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Brownie Cookies. Every month or so, the irresistible urge to make a pan of brownies creeps into my mind.

Brownie Cookies

Often only a day or two passes before the craving turns into a reality. Despite my regular hunger for brownies, I have yet to create a brownie that suits my tastes. Each month I try out a new recipe, finding myself discouraged by the rubbery texture or the lack of chewiness. I have tried the most popular recipes, from names both big and small, only to find disappointment in the pan that emerges from the oven. Three years and two dozen batches later, I'm still looking for the one. The dirty truth is that I love box mix brownies. Every so often, I sneak a box mix into my red basket at the market, feeling deliciously guilty about my purchase. When the obligatory brownie craving struck this month, I searched around for another recipe to try. These cookies are the closest I have ever come to the perfect brownie. Brownie Cookies take the classic pan of brownies and turn them into individual servings. Millie's Cookies recipe. Blueberry Yogurt Cookies.

Hi Guys!

Blueberry Yogurt Cookies

Did everyone have a good weekend? I had a weekend of beaching it, dog park-ing it, and farmers market-ing it. It was a pretty cool weekend and I’m super pumped for next weekend. Teri and I are heading off to Austin for the Food and Wine Festival and we’re stoked! I’m so excited to see what different chefs and restaurants will be bringing to their booths and I’m even more excited to become inspired by some of the dishes and do some recreates when I get home!

Blueberry-Yogurt Cookies Makes about 40 Ingredients:2 cups all purpose flour1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder1/2 teaspoon baking soda1/4 teaspoon salt1 1/4 cup superfine sugar (granulated works fine)1 1/4 cups Greek yogurt1 egg, lightly beaten1 lemon, zested1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract1 1/4 cup fresh blueberries1/2 cup Swedish pearl sugar. 50 Delicious Cookie Recipes. We love cookies.

50 Delicious Cookie Recipes

You love cookies. So why would we only eat them for dessert? Hearty breakfast cookies. Delicate tea cakes. Chocolate-dipped cookies best served with an after-dinner coffee. 1. Liberally infused with pistachios, crammed with chunks of dark chocolate and sprinkled with sea salt, Joy describes these slow bake cookies as “campfire meets fine dining.” 2.

They may have started as sugar cookies, but a sprinkle of cinnamon and brown sugar turns this treat into heavenly little cinnamon rolls. 3. The best time to eat these cookies is straight out of the oven. 4. Loaded with “healthy” ingredients like oats, sunflower seeds and dried fruit, we can almost convince ourselves that these cookies are good for us (if not for the heaping cups of sugar and chocolate chips). 5. The balance of bourbon and spice makes this a great cookie for Fall. Decorating Doughnuts. It’s Doughnut Time!

Decorating Doughnuts

Or rather Double Decker, Dark Chocolate, Mini Doughnut Sugar Cookie time. That’s a mouthful for these mini treats. They are just too cute and too easy to make. Cocoa. Flour. I made these yummy dark chocolate doughnut cookies using my sweet sweet friend Bridget of Bake at 350‘s super easy sugar cookie and royal icing recipe that I’ve used before. This time I just swapped 1/2 cup of flour for 1/2 cup of special dark cocoa from Hershey’s. Try it. After you make the dough, it’s ready to roll and cut.

These are mini doughnuts, but you can make them any size you like. I used a 1 1/2-inch round cutter and a Ateco 807 tip. Pair the cookies up and they make the perfect proportions for actual size mini doughnuts. And when you decorate them all super cute… you won’t even think they’re cookies at first glance. To pipe, I just used a small squeeze bottle filled with royal icing that was thick enough enough to hold its shape without having to pipe an outline border first. Enjoy! Caramel chocolate fudge brownie cookies recipe.