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ASTR 1230, Whittle [Fall 2009]. Lecture Notes. Earthlights2_dmsp_big.jpg (JPEG Image, 2400x1200 pixels) - Scaled (58. Gravity_wells_large.png (PNG Image, 2160x934 pixels) - Scaled (65. The-Observable-Universe.jpg (JPEG Image, 3850x1925 pixels) - Scaled (36%) Transit_iss_moon_101220_25.jpg (JPEG Image, 1032x1032 pixels) New estimate for alien Earths: 2 billion in our galaxy alone.

Roughly one out of every 37 to one out of every 70 sunlike stars in the sky might harbor an alien Earth, a new study reveals. These findings hint that billions of Earthlike planets might exist in our galaxy, researchers added. These new calculations are based in data from the Kepler space telescope, which in February wowed the globe by revealing more than 1,200 possible alien worlds, including 68 potentially Earth-size planets. The spacecraft does so by looking for the dimming that occurs when a world transits or moves in front of a star. Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., focused on roughly Earth-size planets within the habitable zones of their stars — that is, orbits where liquid water can exist on the surfaces of those worlds. [The Strangest Alien Planets] "This means there are a lot of Earth analogs out there — two billion in the Milky Way galaxy," researcher Joseph Catanzarite, an astronomer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told

Have We Found The Universe That Existed Before The Big Bang? Planetarium - Interactive star map and virtual sky. Photopic Sky Survey. Beautiful Planet - Oh I so want to go to the ISS! Indian Ocean Maldives “The sunny side of life” is a catchphrase used to attract tourists to the Maldive Islands.

Well it certainly looks heavenly from the ISS. Time to order a large drink, you know, one with a lot of fruit and a little umbrella, then stretch out on a hammock and just enjoy life, watching what I can only imagine a marvelous sunset. Image Credit: NASA/ESA, Russian Federal Space Agency, Maxim Suraeva and Oleg Kotov I for one am very pleased that the astronauts on the ISS (heroes in my humble opinion) keep sharing images of our beautiful planet with the rest of us.

The privilege of viewing earth from space is only granted to a very select few. However, thanks to these images, it is almost like we get to go up there ourselves. The real kick is, we’ve seen images like this before, created in special effect studios in Hollywood. . [34 pictures] Hint: Use “J” and “K” keys to navigate from picture to picture. Pacific Ocean Hawaii Aloha! Image credit: NASA/ESA Image: NASA/ESA.