American woman in the war effort as a machine gun tester – WWII 1943 (Colorized) : OldSchoolCool. Looking West From Peristyle, Court of Honor and Grand Basin of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago, Illinois). It was opened to the public from May 1, 1893, until October 30, 1893. [4443 x 3103] : HistoryPorn. Crowd celebrates death of Hitler by burning effigy. Canada, 1945 [1920x1483]. : HistoryPorn.
The Saturn V rocket for Apollo 13 is bathed in floodlights during an early-morning rollout at Kennedy Space Center on December 16, 1969.[1500 x 1028] : HistoryPorn. Homeless children sleeping in Mulberry Street, New York City, 1889. [1072 x 841] : HistoryPorn. Times Square welcomes Soviet leader Gorbachev during his visit to New York, 1988 [1200x720] : HistoryPorn. President Ronald Reagan meeting with Afghan Mujahideen leaders in the Oval Office in 1983 [800x565] : HistoryPorn. San Francisco harbor at Yerba Buena Cove in 1850 or 1851 — with Yerba Buena Island, and Berkeley Hills, in the background. Daguerrotype, from during the California Gold Rush. [unknown photographer, 2,574 x 1,727] : HistoryPorn.
Dating scene on 1901. Montana, US. (500x373) : OldSchoolCool. Douglas DC-4 Flying over New York City, 1939 [2000x1609] : HistoryPorn. Vivian Maier’s photographs. New York, 1954 : OldSchoolCool. John F Kennedy's coffin lies in state in the Capitol Building, Washington D.C. ,November 1963. [2800x1867] : HistoryPorn. Excavations for Grand Central Station, Manhattan NYC, 1908 [3400x2729] : HistoryPorn. Sidney Poitier wins the Academy Award for Best Actor, the first black star to win the award (1964) : OldSchoolCool. Horseback drive-in movie theater, 1949. : OldSchoolCool. Clara Barton (1821–1912), founder of the American Red Cross - She was nicknamed as the “Angel of Battlefield” : ColorizedHistory.
The Hindenburg disaster, May 6, 1937. : ColorizedHistory. Boston and Maine Railroad depot, Salem, Massachusetts ca 1910. Close-ups in comments : ColorizedHistory. Unloading bananas from steamer, New Orleans ca 1900 - close-ups in comments : ColorizedHistory. Veronica Foster, (b.1922 - d.2000) popularly known as "Ronnie, the Bren Gun Girl" : ColorizedHistory. Charles Lindbergh in the open cockpit of airplane at Lambert Field, St. Louis, Missouri in 1923 : ColorizedHistory. Henry Ford in his 1896 Quadricycle during a visit to Detroit - July 30, 1942 : ColorizedHistory. Old skylights of Grand Central Station, New York City. (1929) Ruins of Baltimore after the Great Fire destroyed 70 city blocks, February 1904 [898x764] : HistoryPorn.
Workers atop the Woolworth Building, New York, 1926. The interior of the original Penn Station in 1911. In 1963 it was demolished to build the current Penn Station. Japanese-American children waving from a train window as it leaves Seattle to take them to an internment camp for the duration of World War II. March 1942. Broadway 1850, thought to be the earliest photo of new york. Early car parked in front of The Northern Saloon in Bannock Nevada 1910. D Day plan.
Rare photo of Hoover dam from the back before the water. 1930's. A luxurious lawn mower with air conditioning from the 1950's. The inauguration of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, 1886. An immigrant family on the docks of Ellis Island in New York (1925) An actual Richard Nixon campaign slogan from the 1970's. Say what you will about Tricky Dick, the man had a sense of humor. Kid attending Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech, 28th of August 1963. Blackfoot Indians, 1913. Woman operating a turret lathe in support of the Allied war effort, 1942. A man flees the LA riots with a shopping cart full of diapers, 1992. Wagon passing through a Sequoia, in Yosemite National Park (1868-1869) - by Carleton Watkins. Greensboro Four- On February 1st, 1960, four African American students attempted to eat lunch at a Woolsworth in their town of Greensboro, NC. When refused service, they refused to leave. A busy market day at Jacques Cartier Square, Montreal, Canada in 1900.
