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Control of the mass media

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Agenda Setting. M. Sanchez Spring 2002 Mass Communication plays an important role in our society its purpose is to inform the public about current and past events. Mass communication is defined in “ Mass Media, Mass Culture” as the process whereby professional communicators use technological devices to share messages over great distances to influence large audiences. Within this process the media, which can be a newspaper, a book and television, takes control of the information we see or hear. The media then uses gatekeeping and agenda setting to “control our access to news, information, and entertainment” (Wilson 14). Gatekeeping is a series of checkpoints that the news has to go through before it gets to the public.

Media Theories and Approaches: A Global Perspective - Mark Balnaves, Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Brian Shoesmith. MARK BALNAVES is Professor of New Media at Edith Cowan University, Australia. He is an expert in audience research and conducted Australia's first major Internet diffusion and adoption study. His books include The Atlas of Media and Information (with Stephanie Hemelryk Donald and James Donald), Mobilising the Audience (co-edited with Tom O'Regan and Jason Sternberg), and Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (co-authored with Peter Caputi). STEPHANIE HEMELRYK DONALD is Professor of Chinese Media Studies at the University of Sydney, Australia. Her publications include Public Media in China (co-edited with Michael Keane, 2001), Tourism and the Branded City: Film and Identity on the Pacific Rim (2007) and The State of China Atlas (1999, 2005, 2008). BRIAN SHOESMITH is Professor of Media Studies and Journalism at the University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh in Dhaka.

Media Studies: Media history, media and society - Pieter J. Fourie. Narrating Media History - Michael Bailey. The Media Student's Book - Gill Branston, Roy Stafford. The Media Student's Book is a comprehensive introduction for students of media studies. It covers all the key topics and provides a detailed, lively and accessible guide to concepts and debates.

Now in its fifth edition, this bestselling textbook has been thoroughly revised, re-ordered and updated, with many very recent examples and expanded coverage of the most important issues currently facing media studies. It is structured in three main parts, addressing key concepts, debates, and research skills, methods and resources. Individual chapters include: approaching media texts narrative genres and other classifications representations globalisation ideologies and discourses the business of media new media in a new world? The future of television regulation now debating advertising, branding and celebrity news and its futures documentary and ‘reality’ debates from ‘audience’ to ‘users’ research: skills and methods. Who owns the UK media report plus appendix1. Screened Out: How the Media Control Us and what We Can Do about it - Carla B. Johnston.

American Media and Mass Culture: Left Perspectives. Power Without Responsibility: The Press, Broadcasting, and New Media in Britain - James Curran, Jean Seaton. Untitled. Media Theories and Approaches: A Global Perspective - Mark Balnaves, Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Brian Shoesmith. Teaching Hegemony - Sociology Source. Hegemony is supremely relevant to our students’ lives, it’s central to almost everything sociology has to teach them, and yet it is extremely hard to explain simply. Asking students to understand and recognize hegemony is like asking a fish to understand and recognize the water that surrounds it. Hegemony works precisely because it goes unnamed and largely unseen.

How do you teach students to see the invisible? Hegemony, as Gramsci defined it, is a very complex concept. The first step to helping your students grasp the concept is to define it much more narrowly. Thankfully, I have a metaphor that I use in my class that helps my students jump on board the hegemony express. The Titanic Metaphor: The sinking Titanic provides a great metaphor for hegemony. I ask my students to then imagine what if the people on the lower decks of the Titanic decided that it was in their best interest to seal the doors on themselves, sit, and patiently wait for death. Ownership and control of the media | a2-level-level-revision, sociology, mass-media-0, ownership-and-control-media.

