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Saag Paneer Recipe | Indian Recipes. Microwave Brownie for One. Salt dough recipe and variations. The Burger Experience Without the Beef - Well Blog. Andrew Scrivani for The New York TimesWhere’s the spinach? In the mushroom burger. Even the most devoted burger lover may be feeling a bit queasy about eating ground beef these days. As New York Times reporter Michael Moss has written, thousands of people fall victim each year to E. coli poisoning from tainted beef, and hamburgers are the biggest culprit. And now, even the methods used to remove E. coli from the nation’s beef supply have raised safety questions. In this week’s Recipes for Health, Martha Rose Shulman writes about her son’s love of hamburgers, but her own worries about meat safety.

I think it’s not so much the meat as much as the pleasure of eating a browned patty in a bun, with ketchup, that he likes (and that I like too). As a result, Ms. Here are the recipes: Tuna or Salmon Burgers: These high-protein burgers are a great way to edge away from beef and still feel like you’re eating a burger. Simple method of charcoal production. This is the pictorial part of the desciption of an easy charring method. For a more descriptive explanation, go to the other side.

Click on the picture. The equipment: Two metal barrels, the larger about 20 cm (8 in) wider and 10 cm (4in) higher than the smaller vessel. In the larger one you make air intakes some centimetres (about1 in) from the bottom that allow an ample amount of air intake. The smaller vessel, you do nothing with. Fill the smaller vessel with biomass, preferrably dry to make the charring procedure more efficient. Put the material in as tight as possible.

Fill the vessel level with the top. Put the filled vessel on a pair of bricks to make the next step easier. Put the larger drum upside down on top of the smaller vessel, so the bottom of the drum fits close to the top of the biomass filled vessel. Hold the inner vessel tight to the bottom of the larger when turning it back so the content doesn't spill out. Replenish the firewood, so it burns at least 30 - 40 minutes.