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On a trouvé de l'eau à l'équateur de la Lune. Une vue du pic central du cratère d'impact Bullialdus, sur la face visible de la Lune. Son nom est un hommage rendu à l'astronome français Ismaël Boulliau (1605-1694). C'est dans les roches de ce pic que se trouveraient des molécules d'eau issues du manteau de la Lune, amenées en surface par l'impact d'un astéroïde. © Nasa/GSFC/Arizona State University On a trouvé de l'eau à l'équateur de la Lune - 2 Photos On peut se demander si avant d'imaginer des projets comme Mars One, une mission de ce genre vers la Lune ne serait pas une étape préliminaire plus sage.

Nettement moins spectaculaire, elle serait moins dangereuse et plus facile à mettre en œuvre. Mais il faudrait sans doute que la première colonie lunaire permanente soit édifiée à proximité d’une zone riche en eau pour augmenter les chances de sa réussite. De l'eau aux pôles lunaires : une présence déjà suspectée Chandrayaan-1 en cours d'intégration. De l'eau dans le manteau de la Lune A voir aussi sur Internet Sur le même sujet.

Existence Of New Element 115 Confirmed By Researchers. - No chemistry textbook, classroom, auditorium, or research laboratory is complete without a copy of the periodic table of the elements. Now, the An international team of researchers, led by physicists from Lund University, have confirmed the existence of what is considered a new element with atomic number 115. Ununpentium (or Uup) also known as eka-bismuth was first observed in 2003. It's the temporary name of a synthetic superheavy element in the periodic table. The experiment was conducted at the GSI research facility in Germany. Click on image to enlarge Periodic Table of the Elements Credits: This highly radioactive element, which has yet to be named, is so unstable that it exists for less than one second before it decays into lighter atoms "This was a very successful experiment and is one of the most important in the field in recent years", said Dirk Rudolph, Professor at the Division of Nuclear Physics at Lund University.

Paper. Physicists Claim More Evidence For Link Between Cosmic Rays And Cloud Formation. September 13, 2013 - A Danish group that has reproduced the Earth's atmosphere in the laboratory has shown how clouds might be seeded by incoming cosmic rays. The team believes that the research provides evidence that fluctuations in the cosmic-ray flux caused by changes in solar activity could play a role in climate change. Other climate researchers, however, remain sceptical of the link between cosmic rays and climate.

The conventional view of climate scientists, as expressed in the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, is that most of the warming of the Earth's surface over the last few decades is down to the atmospheric build-up of manmade greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. But Henrik Svensmark of the National Space Institute in Denmark believes that an effect related to the Sun's fluctuating magnetic fields may also play a major role in the warming. Those results were not, however, enough by themselves to prove that cosmic rays can indeed seed clouds. Former NATO Supreme Commander Wesley Clark 'spotted' at Burning Man festival in Nevada. The retired general and former Democratic Party presidential nominee is amongst the 68,000 people enjoying the party in the desert By David Mccormack Published: 22:24 GMT, 1 September 2013 | Updated: 08:36 GMT, 2 September 2013 This year's Burning Man festival in the remote Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada has been filled to capacity over the weekend and one of the 68,000 people in attendance has been retired U.S.

Army general and former Democratic Party presidential nominee Wesley Clark. That's according to Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder, Harvard Law School professor, and former Grateful Dead lyricist John Perry Barlow, who tweeted that had spent time speaking with Clark on Saturday afternoon. Clark seems to have picked a good year to attend, as well as a record breaking crowd, the weather has been better than usual, with balmy nights, mild days and minimal dust blowing. Each night is capped by the torching of one of the elaborate large wooden sculptures erected on the site. Giant Skeleton found in Loja in Ecuador 19 October 2012. : Ancient Mysteries. Interesting theory about Giants... I have been watching/reading several pieces on this topic lately... why hide the fact that the earth may have once been inhabited by giants? I mean we believe that giant reptiles (dinosaurs) inhabited the earth and we are ok with it right?

If the religious orders want to promote and prove the validity of their ancient texts how better than to release info about the giants that corroborate the stories of old? Here's a theory... they are releasing information, albeit made up or undisclosed information in a bid to give some credence to the ancient writings without actually having to own up to it... why? Cheers. Interstellar Traveler: NASA's Voyager 1 Probe On 40,000-Year Trek to Distant Star. Now that NASA's Voyager 1 probe has left the solar system, its next big spaceflight milestone comes with the flyby of another star — in 40,000 years.

Voyager 1 entered interstellar space in August 2012, nearly 35 years after blasting off, scientists announced Thursday (Sept. 12). As it leaves our solar system behind, the robotic spacecraft is streaking toward an encounter with a star called AC +79 3888, which lies 17.6 light-years from Earth. "Voyager's on its way to a close approach with it in about 40,000 years," Voyager project manager Suzanne Dodd, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told reporters Thursday. "It's going to come within 1.7 light-years of this star — and it'll swing by it, and it will continue to orbit around the center of our Milky Way galaxy. " [Voyager 1 in Interstellar Space: Complete Coverage] The probe won't beam home any data from AC +79 3888's neighborhood, of course.

View gallery. New Life Discovered in Sediments in Antarctic Subglacial Lake. First Posted: Sep 10, 2013 10:05 AM EDT Did you think the weather in your city was bad? Think again. One man has attempted to name the top ten worst weather places in the world, citing locations with frigid temperatures and hot summers. (Photo : Russian Geographical Society) Deep below the Antarctic ice sheet lie dark and cold subglacial lakes. For years, scientists have wondered whether these freezing bodies of water could hold life, despite the harsh conditions they presented. Now, they may have their answer. Like Us on Facebook Sampling these buried lakes is not an easy task. In this case, the scientists targeted Lake Hodgson on the Antarctic Peninsula. "What was surprising was the high biomass and diversity we found," said David Pearce, one of the researchers, in a news release. So what sort of life did they find? The findings give researchers new evidence that life can exist even within extremely harsh conditions.

