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Marque page - mind map. Petites boîtes. I labeled it 1 because I might feel like doing more.

Petites boîtes

These are in 300 ppi, and make up a 2 inch cube Click on the images to download the full sized versions. I did these in grey-scale so you can re-color them to suit your occasions. I had weddings in mind at the time. The colored versions are examples of what they look like colored. The plain colors are just re-colorized. Paper crafts: make a panda gift candy box tutorial. Paper crafts: make a Panda Gift Candy Box tutorial Paper crafts: make a Panda Gift Candy Box tutorial In the summer times, let your kids make a special candy box, this crafts only needs paper Christmas craft ideas: paper snowflake flower tutorialChristmas craft ideas: paper snowflake flower tutorial Snowflake flower tutorial This snowflake is easy to do with the children.

paper crafts: make a panda gift candy box tutorial

Will need: Paper, A4 or A5, scissors, glue and Paper craft: mother’s day card and canvas Paper craft: mother's day card and canvas Whoa. Mother's Day is definitely creeping up on us. Here are a few ideas. Easy origami. Pliages - papier. Sweet Robo de Josh Buczynski. Pour achever le WE en beauté, un papertoy assez technique avec des essieux pour en articuler les membres (5 axes en tout !

Sweet Robo de Josh Buczynski

). Ce « sweet » robot humanoïde aux yeux verts est une conception assez géniale du créateur Josh Buczynski. En plus d’être mignon, il pourra prendre la pose de votre choix… (Josh est un véritable ingénieur du papier se spécialisant dans les créations mécaniques, qui induisent une nouvelle expérience de jeu. La nouvelle tendance des papertoys ?) Hjiojhi Une fois assemblé, il y a de quoi faire un super film en stop motion ! Source Partager. Kuma0rila. Readymech. Paper Foldables - Papercraft Toys by Bryan. ♥ Papertoys Blablaland. ORIGAMI MOM. SHIN TANAKA. Paper Toy (The Papertoys Coop) Think.bigchief. Sfumato l’hype per i vinyl toy, ogni tanto becco ancora in giro qualche nuova produzione che attira la mia attenzione come questo Kumamon Toy di Kagawa Masahiko da 138 millimetri.


Se ci capite qualcosa questo è uno dei link da cui si puà acquistare. read more Il 4 maggio FOX trasmetterà la speciale puntata completamente animata con pezzi di Lego così 16 nuove minifigs verranno messe in vendita nelle prossime settimane. Ogni personaggio costerà 4 dollari ma scommetto che andranno in un secondo in sold out. read more Il sud coreano Momot è un king in fatto di paper toy. Medicom ha annunciato la release di due nuove colorazione dell’ambita Vinyl Collectible Dolls dedicata a Andy Warhol. La quinta serie del teschio in porcellana di Limoges di NooN e K.Olin Tribu verrà decorato con varie farfalle applicate a mano dall’artista. Read more Non se ne vedevano da parecchio tempo paper toy su ThinkBigchief. Read more Questa è una di quelle cose per cui da piccolo saltavi pranzo, merenda e cena.

2010-04-11. Boxpunx. Welcome to the Harlancore papertoy site . Here you will find for download the various designs I have created as well as blank templates for you to use and abuse as you see fit.. Feel free to add, subtract, embelish, shrink, enlarge or whatever any element in any way you think is clever. Have fun! Presenting Boxpunx Series NINE: IMPS (Imaginary Monster Papercraft) , an all-new shape, completely glueless and tongueless! Download them all today! Looking for blank templates ? The lastest installment of my PersonaFAN series, Part 4: Devil Summoners vs. Check out my boxpunx animated video here! Here are the two original glueless models I have made. Blank boxpunx glueless girl template + prototype .zip Blank boxpunx glueless boy template + prototype .zip Here are links to the Brute and Mini blank templates. Blank boxpunx brute template + Greyscale Terror brute template .zip. Origami facile. I ♥ mathematics {platonic solids garland}

Oooh….it’s been I while since I last posted.

I ♥ mathematics {platonic solids garland}

We had a smashing Christmas and new year. Hope you all did too! My computer died just before Christmas and it’s taken my hubby and I a while to bring it back to life…which is why it’s been a bit quiet. I lost 3 months worth of work (new years resolution no.33 = backup files more regularly!). Now seems like a good time to thank all you lovely lot for visiting minieco over the last couple of years.

In between posts I regulary use pinterest so do pop over and check it out if you haven’t already. There seems to be a bit of a Polyhedra craze going on at the moment. I have put together some templates for a ‘platonic solids‘ garland. Simply chop, score and glue together. Don’t forget to thread your cotton in whilst glueing the pieces together….I forgot! I’ll try to get a better photo of it in situ…our conservatory is really bright and sunny but the rest of the house is pretty dark (especially in this miserable weather).

Craft. a8f1018483f7409497680f5d215f272e0002.jpg (Image JPEG, 490x3393 pixels) - Redimensionnée (21%) Origami. Origami club. Paper Toys - how to articles from wikiHow. Origami Studio. Origami club. Origami 8 Petal Flower.