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Kvh: Getting started with Ramp: Detecting insults. Ramp is a python library for rapid machine learning prototyping. It provides a simple, declarative syntax for exploring features, algorithms and transformations quickly and efficiently. At its core it's a pandas wrapper around various python machine learning and statistics libraries (scikit-learn, rpy2, etc.). Some features:Fast caching and persistence of all intermediate and final calculations -- nothing is recomputed unnecessarily.Advanced training and preparation logic. Ramp respects the current training set, even when using complex trained features and blended predictions, and also tracks the given preparation set (the x values used in feature preparation -- e.g. the mean and stdev used for feature normalization.)A growing library of feature transformations, metrics and estimators.

Detecting insults Let's try Ramp out on the Kaggle Detecting Insults in Social Commentary challenge. First, we load up the data using pandas. Anyways, let's set up a DataContext for Ramp. Predictions. Nltk - Boston Text Analytics. Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), Basics. Statistical Machine Learning for Text Classification with scikit-le...

Statistical Learning and Text Classification with NLTK and scikit-l... Linguistic Atlas Projects. North American Accents and Dialects | Dialect Blog. Public Domain / CIA NOTE: This guide uses the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For information about this notation, please visit my page of International Phonetic Alphabet Resources. There are obviously many North American accents. For reference, here is a list of only the most common classifications in the United States and Canada. General American This refers to the spectrum of ‘standard’ English spoken by newscasters, TV actors, and a large percentage of middle-class Americans. Prominent Features: The short-a (as in cat) is raised and diphthongized before nasal consonants.

Accent Samples: Eastern New England English This describes the classic “Boston Accent.” New York City English One of the more famous American accents, the classic “New Yorkese” has been immortalized by films (“Goodfellas,” “Marty,” and “Manhattan,” among countless others), TV shows (“All in the Family,” “Seinfeld,” “King of Queens”) and plays (“A View from the Bridge,” “Lost in Yonkers,” “Guys and Dolls”). Conclusion. American Dialect Links. Bastibe/PyAudio. PyAudio: PortAudio v19 Python Bindings. PyAudio is still super-duper alpha quality. It has run on GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Apple Mac OS X—but it could use more testing. PyAudio is inspired by: pyPortAudio/fastaudio: Python bindings for PortAudio v18 API.

TkSnack: cross-platform sound toolkit for Tcl/Tk and Python. What's new January 30, 2014 Many thanks to Sebastian Audet, who wrote instructions for building PyAudio using Microsoft Visual Studio! November 14, 2012 This web page has been translated to Polish—thanks to the efforts of Katia Osipova! October 27, 2012 PyAudio 0.2.7 is a new release with: Modernized documentation format Fix for callback (non-blocking) operation Binaries for Python 3.3 Thanks again to Bastian Bechtold for his help converting the documentation for use with Sphinx! October 14, 2012 PyAudio 0.2.6 is a new release with: Python 3 support Callback (non-blocking) operation Bug fixes Many thanks to Bastian Bechtold and Bob Jamison for their contributions! August 22, 2012 April 20, 2012 March 7, 2012 Download. Pylinkgrammar. CMU Sphinx: Topic: Text Alignment.