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John Wilkes Booth's Original Plan to Save the South | Smithsonian Magazine. What Booth Said After He Killed Lincoln | Smithsonian Magazine. What Booth Said After He Killed Lincoln. America the Story of Us: Lincoln. Gettysburg - Little Round Top Battle - Bayonet Charge. Gods and Generals ~Battle of Antietam. The Battle of Gettysburg - Part 1. US Civil War. Pickett's Charge. Stonewall Jackson Exclusive Videos & Features. The Gettysburg Address: A New Declaration of Independence Video - The Gettysburg Address.

The Original Gettysburg Address Video - The Gettysburg Address. Robert E. Lee refuses command of the Union Army. First Bull Run. GODS AND GENERALS~Jackson's Speech. Gods & Generals: Reloading Rifle. Battle of Antietam. Sherman and the Burning of Atlanta. Grant and Sherman Lead the Union. General Sherman's Legacy. Sherman's March - 1of5. Sherman's Terrifying Tactics Video - American Civil War History.