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x09. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are. Communication, Coordination and Cooperation Games. Source: | 2000 Games, Ideas and more for Youth Workonly for private using What kind of communication occurs in a group?

Communication, Coordination and Cooperation Games

How do the group members coordinate and cooperate with each other? Who coordinates and who lets themselves be coordinated? Shaping Questions for Powerful Check-in and Check-out Processes. Check-in and check-out processes are not just frivolous time wasters in our meetings.

Shaping Questions for Powerful Check-in and Check-out Processes

If they feel that way, something is probably missing. Wicked questions help shape powerful processes. Communication, Coordination and Cooperation Games. First Steps Training - Tool: Process Leadership Grid. More and more organizations are incorporating experiential activities into their training programs as a powerful way to improve Leadership and Team processes.

First Steps Training - Tool: Process Leadership Grid

One particular type of experiential activity is called an "initiative. " An initiative is essentially a team problem-solving activity - the team as a whole is presented with an unusual problem and constraints by the facilitator; then, it organizes itself and its resources, develops a plan, and then executes that plan to address the problem. (See our archive for numerous examples - with complete instructions - of team initatives) Following execution, the facilitator leads the group in a discussion to get at what went well, what opportunities for improvement exist, and how the team can best move forward. The tool below contains five columns: Resources for Teachers.