After studying this section, you should be able to understand: trends and patterns in ownership and control of a range of mass media the theoretical perspectives on the relationship between ownership and control of the media Trends in ownership and control KEY POINT - Recent trends in media ownership and control suggest that the number of companies controlling global mass media has significantly shrunk in recent years. Bagdikian (2004) notes that in 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the USA, but by 2004 media ownership was concentrated in seven corporations. Curran (2003) notes that ownership of British newspapers has always been concentrated in the hands of a few powerful ‘press barons’, e.g. in 1937 four men owned nearly one in every two national and local daily newspapers sold in Britain.

Global conglomeration Horizontal and vertical integration Ownership and control of the mass media is a complex business as the following examples illustrate. Capitalist Networks and Social Power in Australia and New Zealand - Georgina Murray. (Bagdikian 2004) The new media monopoly | De Dicto. How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women. Government could ban BBC from showing top shows at peak times. The BBC is on a collision course with the government over reported efforts to bar it from showing popular shows at peak viewing times.

The culture secretary, John Whittingdale, is widely expected to ban the broadcaster from going head-to-head with commercial rivals as part of the BBC charter review. He is due to publish a white paper within weeks that will set out a tougher regime as part of a new royal charter to safeguard the service for another 11 years. ITV has complained about licence fee money being used to wage a ratings battle with it and other channels funded by advertising. A source at the BBC said the public would be deeply concerned if it were forced to move programmes such as Strictly Come Dancing, Doctor Who and Sherlock from prime time weekend slots. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport said no final decisions had been taken about the white paper, but a number of Sunday newspapers carried reports of an expected move to block competitive scheduling.

Pluralist and Marxist Theories o. Pluralist and Marxist Theories of the Mass Media: An Introduction Click here for article from London Review of Books by Paul Myerscough on the mass media and Jeremy Corbyn New Link added October 2015Click here for article from The Conversation on alleged bias at the BBC by Professor Ivor Graber Of University of Sussex New Link added August 2015 Click here for Loughborough University coverage of the Mass Media in the 2015 General Election New link added May 2015 Click here and here for two recent Guardian articles on the BBC in the Thatcher years.

When we analyse Pluralist and Marxist views of the Mass Media, this helps us to make some overall assessment of the role of the Mass Media in . society. Are the Mass Media helping to protect a basically fair, democratic society or are they helping to justify an unfair society dominated by a rich and powerful minority who organise society in their own interests against the interests of the vast majority of society’s members? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Capitalist Networks and Social Power in Australia and New Zealand - Georgina Murray.

Imperialism, the Permanent Stage of Capitalism - Herb Addo. Socialism Today - The new capitalist elite. Plutocrats wield power and influence by virtue of their wealth. The ultra-free-market, globalised capitalism of recent years has produced a new breed of super-rich plutocrats. Wealth gives them influence, which gives them power, which enhances their wealth. LYNN WALSH reviews a recent study of the super-rich elite. Plutocrats: The rise of the new global super-rich and the fall of everyone else By Chrystia Freeland, Published by Allen Lane, 2012, £25 The immensely rich industrialists and bankers of America’s late 19th century ‘gilded age’ were known as ‘robber barons’. Freeland is an accomplished financial journalist and her aim is "to understand the changing shape of the world economy by looking at those at the very top".

The plutocrats are the super-rich elite. The plutocrats are composed of several groups. Another group are the ‘rent-seekers’. It is not only in former Stalinist states that this occurred. Not surprisingly, the plutocrats fervently believe in ultra-free-market economics. Television: Technology and Cultural Form - Raymond Williams. Television: Technology and Cultural Form was first published in 1974, long before the dawn of multi-channel TV, or the reality and celebrity shows that now pack the schedules.

Yet Williams' analysis of television's history, its institutions, programmes and practices, and its future prospects, remains remarkably prescient. Williams stresses the importance of technology in shaping the cultural form of television, while always resisting the determinism of McLuhan's dictum that 'the medium is the message'. If the medium really is the message, Williams asks, what is left for us to do or say? Media Studies: Institutions, theories, and issues - Pieter J. Fourie. Media Studies: Institutions, theories, and issues - Pieter J. Fourie.