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Laboratoires ou projets de recherche

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Actualités - Grenoble Ecole de Management, EM/ESC. Game Research Lab | The website of the game research group in the University of Tampere. Serious Game Lab. Serious game research network | Projet seriousgamereaserchnetwork. PatientGeneSys - Projet collaboratif de simulation numérique en santé. Pédagogie universitaire - Enseigner et Apprendre en Enseignement Supérieur | Ressources pour le conseil et la formation pédagogique dans l’enseignement supérieur. MEDESIM. Enseignants, élèves et jeux vidéo.

Information and communication technologies in education. By admin — last modified 2017-11-22 10:08 The very fast evolution of working and learning environments deeply questions school and society. The development of shared digital fluency is presented as a political, social and educational objective. This results in keen institutional demands for a development of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) by the pupils, the teachers and by all the actors of education. The need for understanding the complexity of ICT integration for educational purposes gave rise, at the national and international levels, to a very significant development of research interested in the design of computer-based environments and in the inquiry into the usage and the learning.

EducTice team of IFE (French Institute for Education) contributes to advancing this research. EducTice onTwitter : @EducTice. Accueil. LUDUS project. Homepage | LabGamificationLabGamification | Le Lab de la Gamification. GAPS. LudoScience - Scientific research laboratory dedicated to videogames and Serious Games.