one of us'. This form of AI is the one that is generally presented in entertainment (films, novels, etc.). However, to an engineer, there are some problems with this as the accepted popular idea of artificial intelligence. I believe that software engineering can be evaluated in a simple measure of productivity.

Vizualization. Many Eyes. All The Cheat Sheets An Up To Date Web Designer Needs: CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery. The Sun is Setting on Rails-style MVC Frameworks « How I Designed in 1 Hour. Code Year is a great initiative by the folks behind Codecademy.

How I Designed in 1 Hour

The concept is simple: sign up to Code Year, and each week you’ll receive a new coding exercise. By the end of the year, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a coder. Did you know Codecademy is hiring designers and developers right now? Take a look if you want to join a great startup! So far more than 75,000 people have signed up for the newsletter, making this one of the most quickly successful projects I’ve ever been involved with by far!

IntenseDebate comments enhance and encourage conversation on your blog or website. Introducing Brafton's Infographic: Why content for SEO? The Java™ Tutorials. The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications.

The Java™ Tutorials

They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails". The Java Tutorials primarily describe features in Java SE 8. For best results, download JDK 8. Learn REST: A Tutorial. Webstuffshare – Learn and share. The simplest harmony. The Missing Native/Web App Link: Google Says Native Client Almost Ready To Go. We’ve written a number of things about the contrast between native apps and web apps.

The Missing Native/Web App Link: Google Says Native Client Almost Ready To Go

The common consensus these days is that the two will eventually converge — but that has been happening more slowly than some have been hoping, particularly in the mobile space where native apps dominate. On the more traditional side of things, the transition is happening faster, but something Google has been working on could be the real missing link: Native Client. And according to Google, it’s getting close to being ready for primetime. Getting Started with Responsive Web Design - A Dummies Guide.

This guide answers common questions around Responsive Web Design, a technique for building mobile and tablet websites that is also recommended by Google.

Getting Started with Responsive Web Design - A Dummies Guide

Google has officially recommended Responsive Web Design as their preferred method for building mobile websites. If you have a website or a blog, it is time that you seriously consider switching to a responsive design instead of maintaining a separate mobile-friendly (or tablet-friendly) website. If you are new to the concept of Responsive Web Design (RWD), here’s a quick guide that should answer most of the common questions that you may have around this technique. Let’s get started. Open Web Design - Download Free Web Design Templates. EPUB. EPUB (short for electronic publication; sometimes styled ePub) is a free and open e-book standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF).

Files have the extension .epub. EPUB is designed for reflowable content, meaning that an EPUB reader can optimize text for a particular display device. EPUB also supports fixed-layout content. The format is intended as a single format that publishers and conversion houses can use in-house, as well as for distribution and sale. It supersedes the Open eBook standard.[2]


HTML. CSS. JavaScript. Semantic Web. Graphs. Graph. Web tools/APIs.