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Science in society

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Theatre of the Oppressed. Theatre of the Oppressed was born in 1971, in Brazil, under the very young form of Newspaper Theatre , with the specific goal of dealing with local problems – soon, it was used all over the country. Forum Theatre came into being in Peru, in 1973, as part of a Literacy Program; we thought it would be good only for South America– now it is practiced in more than 70 countries. Growing up, TO developed Invisible Theatre in Argentina, as political activity, and Image Theatre to establish dialogue among Indigenous Nations and Spanish descendants, in Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico...

Now these forms are being used in all kinds of dialogues. In Europe, TO expanded and the Rainbow of Desire came into being – first to understand psychological problems, later even to create characters in any play. Back in Brazil, the Legislative Theatre was born to help the Desire of the population to become Law – which it did at last 13 times. Right now, the Subjunctive Theatre is coming slowly into being.


Brief on Sexual Orientation and Genetic Determinism. Brief on Sexual Orientation and Genetic Determinism May 2006 Sexual Orientation Bibliography Humans display a wide range of sexual feelings and behavior. Nowhere is this more prominent than in American culture which is saturated with images and references to sex and romantic love from television advertisements to billboard displays. Often, our identities as individuals are wrapped up with our romantic tendencies and how these play out in our relationships. Sometimes an individual’s sexual behavior is used as a barometer for his or her moral or religious beliefs. Our collective sense of how human sexuality should be expressed is revealed through the rights and liberties that structure our lives as citizens. Public concepts about sexuality have been highlighted recently due to the emergence of new laws.

At the same time some scientists are attempting to show that sexual orientation is a fixed reality, one that is pretty much settled well before birth. It Runs In the Family Conclusion. Famelab.


Art. Race. About the Tricorder Project. Music. The Science Creative Quarterly. BioBuilder - Home. University LS/HHMI High School Science Outreach Program: Resources. Reproductive rights. Law. We Check Out the Numbers Behind the News. COPUS Project | Welcome to COPUS. Genetics and Popular Culture. The science of biology, especially the subdiscipline of genetics, frequently is a central theme in novels and movies. Most people have a favorite storyline or monster-character from a beloved book or film. In this course we will examine several common plot themes that exploit principles of genetics. The lectures will provide explanations of the relevant science and technology as well as video clips from selected films. We will compare the world of science fiction to the real world of scientific investigation in order to determine what scientific achievements have already happened, what is likely to happen, and what is highly improbable.

Image at left from Astrobiology at NASA Note: No films will be shown in class although short video clips will be presented to highlight certain points. Course Syllabus: Internet based resources Internet Movie Database - Read the entries in this database about movies covered in this course or about your favorite films. Rock Stars of Science HOME.