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Apes & Monkeys

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Baby Primates

Chimpanzees. Gorillas. Orangutans. Primate Intelligence. Macaque steals camera to snap himself. Crab-eating Macaque. Lazy Long-Tailed Monkey Rides Bambi. Published: 12:54 GMT, 17 August 2012 | Updated: 12:55 GMT, 17 August 2012 Monkeys are famously social animals, and this macaque certainly appears to have a knack for making friends.

Lazy Long-Tailed Monkey Rides Bambi

The long-tailed macaque was photographed being carried around by a particularly accommodating Chital deer at a zoo in Malaysia. Ethiopian Baboons survey the landscape. Random photo Submit your photo Stumble Thru.

Ethiopian Baboons survey the landscape

Little monkey drinking. Happy Gibbon. Bonobos. Bonobos are not ordinary animals, mammals, primates, or monkeys!


Bonobo is our closest cousin.DNA similarities between man and the Bonobo primates is an incredible 99.5%.Yes, just so, almost the same. Bonobo is more like a man and closer to a gorilla. Ape Skeletal Similarities [not to scale] Meditating Japanese macaque relax. Random photo Submit your photo Stumble Thru animal photography.

Meditating Japanese macaque relax