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Avril - juin 2021

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05.21 The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility and Educational Migration. 05.21 Human Displacement from a Global South Perspective - Migration Dynamics in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. 06.21 - Unequal Neighbors - Paperback - Kristen Hill Maher, David Carruthers. Unequal Neighbors Place Stigma and the Making of a Local Border Kristen Hill Maher and David Carruthers Reviews and Awards "Drawing on diverse sources of information, the authors have reconstructed images and imaginaries that for over a century San Diego's multiple urban actors have constructed about Tijuana, the neighboring city across the border.

06.21 - Unequal Neighbors - Paperback - Kristen Hill Maher, David Carruthers

In their interpretations of these reconstructions, they have identified, in both opinion and praxis, features that show a willingness for more openness (debordering) as well as for more closure (bordering) of the international border between the cities. 05.21 - Crossing: How We Label and React to People on the Move. Today, the concept of "the refugee" as distinct from other migrants looms large.

05.21 - Crossing: How We Label and React to People on the Move

Immigration laws have developed to reinforce a dichotomy between those viewed as voluntary, often economically motivated, migrants who can be legitimately excluded by potential host states, and those viewed as forced, often politically motivated, refugees who should be let in. In Crossing, Rebecca Hamlin argues against advocacy positions that cling to this distinction. Everything we know about people who decide to move suggests that border crossing is far more complicated than any binary, or even a continuum, can encompass. Drawing on cases of various "border crises" across Europe, North America, South America, and the Middle East, Hamlin outlines major inconsistencies and faulty assumptions on which the binary relies. The migrant/refugee binary is not just an innocuous shorthand—indeed, its power stems from the way in which it is painted as apolitical. About the author —Elizabeth F. "A remarkable book. 03.21 Migration et changement climatique – ISTE Editions.

Cet ouvrage vise à mieux saisir la manière dont les cultures humaines interagissent au regard du changement climatique.

03.21 Migration et changement climatique – ISTE Editions

Il conjugue le passé et le présent sur une longue période allant des premières formes d’organisation à la gestion organisationnelle dans le monde contemporain. Migration et changement climatique emprunte une approche initiée par le philosophe Michel Foucault qui définit la spiritualité comme la recherche, la pratique, l’expérience par lesquelles le sujet opère sur lui-même les transformations nécessaires pour accéder à la vérité. L’ouvrage analyse les changements climatiques de grande ampleur qui apportent des transformations significatives dans les premières cultures humaines. Il s’interroge également, en temps de changement climatique d’origine anthropique, sur le rôle des organisations et les élaborations de nouveaux cadres d’action. Table des matièresIntroduction.

03.21 VISAGES DU RACISME CONTEMPORAIN : LES DÉFIS D'UNE APPROCHE INTERCULTURELLE - Sous la direction de Dominique Tiana Razafindratsimba, Lilyane Rachedi, Fabio Perocco, Bochra Manaï et Michèle Vatz Laaroussi. 04.21 - UN Global Compacts : Governing Migrants and Refugees. Book Description UN Global Compacts is a concise introduction to the key concepts, issues, and actors in global migration governance and presents a comprehensive analysis of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, the Global Compact on Refugees, and the Global Compact for Migration.

04.21 - UN Global Compacts : Governing Migrants and Refugees

The book places the declaration and compacts within their historical context, traces the evolution of global migration governance, and evaluates the implementation of the compacts. Ultimately, the global compacts were the result of three wider shifts in global governance from hard to soft law, from rights to aid, and from Cold War politics to nationalism. The book is an important contribution to international relations and migration studies and provides essential information on the NY declaration and the global compacts, in addition to an examination of the: • Negotiating blocs and strategies • Populist backlash to the Global Compact for Migration. 02.21 Le Triangle et l'Hexagone - Maboula SOUMAHORO. « À l’aune des pages qui ont précédé, je décide d’être noire.

02.21 Le Triangle et l'Hexagone - Maboula SOUMAHORO

Non pas de la manière dont l’histoire m’a définie et façonnée sur la base de mon corps. Je suis noire de la manière dont les corps qui ressemblent au mien ont réagi, combattu, contesté, résisté et se sont soustraits à ces tentatives anciennes, répétées et organisées d’infériorisation ». Maboula Soumahoro conclut ainsi sa passionnante réflexion sur l’identité noire, dans un livre qui paraît cette semaine aux éditions de la Découverte : Le Triangle et l’Hexagone.

Son histoire de transfuge de classe et de fille d’immigrés ivoiriens ayant finalement rejoint New York pour ses études rencontre la longue histoire du commerce triangulaire et de la diaspora noire/africaine, dont elle est spécialiste. Ou comment une intellectuelle devient son propre sujet d’étude. 03.21 Héritages coloniaux : les Suisses d'Algérie - Seismo Verlag - Éditions Seismo - Seismo Press. Marisa Fois.

03.21 Héritages coloniaux : les Suisses d'Algérie - Seismo Verlag - Éditions Seismo - Seismo Press

08.21 - The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping. 06.21 - La ronde des mondes. Migrants et aliments en circulation entre Sénégal, Maroc et France - Karthala. 05.2021 - The Refugee in International Law - Paperback - Guy Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam. The Refugee in International Law Fourth Edition.

05.2021 - The Refugee in International Law - Paperback - Guy Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam

05.2021 - Refugees: A Very Short Introduction - Gil Loescher. Refugees and other forced migrants are one of the great contemporary challenges the world is confronting.

05.2021 - Refugees: A Very Short Introduction - Gil Loescher

Throughout the world people leave their home countries to escape war, natural disasters, and cultural and political oppression. Unfortunately, even today, the international community struggles to provide an adequate response to this vast population in need. This Very Short Introduction covers a broad range of issues around the causes and impact of the contemporary refugee crisis for both receiving states and societies, for global order, and for refugees and other forced migrants themselves. Gil Loescher discusses the identity of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons and how they differ from other forced migrants. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area.

07.21 Integration Requirements for Immigrants in Europe: A Legal-Philosophical Inquiry: Tamar de Waal: Hart Publishing. List of AbbreviationsIntroduction1.

07.21 Integration Requirements for Immigrants in Europe: A Legal-Philosophical Inquiry: Tamar de Waal: Hart Publishing

Methodological Considerations2. Academic Relevance and Contribution to the Literature3. Preliminary Remarks4. Outline of the Book. Le grand changement 06/21. 05.21 - Un-Settling Middle Eastern Refugees: Regimes Of Exclusion And Inclusion In The Middle East, Europe, And North America. 06.21 Integration Requirements for Immigrants in Europe: A Legal-Philosophical Inquiry: Tamar de Waal: Hart Publishing. 05.2021 - The Refugee in International Law - Paperback - Guy Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam.

05.21 - Island of Hope by Megan A. Carney. 10.21 - Race : A Philosophical Introduction. 05.21 Migrant Labour and the Reshaping of Employment Law: Bernard Ryan: Hart Publishing. This book examines the implications of labour migration for employment law regimes in highly-developed countries.

05.21 Migrant Labour and the Reshaping of Employment Law: Bernard Ryan: Hart Publishing

It adopts a comparative approach, with some chapters providing thematic overviews of the challenges posed by migration for employment law, and others addressing the main effects of migration upon employment law in particular countries. The context of the book is the increased importance of actual and potential migration to the labour markets of highly-developed countries. Resident migrants' share of the labour force has increased markedly since the early 1990s, with the International Labour Organisation estimating that in 2013, there were 112 million migrant workers in the 58 highest-income countries, who made up 16% of the workforce.