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100+ Polyfills et Fallbacks pour HTML5. Create A Simple WordPress FAQ Plugin. A “Frequently Asked Questions” section is a great tool to give your customers the right answer to their questions. That’s becoming very popular. But very often FAQs are integrated within premium theme, but what about free themes? Here is a tutorial to create a simple FAQ plugin that will work with any theme. This tutorial will be covering only basics steps so that you can then customize the FAQ section and make it your own! Step 1: Create The Plugin To start, create a new folder in your “wp-content/plugins” folder called “rc-faq”. Step 2: Register The FAQ Custom Post Type We now need to register a custom post type. Please note the use of the apply_filters() function.

Step 3: Create A Shortcode To Display FAQs This step is where we are going to create a simple shortcode with only one parameter that will show the FAQs to your visitor. The shortcode will have a unique “limit” parameter that defines the number of items to show. And that’s it ! The Final Result And on the visitors’ side: Antepedia Open Source Search Engine - Stay aware of updates & security issues of open source projects. Antepedia Open Source Search Engine - Stay aware of updates & security issues of open source projects.

Skywalker13 | Diary of a GeeXboX developer… Animated line drawing in SVG - Posted 29 July 2013 using tired fingers There's a demo you're missing here because JavaScript or inline SVG isn't available. I like using diagrams as a way of showing information flow or browser behaviour, but large diagrams can be daunting at first glance. When I gave talks about the Application Cache and rendering performance I started with a blank screen and made the diagrams appear to draw themselves bit by bit as I described the process. Here's how it's done: Paths in SVG Paths in SVG are defined in a format that competes with regex in terms of illegibility: I use Inkscape to create the non-human-readable bits of SVG. Each part of the d attribute is telling the renderer to move to a particular point, start a line, draw a Bézier curve to another point, etc etc.

The prospect of animating this data so the line progressively draws is, well, terrifying. There's a demo you're missing here because JavaScript, inline SVG or input[type=range] isn't available. Animating it More fun with dashes. MagicSuggest. This combo was generated with the default options. With no configuration options set, you have the following behaviour: - the side trigger is visible and the selected items appear within the combo itself. - suggestions will appear as the user starts typing - the user can toggle the suggestions using arrow keys - the user can delete selected items by using backspace - the user can hold the ctrl key to select multiple items - the user is free to enter new input using the enter key after having entered text There are many configuration options that allow you to customize the component.

Installation Guide 1. 2. 3. (Requires jQuery 1.8 or higher to work.) 4. $(el).magicSuggest({options}); Configuration Properties Notice for 1.2.5+ users Note that as of version 1.2.5, the component's configuration is also generated from the original DOM element container. The following 2 blocks of code will generate the same component: Config options allowFreeEntries boolean cls string data array / string / function dataUrlParams.


Python. jQuery. Git. Woo. Css. Optimisation. Js. Mitch Crowe. Technosorcery. Git ready » learn git one commit at a time. Git dans la pratique (2/2) Dans une première partie, nous avons abordé la notion d’index et la différence entre une branche locale et une branche distante. Une fois les notions d’index et de branches locales et distantes bien comprises, il est possible d’aborder des fonctionnalités plus avancées de Git. Oui, Git est efficace et flexible Mettre de côté des modifications Régulièrement, on se retrouve avec des modifications en cours sur notre copie de travail quand vient une tâche plus prioritaire. Plutôt que d’abandonner les modifications déjà effectuées, de commiter des modifications qui cassent une fonctionnalité, ou encore de créer un patch dans un fichier que l’on met de côté, Git nous propose d’utiliser git stash.Cette commande permet de mettre de côté toutes les modifications de la copie de travail et de l’index (il faut penser à ajouter les nouveaux fichiers qui ne sont pas encore suivis par Git).

Pour reprendre le travail commencé et rangé il est possible de le récupérer de 2 façons différentes : Exemple. Exit git rebase: Interactive rebase already started | Programming Notes. : Daily recipes to cook with WordPress.


Css-only Alternative to the Select Element. In this tutorial, I will present you my alternative solution to the select form tag. It’s css-only and it looks simple but really nice. We will use a list of radio elements, styled as a drop-down list, that will look and behave similarly to the select element. Of course you have to provide some fallback for mobile devices (and IE8 if you wish).

I discuss that briefly in the final part of this tutorial. Step 1 – HTML Here is the html we use within a form Step 2 – The idea To make things simple I tried to “sketch” my idea. Step 3 – CSS Let’s add some css that reflect the idea presented in the scheme above. And for the inner one Next We hide the inputs, we could just use display : none, but that would not work in browsers (some mobile ones) where clicking the label does not focus the associated input.

Step 4 – What happens on hover – CSS continued Now let’s look closer at what happens on hover, already : .radio-container gets a high z-index and .radio-options increases its max-height, we’ll add <!


Backbone. Netzpirat/codo. Les Blogs de Wefrag. Welcome! Buster.JS is... — Buster.JS 0.7.0 documentation. Picking the Perfect Right Project Management System (for Apt Design) - Apt Design | Apt Design. First of all a confession: I love project management. I guess it’s the organizer in me that just wants to create tasks, view deadlines on a calendar, and plan entire projects before they even start.

A second confession: While most of my blog posts are well-thought-out, organized and structured, this post kind of just follows my process for picking a new PM system in the same order that I did. It’s as close to stream-of-consciousness as I’m going to get. Quick Context I’m a small visual design shop, just me as an employee with 2-3 subcontractors. I’ve loved Basecamp since I started my business.

Previously in Basecamp my workflow/needs looked like this: Start Project Add ClientsAdd MilestonesAdd templated ToDo lists Work on Project Track TimeReview VersionsCreate/Track Feedback and CommunicationHit deadlinesSee/organize my ToDos across all projectsSee what subcontractors are doingHave a place to store Settings for project/client Finish Project Review hours spent vs. what I billed (sometimes) Solo. Download the 70 best free fonts | Typography.

In this freshly updated free fonts for designers post, we bring you the world's best free fonts. We've filtered out the diamonds from the thousands of less perfectly designed free fonts available online, for you to use in your designs and illustrations. Get Adobe Creative Cloud now This list represents the 55 best free fonts we've found in eight categories. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the page, or the boxout, right, to jump to the section you want. Don't forget, we have many other articles covering specialist font types including handwriting fonts, kids' fonts, cursive fonts, beautiful fonts, web fonts, professional fonts and more.

(You might also like the fonts in our 20 fonts every graphic designer should own article.) Most of the typeface collections listed here can be used in your projects for free, but please be sure to check the terms. Serif fonts 01. The typeface design is a project led designed by Dutch designer Claus Eggers Sørensen. 02. 03. Image 1 of 2 04. 05. Using WP e-Commerce | Tutorial. Collect {thoughts} Raphaël—JavaScript Library.

Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage. TileMill | Fast and beautiful maps. Serve - Delicious ERB, Haml + Sass. OpenCV::detect() \ language (API) Detect object(s) in the current image depending on the current cascade description. This method finds rectangular regions in the current image that are likely to contain objects the cascade has been trained to recognize. It returns found regions as a sequence of rectangles. The default parameters (scale=1.1, min_neighbors=3, flags=0) are tuned for accurate (but slow) object detection. For a faster operation on real-time images, the more preferable settings are: scale=1.2, min_neighbors=2, flags=HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, min_size= Mode of operation flags: for each scale factor used the function will downscale the image rather than "zoom" the feature coordinates in the classifier cascade.

If it is set, the function uses Canny edge detector to reject some image regions that contain too few or too much edges and thus can not contain the searched object. If it is set, the function finds the largest object (if any) in the image.