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New Millennium Workout Routine (excerpt) Yaloo new millenium workout. OpenStreetMap. Airtable. What we learned from designing an academic certificates system on the blockchain — MIT MEDIA LAB. What we learned from designing an academic certificates system on the blockchain By Juliana Nazaré (@ju1es_), Kim Hamilton Duffy (@kimdhamilton), J. Philipp Schmidt (@schmidtphi) Over the past year, we have been working on a set of tools to issue, display, and verify digital credentials using the Bitcoin blockchain and the Mozilla Open Badges specification. Today we are releasing version 1 of our code under the MIT open-source license to make it easier for others to start experimenting with similar ideas.

In addition to opening up the code, we also want to share some of our thinking behind the design, as well as some of the interesting questions about managing digital reputations that we plan to continue working on. You can find links to our source code, documentation, and discussion on our project homepage: The overall design of the certification architecture is fairly simple. Issuer, Viewer, Schema The Importance of Digital Credentials (Beyond the) Hype. Why We Cry: The Science of Sobbing and Emotional Tearing. By Maria Popova Why it’s easier to prevent a crying spell than to stop one already underway.

The human body is an extraordinary machine, and our behavior an incessant source of fascination. In Curious Behavior: Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping, and Beyond (public library), psychology and neuroscience professor Robert R. Provine undertakes an “analysis and celebration of undervalued, informative, and sometimes disreputable human behavior” by applying the lens of anthropologically-inspired, observational “Small Science” — “small because it does not require fancy equipment and a big budget, not because it’s trivial” — to a wealth of clinical research into the biology, physiology, and neuropsychology of our bodily behaviors. Take, for instance, the science of what we call “crying,” a uniquely human capacity — a grab-bag term that consists of “vocal crying,” or sobbing, and “emotional tearing,” our quiet waterworks.

Photograph via Flickr Commons Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr. Fry's Home Electronics | Computer Parts & Accessories, Software, Games, TVs, Cameras - Makey Makey | Buy Direct (Official Site) Santa Fe Institute Courses.

Santa Fe Institute Courses. About. Hey there. My name is Maria Popova and I’m a reader, writer, interestingness hunter-gatherer, and curious mind at large. I’ve previously written for Wired UK, The Atlantic, The New York Times, and Harvard’s Nieman Journalism Lab, among others, and am an MIT Futures of Entertainment Fellow. Maria Popova. Photograph by Elizabeth Lippman for The New York Times Brain Pickings is my one-woman labor of love — a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why.

Mostly, it’s a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually — and an inquiry into how to live and what it means to lead a good life. Founded in 2006 as a weekly email that went out to seven friends and eventually brought online, the site was included in the Library of Congress permanent web archive in 2012. Here’s a little bit about my seven most important learnings from the journey so far. Please enjoy. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Geometry. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) Home The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students. " Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school.

Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. For additional information, you may call 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327) (voice). Teacher's Quick Guide to Google Best Services. I got you another poster that you will definitely love. I am adding it to the list of posters I have created before and I am also preparing another list of awesome posters that you hang on your classroom wall.Yes, I am determined to help you make your classroom look completely different this school year.

Below is a great infographic from GCF Learn Free that sumps up the services Google offers us. It would be great if you print it out and post it in your desk or in your classroom. Check out and tell us what you think. Learning to use My Blocks. This tutorial explains how to use the "My Block" feature of the NXT-G programming system by working through several examples. What is a My Block? Why Use My Blocks? Making your First My Block Creating a My Block Viewing and Editing the Contents of a My Block Inserting a My Block into a Program Creating My Blocks with Input Parameters What are Input Parameters? Variables, Wiring, and Editing within a My Block Using Variables to Send Data to a My Block Defining Variables in a My Block Rewriting the Contents of a My Block Sharing Wires in a Tabbed Switch Using My Block Variables from the Main Program Making a Modified Copy of a My Block Copying a My Block Changing the Icon for a My Block Organizing and Sharing My Blocks Copying, Renaming, and Deleting My Blocks Broken Blocks Sharing Programs with Pack and Go Making a Sub-Menu on the Custom Palette What is a My Block?

Figure 1: My Blocks are blue in color, and they appear in the Custom palette in NXT-G. Why Use My Blocks? Making your First My Block. 52 Tips And Tricks For Google Docs In The Classroom. Google Docs is such an incredible tool for college students, offering collaboration, portability, ease of use, and widespread acceptance – a must for students in online colleges for online marketing, for instance. But there are so many options, both hidden and obvious, that there’s a good chance you’re not using Google Docs to its fullest capability.

We’ve discovered 52 great tips for getting the most out of Google Docs as a student, with awesome ideas and tricks for collaboration, sharing, and staying productive. 52 Tips And Tricks For Google Docs In The Classroom Access your documents from anywhere: Whether you’re in your dorm room or the school library, you can access your Google Docs. This is a cross-post from How To Create A Google Drive Classroom. How To Create A Google Drive Classroom by TeachThought Staff Using the cloud in the classroom can be a powerful thing. One of the most common uses of the cloud in today’s classroom is word processing, and one of the most common cloud-based word processing platforms is Google Drive.

We’ve talked about offering voice feedback to documents. In the above below, teacher Bjorn Behrendt explains how to set up a classroom in Google Drive. He offers dozens of tips to pre-empt the kind of challenges that you’re likely to see (e.g., students unknowingly duplicating the same file several times, not knowing which folder to turn work in to, etc.) Since he clearly has experience in the classroom, this video is immediately better than the vast majority of universal Google Drive tutorials you’ll find. In addition to other helpful tips, Behrendt includes information on: -Creating a class -Creating assignments -Sharing documents -Filtering results -Turning in digital work -Creating student portfolios -Naming files.

