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Central Asia. Sourtheast Asia. North Asia. Middle East. Western Asia. West Asia. North Asia. East Asia. East Asia. Southeast Asia. South Asia. South Asia. Central Asia. Ukraine Is No Game. Ukraine’s addition as a member of the Western camp would spur Russia to assist the West’s enemies and could even return Europe to militarized competition between East and West last seen during the Cold War.

Ukraine Is No Game

Ukrainian opposition leader Oleh Tyahnybok, center, talks to lawmakers in the parliament session hall, in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014. (AP Photo/Sergei Chuzavkov) In an episode of the classic 1990s sitcom “Seinfeld,” two of the show’s characters, Kramer and Newman, find themselves playing Risk on a New York City subway car. As they clutch the board to keep the passengers around them from overturning their armies of plastic men, Kramer gleefully informs Newman that his friend’s last stronghold – Ukraine – is about to be crushed. Asia. Asia (Economics) Languages of Asia. Asie. Places.