At the arcades 1980. Winnie the Welder (Life Magazine Portrait, October 1943) A Union soldier and his family working at Queen’s farm, vicinity of Fort Slocum, Washington, DC, during the Civil War in 1861. A teacher explains the new Polio vaccine to students, 1955. "Girls deliver ice. Heavy work that formerly belonged to men only is being done by girls. The ice girls are delivering ice on a route and their work requires brawn as well as the patriotic ambition to help." (16 Sept. 1918)
Muhammad Ali walks the streets of New York with members of the Black Panthers, 1970. Perseverance. "An interior view of the control room of Space Launch Complex Three during the simulated launching of an Atlas NDS-5 spacecraft," 1/26/1980, LBJ signs the Immigration Act on Liberty Island. 1965. (1024 x 688). The boys celebrating the end of prohibition 1930s. Entrance to Drive-In Theatre (1938) Freight depot in Chicago, 1943. Late 1950s/Early 60s: Mathematician and trailblazer Katherine Johnson calculating spacecraft trajectories by hand! Astronaut John Glenn trusted her more than computers, and her accuracy in orbital mechanics equations helped NASA to fly the first men to th.
A man removing a "white men" sign after the federal ruling that outlawed segregation, 1954. Kids playing basketball while firefighters behind them battle an apartment building engulfed in flames in Harlem, New York 1970s. After the assassination of senator and presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy in 1968, many people went to see his funeral train as it traveled with his family from New York to Washington. The Cuban Missile Crisis, visitors could see air defense systems on the beach. Florida, 1962. Photographer Margareth Bourke-White setting up her camera on a Chrysler Building Gorgoyle, cca. 1930.
Female pilot of the US Women's Air Corp Service (WASP), 1943. Mid 1930s: Eleanor Roosevelt with the .22 Smith and Wesson she frequently carried in lieu of secret service protection. The Cuban Missile Crisis, visitors could see air defense systems on the beach. Florida, 1962. The Kennedys, 1960s. Census worker operating a punch card computer, U.S. circa 1920. Marilyn Monroe performing for the thousands of American troops in Korea, 1954. The lottery used by the Selective Service to determine who would be drafted for Vietnam first. In each capsule is a day of the year, determining the order of draftees by their birthday. Washington D.C. 1969. Kids out here freaking about it being a new decade. Trying living through a new millennium.
Betty Skelton - 1959, Skelton was the first woman to undergo NASA's physical and psychological tests, identical to those given to the Mercury Seven astronauts. Hospital bill for baby delivery, 1955. The Hollywood sign. The last four letters were removed when the sign was refurbished in 1949. Italian immigrant from Albania at Ellis Island by Lewis Wickes Hines (1905)
Delivery of a dinosaur to the Museum of Science, 1984. Terry Fox, after losing one of his legs to cancer; embarked on an east to west coast marathon in Canada to raise money for cancer research. He made it 143 days into his run before he lost his battle with cancer at the age of 22 - 1980. Two sailors passed out on the street from celebrating the end of WWII 1945. Streets of NYC 1905 (colorized) Billie Holiday performing at Cafe Society, NYCs first integrated nightclub, 1947 - photo by Gjon Mili. Elvis received his polio vaccination on national TV. That single event was responsible for raising immunization levels in the US from 0.06% to 80% in just 6 months 1956. WWII refugee children entering the United States, 1946 (at Statue Of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York City) Employees of the Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge TN, operating calutron control panels during WWII. Texas farmer celebrating the end of a very long drought 1952.
New Years Eve in Time Square 1930. President John F. Kennedy and daughter Caroline (Halloween 1963) NYC Parks Department Swimmobile (1960)