Versal. OneTab extension for Google Chrome and Firefox - save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter. 8 Awesome Husband and Wife Love Notes. The loving husband who listed all the reasons he loves his wife who is battling depression Tim Murphy, a Los Angeles-based engineer, surprised his new wife Molly with a beautiful love note. Molly, who suffers from depression, had just returned from a trip to San Francisco and was feeling particularly blue. When she flopped down on her bed, she noticed Tim has written a 15 point love note, “Reasons I Love My Wife" on their bedroom mirror: 1. The husband who left an awful note to his wife — until she found the second piece "Dear Stefanie,Dinner tasted awful... so I'm leaving you.Goodbye. " It's hardly the love letter a wife expects to find from her new husband. Romanticism apart, this was one hell of a creative note. The man who asked his wife what was on her mind and got this drawn response A professor in college once said in class that the biggest challenge for a woman was to answer “nothing” when her boyfriend asks what was she thinking.

The short answer? This is how she describes it: The Best Tools for Visualization. Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you can think of.

Whether you want a desktop application or a web-based tool, there are many specific tools are available on the web that let you visualize all kinds of data. Here are some of the best: Visualize Social Networks Last.Forward: Thanks to's new widget gallery, you can now explore a wide selection of extras to extend your experience. The gallery hosts widgets for your desktop, for the web, for social networks, and much more. Last Forward Friends Sociomap: Friends Sociomap is another tools that generates a map of the music compatibility between you and your friends. Fidg't: Fidg't is a desktop application that gives you a way to view your networks tagging habits.

Fidg't YouTube: Data. SlideTalk - share presentations as engaging talking videos. Classroom Timers - Fun Timers. City Creator - Build. From sexual liberation to liberation from sex. Young people are forever shocking their elders, and elders, however shocking they themselves may have been to their own elders once upon a time, never fail to play their generation’s perennial role of shocked onlookers to shocking youthful behavior of one sort or another. Not very long ago, well within living memory, parents found their children’s sexual behavior shocking. Sex was so open, so free, so ubiquitous, so uninhibitedly taken for granted. No hiding, no guilt, no confining it against nature within institutional straitjackets like marriage.

This was the sexual revolution, brought about by the youth explosion of the 1960s and ’70s, aided and abetted by scientific advances like the birth control pill, which decoupled sex from reproduction and turned it into recreation pure and simple. High school kids got their vocabularies stretched as elders accused them of being “promiscuous.” They looked it up and smiled. “Sure,” they said, “why not?”

Parents. But they have met. Take bathing. Sensory Systems that Make up the Learning Hierarchy of a Strong Academic Foundation - Integrated Learning Strategies. This article contains information regarding important sensory systems and the learning hierarchy that comes from developing each one. Affiliate links are included for your convenience. Whether a child is using his or her hands to write, ears to listen, eyes to read, or their entire body to play sports, they can execute and learn best when they are active and using all of their senses to the fullest.

When a child’s brain directs the body to sequence and perform motor tasks this is called motor planning. The ability to motor plan relies on adequate functioning of all the sensory systems. In the learning sphere, a child must build on sensory input from many different sensory systems to fully unlock his or her learning potential. When children do not get enough sensory stimulation or if they get too much, they have difficulty learning through their visual and auditory systems. The Hierarchy of Learning Vestibular SystemTactile SystemProprioceptive SystemVisual SystemAuditory System. Inicio - Gamification Thinking. Plickers. The Difference Between Being In Love And Just Being Attached. Is it love, or is it just attachment? We all have those friends who jump from relationship to relationship, and each time, they are “totally and completely in love.” For those of us who have been single longer than two of their relationships combined, we can't help but wonder how someone can possibly be “in love” with all these people.

I mean, come on. It's not love. It's fear of being alone. Yes. But what if your feeling is wrong? You know those relationships you got out of, and after a few months, you couldn't believe you ever said those three beautiful words to someone you wouldn't want to be seen with today? Well, it's usually because it wasn't love. I have no real insight in knowing if your love is real or if it's just insecurity masked in AXE body spray, but I can give you some general pointers. Because you don't want to attend a wedding where the only thing the bride has to say about the groom is that “he's always there.” Love is passionate; attachment is apathetic. MotherWise | Evidence-Based Parenting, Whole Life Health. Peggo - YouTube to MP3 converter. A Map of Learning Theory Concepts, Theorists, Paradigms and Disciplines.

Learning theory is complex, and while the graphic below may initially seem to reinforce that idea, it actually makes a complicated topic very digestible. Richard Millwood is an assistant professor at Trinity College Dublin, and he also runs Core Education, a nonprofit that helps schools use technology for better learning outcomes. As part of his work for the HoTEL Project (Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced Learning), Millwood created this guide to learning theories. On his blog, Millwood describes his motivation to collect information and resources about learning theories featured in the map: Learning theory has been a contested scientific field for most of its history, with conflicting contributions from many scientific disciplines, practice and policy positions. Check out the graphic below, and click here for the interactive version. Learning Theory. Sunlit Art | How to Order. Prices and shipping: Part of the mission of Sunlit Art is to provide inspiring, educational, and beautiful cards and calendars at a reasonable price.

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By Phone: Please call us at (505) 989 1630. PDF to Flash page flip - flipbook software. Socrative. How to lose weight (in the browser) Proclaim - Church Presentation Software. EcoSmartFilter - Remove all ads and make the world greener. 7 Strategies To Help Students Ask Great Questions. NGC 3310: A Starburst Spiral Galaxy (2016) - NASA Pic of the Day.