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Releases July 2012 U.S. Online Video Rankings. August 17, 2012 comScore Releases July 2012 U.S. Online Video Rankings Machinima Captures #2 Position in YouTube Partner Channel Rankings for the First Time RESTON, VA, August 17, 2012 – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released data from the comScore Video Metrix service showing that more than 184 million U.S. Top 10 Video Content Properties by Unique Viewers Google Sites, driven primarily by video viewing at, ranked as the top online video content property in July with 157 million unique viewers, followed by with 53 million, Yahoo! *A video is defined as any streamed segment of audiovisual content, including both progressive downloads and live streams. Top 10 Video Ad Properties by Video Ads Viewed Americans viewed 9.6 billion video ads in July, with each of the top 4 video ad properties delivering more than 1-billion video ads.

Note: In July 2012 U.S. Top 10 YouTube Partner Channels by Unique Viewers. Facebook Now The Web’s Second-Most-Popular Video Site. 5 Awesome Content Creation Tools You Should Be Using. Getting started creating remarkable content can be a challenging concept for folks who have never done it before. Below are five tools that you can use to make your content more user friendly. These tools also make your life a lot easier too because of their simplicity. 1. - Twitter is considered a microblog. The posts are called ‘tweets’ and they are a maximum of 140 characters in length. 2. 3. 4. Insert a keyword into the middle of the wheel and Google spits out several new keywords . 5.

What other tools do you use to make your content awesome? Organizing Your Social Media Strategy. By Social media has made a tremendous impact on your business and now you need to come up with ways that you can improve your strategy to make social media even more effective for you. A checklist can help tremendously. A wonderful way to get organized and to stay organized when it comes to your social media interactions for business is to develop a checklist. Checklists are a wonderful tool when it comes to many things. It is a really sensible idea never to commit anything to memory. Of course, there will be details that you do remember on a consistent basis; however, if you have everything written down, you will have a guarantee of never allowing anything to fall through the cracks.

An effective checklist for your social media marketing efforts should look something like this: Organizing your social media strategy: Evaluate the structure of your business organization and determine if it is set up in a manner that is conducive to achieving great success in your business. Conclusion Mr. Why does information flow in networks? People like Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite have contributed significantly to advancing the analysis of the impact of networks on society. Well before Barabasi, Watts, and Strogatz arrived on the network scene, sociologists (and social psychologists) such as Granovetter, Wellman, and Milgram were developing models to understand how people connect.

As a result of this work, terms like “six degrees” and “strong/weak ties” and “networked communities” have become mainstream. With an understanding of how people are connected we can also gain insight into how information flows through a network. I’m sure you’ve seen analysis of the social networks of board of directors at different companies. Valdis Krebs addresses this in Overlapping Networks: It is usually beneficial to be connected to those who have a good view of what is going on. Basically, our position in a network, and the overlap with other networks, influences the type of information and people that we can access. 2. 3. Multi Platform Social Media – diagram-by-diagram. Over the years I have been creating lots of confusing, busy yet at the same time, meaningful and insightful emergent media diagrams.

These attempt to help the uninitiated heritage media folk, get to grips with a multiplatform, shifting-social-media-sands, transmogodified entertainment landscape…breathe. So I have been uploading a bunch of these diagrams onto my flickr account over the past weeks, partly to make them more accessible to me too (oh the joys of the cloud) but with the creative commons tag, for all and sundry to use (attributed of course – the only way to power & fame nowadays – cackles!). Here is a short selection of the 25 or so already up, with brief descriptions – the main bunch is in a set called ‘Emergent Media’ here. The above diagram is intended to help storytellers simply understand a range of key places to distribute their story fragments or triggers online. The above is one of my favourite diagrams from way back in early 2006. Facebook Nutzerzahlen. Ning – Erstellen Sie ein soziale Netzwerk-Website mit Ning, der besten Plattform für Social Websites.

How to Avoid Trolls, Landmines, and Time-Sucks in Social Media. Sagt Social Networks adieu, begrüßt Private Networks! Blogger Richard Gutjahr glaubt, eine Art “Facebook Fatigue” ausgemacht zu haben. Er hat einige Leute aufgespürt, die dem Netzwerk den Rücken gekehrt haben und fragt: Gibt es ein Leben nach Facebook? Sollte dem wirklich so sein, muss man die Frage erweitern: Ist die Facebook-Müdigkeit vielleicht eher eine Müdigkeit an Social Networks, gibt es ein Leben nach ihnen und, wenn ja, wie sieht es aus?

