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Shiny. Mixpanel | Mobile Analytics. Digital Marketing Software from Kenshoo. LoudDoor. DataSift | Data On Demand. Euclid - Breakthrough analytics for offline retail. Probability and Statistics Cookbook | Matthias Vallentin. The cookbook contains a succinct representation of various topics in probability theory and statistics. It provides a comprehensive reference reduced to the mathematical essence, rather than aiming for elaborate explanations.

Download Last updated: January 24, 2014 Language: english The LaTeX source code is available on github and comes with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Feel encouraged to extend the cookbook by forking it and submitting pull requests. To reproduce in a different context, please contact me. The cookbook aims to be language agnostic and factors out its textual elements into a separate dictionary. It is thus possible to translate the entire cookbook without needing to change the core LaTeX source and simply providing a new dictionary file. The current translation setup is heavily geared to Roman languages, as this was the easiest way to begin with. Kaggle, we're making data science a sport. Net Promoter - What Is Net Promoter? - How to Calculate Your Score. Think Insights with Google.

Social Marketing Platform for Measuring ROI & Customer Acquisition | Crowd Factory. ThinkUp: Social Media Insights Platform. Social Media Monitoring and Analysis Made Easy | RowFeeder. Booshaka. Project Daytona: Iterative MapReduce on Windows Azure. Microsoft has developed an iterative MapReduce runtime for Windows Azure, code-named Daytona. Project Daytona is designed to support a wide class of data analytics and machine-learning algorithms. It can scale to hundreds of server cores for analysis of distributed data. Project Daytona was developed as part of the eXtreme Computing Group’s Cloud Research Engagement Initiative.

News On July 26, 2011, we released an updated Daytona community technical preview (CTP) that contains fixes that are related to scalability. Overview Project Daytona on Window Azure is now available, along with a deployment guide, developer and user documentation, and code samples for both data analysis algorithms and client application. Included in the CTP Refresh (July 26, 2011) This refresh to the Daytona CTP contains the following enhancments: Included in the CTP Release (July 18, 2011) About Project Daytona. Data Science Toolkit. Contact Us - Conversion University Help. Real time Site Personalization and behavioral targeting solution. Social Media and Text Mining Analytics | Social CRM Tools | Collective Intellect.

Oracle Social Cloud is a cloud service that helps you manage and scale your relationship with customers on social media channels. Oracle has integrated the best-in-class social relationship management (SRM) components - social listening, social engagement, social publishing, social content & apps, and social analytics - into one unified cloud service to give you the most complete SRM solution on the market. Why Oracle? Only Oracle can connect every interaction your customer has with your brand. Our goal is to help you deliver the best customer experience wherever your customer touches your brand. Marketing Tools. Apple iPhone App Analytics, Mobile Ad Exchange: Mobclix. Sentiment and Text Analytics: Lexalytics, Inc. Survey Software, Enterprise Feedback Management, Voice of the Customer | Build Online Surveys with Qualtrics Survey Software. Web Analytics Solution Profiler (WASP)

Real Time Search - Social Mention. Viralheat | Social media monitoring and analytics. PeopleBrowsr.