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Resource Center - Contrast Analyser 2.2. About the Colour Contrast Analyser This native application (available for both Windows and Mac) allows you to evaluate the color visibility and contrast of foreground/background color combinations. It provides an initial pass/fail assessment against WCAG 2.0 color contrast success criteria.

In addition, the Colour Contrast Analyser provides functionality to simulate certain visual conditions such as dichromatic color blindness (protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia) and cataracts. Note: the image simulation features are currently not available in the Mac version. Details The Color Contrast Analyser was developed to facilitate the assessment of color combinations against WCAG 2.0: The Colour Contrast Analyser uses the following formula to determine contrast: where R, G and B are defined as: and RsRGB, GsRGB, and BsRGB are defined as: RsRGB = R8bit/255GsRGB = G8bit/255BsRGB = B8bit/255 Versions Windows Mac Acknowledgements Terms of use The Colour Contrast Analyser is freeware.

Vischeck: Home. Contrast-A: Find Accessible Color Combinations. FAE: Run FAE. WAVE - Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool. About Vischeck. What is it? Vischeck is a way of showing you what things look like to someone who is color blind. You can try Vischeck online- either run Vischeck on your own image files or run Vischeck on a web page. You can also download programs to let you run it on your own computer. What is it good for? Roughly 1 in 20 people have some sort of color vision deficiency. Many pictures, documents and web pages are hard for color blind people to read because the people who designed them didn't think about the problem.

The technical stuff Vischeck is a computer simulation of the entire process of human vision. The first stage includes the physical properties of the display devices (including various CRT and LCD monitors, and standard CYMK print on paper), the ambient lighting and the effects of physiological factors such as corneal haze, lens opacities and short or long-sightedness which might degrade the optical image.

The final stage in Vischeck is a model of human cortical vision. Page Speed Home.