Anzeige Denn verloren haben in absoluten Zahlen vor allem die deutschen Social Networks. Vernetzt auch ohne Social Network Zwischen November 2010 und November 2011 büßte Lokalisten zwei Drittel seiner Besucher ein; es ging runter von 20 auf 6 Millionen Visits. Aber woher kommt es, dass alle deutschen Netzwerke leicht bis massiv verlieren, wenn sich angeblich gleichzeitig eine Facebook-Müdigkeit einstellt? Der Musikstreaming-Dienst Spotify verlangt von seinen Nutzern eine Registrierung via Facebook. Netzwerk, das nicht wie eines wirkt Wie geht es euch? (Jürgen Vielmeier, Grafiken: Statista)

Wie sich Kundenservice durch Social Media verändert. Unternehmen und Kunden sind so sichtbar wie nie zuvor. Das gefällt nicht immer jedem, dennoch müssen Sie keine Angst vor der Kundenkritik haben. Seien Sie lieber froh, dass Sie überhaupt Kunden haben, die sich mit Ihnen und Ihren Marken, Produkten oder Dienstleistungen beschäftigen. Durch die Social Media Kommunikation der Konsumenten erhalten Sie die einmalige Chance, einen Blick in die Köpfe Ihrer Kunden zu werfen. Die schlechte Nachricht: Schlechter Service – online wie offline – fällt viel schneller auf und findet seinen Weg in die digitale Öffentlichkeit. So auch in diesem Beispiel: Brigitte H. hat ein Problem.

Kommt Ihnen dieser Fall bekannt vor? Kommunikationskanäle kann man sich nicht immer aussuchen Eine neue Nähe zum Konsumenten entsteht durch die digitalen Unternehmensauftritte auf Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter oder einem eigenen Corporate Blog. In diesen Situationen entscheidet es sich, ob ein Unternehmen souverän die Kundenkommunikation 2.0 meistern kann – oder eben nicht. Inside Social Apps 2012 - February 8-9 in San Francisco. Please note that and events now belong to Mediabistro hosts a range of industry conferences, trade shows, cocktail parties, and online events designed to enhance the knowledge of media professionals and provide valuable networking opportunities.

We hope you join us at one of our upcoming events! Build Your Social Media Strategy Whether you're a recent college graduate, a small business owner, or a social media manager, this interactive online boot camp will teach you the best methods to be successful on any social media platform. Through a series of recorded lessons, experts in marketing, social media, and content management will provide you with the building blocks to develop a complete social media strategy. Learn more and register now. View past conferences here. How to submit a speaker To submit a speaker for consideration, please contact us here Please include: Speakers should be submitted 90+ days prior to the event. Community & Family Studies (BA), Adult & continuing education: Courses. Reputation Intelligence - from StepRep. Social Media Führerschein - Workshops und Coaching in Social Media Kommunikation, Monitoring, Marketing und Messung. Statistiken »» Social Media Führerschein - Workshops und Coaching in Social Media Kommunikation, Monitoring, Marketing und Messung.

List of social networking websites. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A social networking service is an online platform that people use to build social networks or social relationships with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. This is a list of notable active social network services, excluding online dating services, that have Wikipedia articles. For defunct social networking websites, see List of defunct social networking services. See also References. Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites. Here are the top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites as derived from our eBizMBA Rank which is a continually updated average of each website's U.S.

Traffic Rank from Quantcast and Global Traffic Rank from both Alexa and SimilarWeb. "*#*" Denotes an estimate for sites with limited data. 1 | facebook3 - eBizMBA Rank | 1,500,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 5 - Quantcast Rank | 3 - Alexa Rank | 2 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2017. The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA 2 | YouTube3 - eBizMBA Rank | 1,499,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2 - Quantcast Rank | 4 - Alexa Rank | 3 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2017. 3 | Twitter11 - eBizMBA Rank | 400,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 11 - Quantcast Rank | 16 - Alexa Rank | 7 - SimilarWeb Rank | Last Updated: May 1, 2017.

