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Prefix free: Break free from CSS vendor prefix hell! -prefix-free lets you use only unprefixed CSS properties everywhere.

Prefix free: Break free from CSS vendor prefix hell!

It works behind the scenes, adding the current browser’s prefix to any CSS code, only when it’s needed. The target browser support is IE9+, Opera 10+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+ and Chrome on desktop and Mobile Safari, Android browser, Chrome and Opera Mobile on mobile. If it doesn’t work in any of those, it’s a bug so please report it. Just before you do, please make sure that it’s not because the browser doesn’t support a CSS3 feature at all, even with a prefix.

Powerful New CSS- and JavaScript-Techniques (2012 Edition) Advertisement Since our last round-up of useful CSS techniques1, we’ve seen a lot of truly remarkable CSS geekery out there.

Powerful New CSS- and JavaScript-Techniques (2012 Edition)

With CSS3, some of the older techniques now have become obsolete, others have established themselves as standards, and many techniques are still in the “crazy experimentation” stage. CSS 3D Lighting Engine. CSS-Tricks. Normalize.css: Make browsers render all elements more consistently.