Des Ovnis au-dessus du Havre, jeudi dernier ? Appel à témoins. Le groupe Ufologie dynamique-MUFON présidé par Alix Leproust est en charge de mener des enquêtes sur des phénomènes non-conventionnels qui auraient été observés en Haute-Normandie. L’idée du groupe est de recueillir des témoignages et de mener des investigations sur des phénomènes qui leur sont rapportés. Dernier phénomène en date : l’apparition d’une vingtaine de boules blanches phosphorescentes dans le ciel du Havre, vers 22h40, jeudi 5 septembre 2013».

Ufologie Dynamique lance un appel à témoins sur cette observation non-conventionnelle qualifiée d’ « importante » par le groupe chargé des enquêtes. . « Elles sont arrivées en nuées…» Un témoignage concernant cette importante observation a été publié dimanche 8 septembre sur le site Ovnis-direct qui suit l’ufologie en direct et en continu 24/24. Des signes qui rappellent des phénomènes déjà observés dans le ciel avec des objets qui opèrent des mouvements « anormaux » dans le ciel. Effets électromagnétiques et réactions animales. Appel à témoins : Ovni au havre le jeudi 5 septembre 2013. Le Havre visité par des Ovnis? Effets électromagnétiques et réactions animales. « Nous avons eu droit jeudi soir (le 5 septembre 2013) à une vague d'une vingtaine de boules phosphorescentes au-dessus du havre vers 22h40...

Elles sont arrivées en nuées, se sont mises en ligne puis en triangles ! Le phénomène a duré environ 10 mn.... mais le plus étrange c'est que tous les oiseaux (on aurait dit qu'ils étaient des milliers !!) Se sont mis à piailler. Le chien des voisins s’est mis à aboyer, mon chat est sorti en courant sur le balcon en sautant partout, et une fois les boules disparues, un silence total !! Nous étions bouche bée moi ma femme et mon fils. L'étrange coïncidence est que nos tel portables sont tous tombés en pannes (et le lendemain matin aux infos on annonçait la panne générale des réseaux SFR et Orange (techniquement impossible puisqu'ils n'ont pas les mêmes relais). J'ai un autre témoin qui a vu lui aussi les boules dans le ciel, il était en voiture et son tel et son GPS sont tombés en pannes. » ​Source : Témoignage déposé sur Ovnis-Direct. Des OVNIs en Normandie ? Publié le 12/09/2013 à 10H58 Où étiez-vous jeudi 5 septembre autour de 23h30 ?

Le Normandie, terre prisée des extraterrestres ? Ils sont des dizaines en Seine-Maritime, principalement dans la région du Havre, à avoir remarqué la semaine dernière l'étrange ballet de "boules de feu", rappelant étrangement les phénomènes de 2010, puis 2011 observé chez nous, mais aussi dans toute la France. Des réseaux téléphoniques différents qui tombent en panne en même temps, des oiseaux, chiens et chats devenus fous; une "lune étrange";et surtout des "boules blanches phosphorescentes dans le ciel", "en nuées, en ligne, puis en triangles ! " Un objet volant non identifié (OVNI) dans le ciel normand ? " Il y en avait qui se suivaient, d’autres qui allaient dans le sens contraire… Elles apparaissaient pour la plupart vers la grande ourse, et disparaissaient soudainement…" Appel à témoins Le groupe Ufologie Dynamique cherche à recueillir des témoignages sur cette "importante observation non-conventionnelle" :

Humans Can Control Weather With Laser - Scientists Gather To Discuss Weather Manipulation Possibilities. - Scientists are now discussing possibilities how laser can be used to create clouds, induce rain and trigger lightning. Technology currently tested by experts could allow lightning during thunderstorms to be guided away from sensitive buildings, such as power plants or airports. It could also be used to manipulate the weather by creating clouds and triggering rainfall ahead of major public events. Scientists from all over the world are gathering next month at the World Meteorological Organization how powerful laser pulses can be used to generate changes in the atmosphere that influence the weather. The conference is organized by Professor Jean-Pierre Wolf and Dr Jerome Kasparian, both biophotonics experts at the University of Geneva "Such prospects include lightning control and laser-assisted condensation," the experts say.

Weather manipulation is not a new subject. More recently the Russian Air force has also been reported to have used bags of cement to seed clouds. National UFO Alert: Nine states report 419 August cases - National ufo. The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated for September 2013, with California, Florida, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, Washington and Illinois moving to a UFO Alert 3 as the highest reporting states during the month of August 2013, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). California was the leading high-reporting state in August with 97 cases, up from 91 July cases, 72 June cases, 67 May cases, 47 April cases, 59 March cases, 53 February cases and 63 January cases.

Those states in a UFO Alert 4 category with 13 or more reports include: North Carolina, Indiana, Arizona, Missouri, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Colorado, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Georgia and Wisconsin. All other states move to a UFO Alert 5 category with lower numbers of UFO activity. The Watch States - with 10 or more cases - are Oregon, Maryland and New Mexico. MUFON released August statistics September 1, where the total number of reported UFO sightings is listed by state. Ovnis de Phœnix : explications de La Nasa ?