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35 Life Hacks You Should Know - Shareables. Desert Sand Mica. How To Live Forever [Infographic] To add this infographic to your blog or website, just copy and paste the code below: <a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" width="600" height="7646" border="0" and style="border: none" /></a><p>Get <a href=" and fitness tips</a> at</p> How to Live Forever The quest for immortality is as old as history itself. Today, we study the habits of those who live the longest, and invest countless billions in technology we hope will allow us to live forever.

Life expectancy is the statistical measurement of the years a newborn child can expect to live, barring accidents and unnatural events. What Stops Us from Living Forever? No one has found a way to cheat death, at least not yet. Add Years to Your Life Specific lifestyle choices may help you live a longer, healthy life. 1. Scientific Breakthroughs. Dreams-Meaning-Infographic.jpg (630×1350)

Training. Bruce Lee quotes. How to Make Introductions. Have you ever been at a party with a guy who runs into somebody he knows and starts yammering away while you stand there awkwardly, holding your drink? Man, I hate when that happens. You’re left in social limbo. I usually have to just take things into my own hands and introduce myself, which is fine, but the exchange would have been much smoother had my friend introduced me to his buddies. Being introduced invites you into the conversation and makes you feel like part of the group, which is why making an introduction shows your respect for your guest. Neglecting to make an introduction leaves a person feeling ignored and, well, awkward. Making introductions is particularly important in business settings as they establish a rapport of respect, get relationships off on the right foot, and give you an aura of being confident, prepared, and in control.

With our more casual culture, the art of the gentlemanly introduction has disappeared, but we’re here to help bring it back. The Big Rule. Logical Paradoxes. The secret powers of time. What happened in my birth year? Right Now. How to Sleep Well.