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Recipes. Irène Grosjean ou la vie en abondance. Extracteur de jus Champion, extracteur à jus électrique. Combining Foods for Optimal Nutrition. New research shows that some food combinations are more nutritious when eaten together. The flavors of some foods just go together—but new research shows that some foods that taste great together are also more nutritious when eaten in combination.

Here are four powerful pairs that are better together: —Jessica Girdwain, May/June 2012 EatingWell Magazine Next: Broccoli & Mustard » Vivre Cru. Crudivorisme, alimentation vivante.

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Sport nutrition. Alkaline diet | Renu Arora, RD. Acidity??? Yes, acidity. This is probably a new one for most of you, and for reasons I’ll get into later, it’s not something that the large nutrition or dietetic associations in Canada or the US are ever going to discuss. But it’s one of the most important nutritional concepts you should be aware of. I’m going to take for granted that you know the basics of acids, bases, and pH: just to remind you, though, an acid is a substance which, when dissolved, yields a pH of less than 7; something that is basic, also known as alkaline, yields a pH that is greater than 7; and something that is neutral has a pH of exactly 7.0. Blood pH is very tightly regulated in the body.

It is meant to stay between 7.35 and 7.45 at all times, which is slightly alkaline. Think about it: every time you eat something that makes your blood more acidic or more alkaline, your body has to react in order to keep the balance. To make matters worse, the by-products of many of our buffer systems yield free radicals.

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Kidney Diet - : The Ultimate A to Z Guide to Chronic Renal Failure (Part 1) In today’s article I want to talk to you about chronic renal failure; what it is, what causes it, the best blood tests, and a whole lot more. However, today I want to do something a little different, I want to break it down in to an A to Z guide so you can quickly reference the major key topics – so in that way you have a valuable resource to refer back to in the future. Interesting… Chronic renal failure is an interesting condition, it affects 2 out of every 1,000 people in the United States; 11% of all deaths in Australia are due to, or associated with, renal failure; 20 to 30 percent of people with diabetes will develop kidney disease; 1 in 9 adults have a minimum of one renal failure sign or symptom; it is one the quickest growing diseases in the world… yet it is still largely not a condition that many understand, or have been appropriately informed about.

Definition: The Ultimate A-Z Guide To Chronic Renal Failure. The world healthiest food.