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Street Artists

List of street artists. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of notable street artists. Africa[edit] Egypt[edit] South Africa[edit] Faith47 – graffiti, street art, fine art Americas[edit] Argentina[edit] Brazil[edit] Canada[edit] Mexico[edit] United States[edit] (alphabetical by last name, unless the full name is a "stage name") Asia[edit] Pakistani street artist Sanki King[4] Hong Kong[edit] India[edit] Iran[edit] Pakistan[edit] Sanki King (Karachi, Pakistan) – Graffiti,Street Art,Sneaker Art Europe[edit] Belgium[edit] Denmark[edit] American street artist ABOVE painted this site specific stencil plus installation piece titled The naked truth in Copenhagen, Denmark. 2009 Finland[edit] France[edit] Germany[edit] Greece[edit] Italy[edit] The Netherlands[edit] Norway[edit] Poland[edit] Olek – yarn bombing Russia[edit] Pavel 183 – graffiti Spain[edit] Sweden[edit] Akay – graffitiMax Magnus Norman – sculptures, installations Switzerland[edit] United Kingdom[edit] Oceania[edit] Australia[edit] References[edit] See also[edit]

Worlds Top Six Amazing Street Artists. If you're new here, you may want to sign up for email alerts or to subscribe to my RSS feed . Enjoy Life in the Fast Lane ! In an anti-establishment movement that’s taking the art world by storm, 6 of the world’s most famous Street Artists whose work is intricately connected to the urban environment were commissioned to paint the iconic river façade of Tate Modern exterior walls with 45 foot (15 meter) high towering artworks for the first major public museum display of Street Art in London.

Work of Brazilian artist Nunca exhibited on the facade of the Tate Modern. Photo Getty The collaborative artists include Blu from Bologna, Italy, the artist collective Faile from New York, JR from Paris, France, Nunca and Os Gemeos, both from Sao Paulo, Brazil and Sixeart from Barcelona, Spain, but works of the ever-elusive Banksy was nowhere to be seen. JR from Paris, France. Sixeart, JR and Faile. Photo Tate Modern Street Artist Blu. Os Gemeos from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Street Artist Blu. Photo M : Crash! Street art. John Fekner: Broken Promises/Falsas Promesas, South Bronx, 1980. The terms "urban art", "guerrilla art", "post-graffiti" and "neo-graffiti" are also sometimes used when referring to artwork created in these contexts.[1] Traditional spray-painted graffiti artwork itself is often included in this category, excluding territorial graffiti or pure vandalism.

Artists who choose the streets as their gallery are often doing so from a preference to communicate directly with the public at large, free from perceived confines of the formal art world.[2] Street artists sometimes present socially relevant content infused with esthetic value, to attract attention to a cause or as a form of "art provocation".[3] Street artists often travel between countries to spread their designs. Some artists have gained cult-followings, media and art world attention, and have gone on to work commercially in the styles which made their work known on the streets. Background[edit] Street art is a topical issue. Arte urbano. Plantilla realizada por Banksy, uno de los más emblemáticos artistas urbanos. El término arte urbano o arte callejero, traducción de la expresión street art, hace referencia a todo el arte de la calle, frecuentemente ilegal.

El arte urbano engloba tanto al graffiti como a diversas otras formas de expresión artística callejera. Desde mediados del los años 90 el término street art o, de forma más específica, Post-Graffiti se utiliza para describir el trabajo de un conjunto heterogéneo de artistas que han desarrollado un modo de expresión artística en las calles mediante el uso de diversas técnicas (plantillas, posters, pegatinas, murales....), que se alejan del famoso grafiti pero no siempre tiene que ser en paredes pues ahora en la actualidad es posible, incluso, dibujar en forma experta 3D. Uno es el uso de plantillas (stencil), a menudo con un mensaje político, cobra especial relevancia en París en la segunda mitad de los años 60. Exponentes del arte callejero[editar] Referencias[editar] Brooklyn Street Art Home.

Posted on April 7, 2014 “After photographing in the mosh pits for awhile I began to get familiar with patterns in the music. Eventually it got to the point where I could sense the moment coming when things would really cut loose and go berserk,” says painter Dan Witz about his process and method for catching the moment when the roiling mass of hardcore music fans hit the perfect state of frenzy. “NY Hardcore Paintings”, opening this past Saturday night and on view currently at The Jonathan Levine gallery in Chelsea, presents Witz with his new body of convulsing bodies and to say they are a revelation is only part of the story.

When we saw his first mosh pit paintings a few years ago we were struck by the raw thrilling chaotic energy and calculated abandon in them – and reminded of many such nights in the 80s and 90s in lower Manhattan when we also joined in the fray. Dan Witz “NY Hardcore” Jonathan LeVine Gallery (Photo © Jaime Rojo) Dan Witz “NY Hardcore” Jonathan LeVine Gallery. Swoon. 40 "street-artists" que debes conocer - ilustrae. 3D Graffiti Art from the Best Street Artists | Design + Ideas on. 10 of the World’s Best & Most Amazing 3D Street Artists Article by Urbanist, filed under Street Art & Graffiti in the Art category. 3D graffiti, whether it’s in chalk or paint, on walls or the street, represents a new way of combining the mastery of Renaissance art techniques with the gritty, ephemeral qualities of amazing street art. These 3D street artists gives graffiti a whole new meaning – one that departs from the conventional interpretation of graffiti as vandalism in the form of images and letters scrawled on public property.

Artists like Kurt Wenner, Eduardo Relero and Tracy Lee Stum create street art that is so incredible it is almost impossible to pass by without being sucked in to the worlds they create on asphalt and concrete surfaces. From sidewalk sketches to wwesome wall murals, you simply must see some of their awesome work below (then check out our collection of 100+ Works of Creative and Geeky Art and Graffiti). Kurt Wenner Edgar Muller & Manfred Stader Julian Beever. Tate Modern| Past Exhibitions | Street Art. In the first commission to use the building’s iconic river façade, and the first major public museum display of street art in London, Tate Modern presents the work of six internationally acclaimed artists whose work is intricately linked to the urban environment: Blu from Bologna, Italy; the artist collective Faile from New York, USA; JR from Paris, France; Nunca and Os Gemeos, both from São Paulo, Brazil and Sixeart from Barcelona, Spain.

You can also take the Street Art Walking Tour: an urban tour of site-specific art from a group of five Madrid-based street artists: 3TTMan, Spok, Nano 4814, El Tono and Nuria – a map will be available in the gallery. Various events will take place during the exhibition, including an interactive evening with experimental New York artists Graffiti Research Lab, refacing Tate Modern with graffiti light projections.

Street Artist Urethane. UK Street Art | The main resource for UK related street art and. Little People - a tiny street art project. Secuencia de fotos de :: stinkfish :: Argentina Graffiti - street art. is a community google map mashup mapping st. "Urban Art" Graffiti & Street Art : Photos/Fotos/Pictures/Images/Pics : Inde. Street Art Awards 2009. Smnr – arte/vandalismo callejero latinoamericano: stencil mural.

STREETART. Street art manifesto. Irish Street Art.


Street: un álbum de Flickr. El mural de World Of Streetart. El mural de StreetArt - PariS.