Top 20 Most Popular Social Networking Websitess. SMO_Periodic_Table.png (2304×1584) The Ultimate List: 40 Social Networking Sites Specifically for Small Business, Entrepreneurs, and Startups. We all know of the huge social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. They’re great for large scale connections and discussion. But, as entrepreneurs and small business owners sometimes it’s nice to connect with other like minded individuals in a smaller, more focused setting. If that sounds like what you are looking for in a social network, the below list is for you. We’ve scoured the Internet looking for social networking sites specifically for small businesses, entrepreneurs and startups, and found 40 we feel are worth a look. 1.

LinkedIn LinkedIn, The grandaddy of business social networks. 2. Meet the Boss is a business networking tool for business executives around the world, across all vertical industries. 3. PartnerUp is an online networking community that entrepreneurs and small business owners use to find the expertise and resources they need to start and grow a business. 4. 5. 6. Talkbiznowis a comprehensive interactive business networking site for business professionals. 8. Social media: A guide for researchers. Social media is an important technological trend that has big implications for how researchers (and people in general) communicate and collaborate. Researchers have a huge amount to gain from engaging with social media in various aspects of their work. This guide has been produced by the International Centre for Guidance Studies, and aims to provide the information needed to make an informed decision about using social media and select from the vast range of tools that are available.

One of the most important things that researchers do is to find, use and disseminate information, and social media offers a range of tools which can facilitate this. The guide discusses the use of social media for research and academic purposes and will not be examining the many other uses that social media is put to across society. Social media can change the way in which you undertake research, and can also open up new forms of communication and dissemination. Web materials 1: Links and resources. Social Media News and Web Tips – Mashable – The Social Media Guide. 9 Digital Ways to Become a Social Good Hero in 2012. Scott Henderson is managing director of CauseShift and writes about social impact for the Chronicle of Philanthropy, and occasionally for the ableBanking blog. January is already half-over, so how’s that New Year's resolution to do more good coming along?

If you haven’t made much progress, don’t fret — changing the world might be easier than you think. The web and social media continue to create new opportunities to do good in simple ways. Whether by putting aside some savings or checking-in with an app, you might be surprised how much good you can do with just a few clicks. Do What You Already Do 1. Baby Steps For those feeling adventurous but strapped for time, give these new, simple actions a go. 4. Take a Flying Leap Feeling ready for something big? 8. Now that you know about these sites and services, what are you waiting for?

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, mangostock. Erste Social Media Week in Hamburg: ein voller Erfolg. Twitter. Women Win Facebook, Twitter, Zynga; Men Get LinkedIn, Reddit [INFOGRAPHIC] When it comes to the sexes on social media, there are a few places where the battle lines seem settled. It probably won't surprise you to learn, for example, that men are from Google+ and women are from Pinterest. But when it comes to the two dominant social networks — Facebook and Twitter — you may be shocked to discover that women are now in the majority on both services.

Not only that, but they're posting far more frequently on Facebook than their slowpoke male counterparts can manage. Online gaming, once a bastion of men, has fallen to the females as well. Zynga is by far the largest online gaming network, with 250 million players logging on every month; 60% of those players are women, especially women over 55.

But take heart, guys. You still comprise 63% of LinkedIn, the professional social network. Check out this infographic for more details, including the one social network where the gender distribution is equal. - Your Social Media Source. What tech execs are saying about your privacy. Social media. Diagram depicting the many different types of social media There are many effects that stem from internet usage. According to Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012 compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011.[5] For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income, as discussed in Tang, Gu, and Whinston (2012).[6] Classification of social media[edit] Social media technologies take on many different forms including blogs, business networks , enterprise social networks, forums, microblogs, photo sharing, products/services review, social bookmarking, social gaming, social networks, video sharing and virtual worlds.[7] Virality[edit]

Social Media. Social Media Optimization. Web 2.0. Online-Community. User Generated Content. Online-Journalismus. Enterprise 2.0.


Infographic: The Astounding Power Of Pinterest. Die große Sammlung: 60 Facebook & Social Media Infografiken. Video Tutorial: Die eigene Facebook-Seite vermarkten (40 Minuten) Social Media News. Social Media News Feed Aggregators. Social Media Marketing. Notsoindie.