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Madam Kighal's Astrology. This is the Forth Part of ELEMENTAL ZODIAC BIRTHSTONES and JEWELERY: Check out the INTRO for the Elements Zodiac Birthstones and Jewelery, Part I Planet: MercuryAstrological birthstones: Agate, - Chrysoprase, Citrine, Moonstone, Pearl, and White SapphireMonths: End of May, and beginning of JuneMonth birthstones: May: Emerald June: Pearl, MoonstoneMetal: MercuryBest settings: Uranium metals- aluminum, Titanium and their alloys Platinum and gold alloys containing cadmium and zincThe May birthstones are Emerald and Chrysoprase.

Madam Kighal's Astrology

June birthstones are Pearl and Moonstone. Gemini Birthstone by day of birth (Best if Daily, Monthly and Zodiacal Gemstone combined together!) Madam Kighal's Astrology. #Aquarius Compatibility. Horoscope Guide. #AQUARIUS Some may accuse you of being cold or detached ... and at times this might be the case. If this happens, however, it's usually because you…

#Aquarius. #Aquarius Traits & Fun Aquarius Imitation Video I Know Aquarius is the Genius,  the Revolutionary,  the Truthsayer,  and the Inventor. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Madam Kighal's Astrology. #Aquarius April 2015 horoscope You will manage to get over their problems. Madam Kighal's Astrology. Aquarius-Pisces Cusp. Born between about February 15-21 The Cusp of Sensitivity: A dreamy, compassionate place The interesting mix of the Aquarius and the Pisces on the Cusp can often lead to amazing results.

Aquarius-Pisces Cusp

Aquarius is a fixed air sign ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn linked with discipline and hard work, progress and mastering in eccentric things, such as technology. The Pisces sign is a mutable water sign ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. While Jupiter is linked with expansion of all things, Neptune is more about illusion and disillusionment, fantasy, art, and spirituality. The dreaminess of a Pisces when in combination with the eccentric and highly confident Aquarius gives a great output. Spiritual, artistic, peace-loving and friendly, Aquarius-Pisces cuspers are highly original people.

These cuspers may be social or shy, or they may be a peculiar mix of both. The big thing about Pisces is that, they get along with people on an emotional level. People are fake. It does not work that way. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Astro Pin Up Collection #Aquarius. Astro Pin Up Collection #Aquarius. #Aquarius compatibility chart. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Lauren Conrad the Aquarius. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology.

Pinterest. #Aquarius 1. Surprise them. Give them a Venus ... Zodiac Sun Signs. Pinterest. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Pinterest. Photos du journal - Madam Kighal's Astrology. Age of Aquarius. Overview[edit] The approximate 2,150 years for each age corresponds to the average time it takes for the vernal equinox to move from one constellation of the zodiac into the next.

Age of Aquarius

This can be computed by dividing the earth's 25,800 year gyroscopic precession period by twelve, the number of Zodiac constellations used by astrologers. According to different astrologers' calculations, approximated dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from 1447 AD (Terry MacKinnell) to 3597 (John Addey).[2] Astrologers do not agree on when the Aquarian age will start or even if it has already started.[3] Nicholas Campion in The Book of World Horoscopes lists various references from mainly astrological sources for the start of the Age of Aquarius. Based on the research by Nicholas Campion, most published material on the subject state that the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 20th century (29 claims), with the 24th century in second place with twelve claimants.[4] Astrological meaning[edit] Vera Reid[edit]

Gemini Ascendant (Mithuna Lagna) - Vimsottari dasas and results. Gemini ascendant borns will have good and favourable results during Venus, Mercury and Moon dasas.

Gemini Ascendant (Mithuna Lagna) - Vimsottari dasas and results

Mars and Jupiter dasas will give mostly disappointing results. Saturn and Sun dasas will be moderately good, depending on their placements. During favourable Venus dasa of 20 years, you will achieve you ambition. You will be married to someone who is good in nature and will prove lucky for you. Most of the benefits will be recieved through efforts of others. During Mercury dasa of 17 years, will shine in business. During Saturn dasa of 19 years, will face severe ups and downs in business. During Moon dasa of 10 years, matters related to foreign travel, sports, dairy business, educational institutions, cinema, television, food products for kids, fruits and flowers business will flourish.

During Sun dasa of 6 years, few will be forced to sell ancestral properties for lower rates and they will repent after the sale. During Mars dasa of 7 years, financial problems will cause major tensions. The Ascendant. In both Western and Vedic astrology, the Ascendant, along with the First House Lord (ruler), and First House occupants, are among the most important factors in a person’s chart.

The Ascendant

Some astrologers think that the Ascendant is just one’s image, or mask, but in reality, the Ascendant is the most individual point in the chart, the place that truly represents you. That’s why two people will be much more similar born two days apart at the same time of day (i.e. with the same Ascendant) than people born two hours apart on the same day. That’s also why the Ascendant is considered to be the most important point in both Vedic and Tibetan astrologies. The Faeries and Angels Magazine™