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A Father Who Creatively Captures His Kids (20 photos) - My Modern Metropolis - StumbleUpon. If there was a prize that could be given out to the most creative father, I'd hope that it was awarded to Jason Lee.

A Father Who Creatively Captures His Kids (20 photos) - My Modern Metropolis - StumbleUpon

A wedding photographer by day, he's used to capturing some of the most important moments in a couple's lives. As a longtime fan of Jason's photos on Flickr however, I think the real magic happens when he turns the camera onto his daughters. Sure, his children are adorably cute in their own right, but that's not what makes his photos so interesting. It's when he puts his own spin on their everyday moments that we not only get to experience our own childhood again, we're able to see a father's pride shine through. I was able to get in touch with Jason to ask him a few questions.

Jon Rafman. 25 Incredible Optical Illusions - StumbleUpon. 9 Strange Things Found While Searching for Waldo. ​Martin Handford's Where's Waldo books have been adored by kids the world over since the absent minded candy striped hitchhiker first made his debut in 1987.

9 Strange Things Found While Searching for Waldo

That being said, this is not an effort to defame the Waldo (or "Wally" depending on where you're reading this) books because frankly, life would be much less cool without them. Instead, our ambition is to point out some of their most noteworthy peculiarities -- things that we didn't necessarily find mentioned on the scrolls and postcards adorning each map, or on the checklists in the back of each book. No, these are the images and concepts that stayed with us long after we found Waldo, and for probably the wrong reasons. Whether amusing, horrifying, bizarre, or simply too historically accurate for our own good, Waldo's journeys took us down some interesting paths by way of subject matter that Handford has all but wiped from the most recent Waldonian adventures, possibly thanks to pressure from his publisher. ​



Viewing Entry - SOCIETY - StumbleUpon. Stocking Is the New Planking. - StumbleUpon. Photographer Martin Schoeller - StumbleUpon. Brent Stirton & Photojournalist - StumbleUpon.