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Free Software Alternatives – OpenOffice and Other Free Software. Man, software can be expensive. With a fully loaded Microsoft Office suite costing up to $350, and the pro-level version of Adobe Photoshop costing an extra $1300, the price of basic software utilities can easily trump the cost of even a high-powered new computer. So, much as doctors may find themselves recommending generic drugs over pricey name-brand pills, I increasingly find myself advising people to procure free, open-source or Web-based alternatives to expensive programs.

For most users, these applications should serve as adequate replacements for big-name apps. In Pictures: Online computer tutorials based on pictures. Free. The Best PCs You Can Build for $600 and $1200. How to Build a Computer from Scratch: The Complete Guide. Microcontroller measures heart rate through fingertip. The BEST Cover Letter Ever: How To Write It and Write It RIGHT. Now that you know how to write that ever-so-perfect resume, it’s time to WOW potential employers with a cover letter that leaves them in awe of your skills, and gives you what you’re looking for — an interview, and hopefully a job!

The BEST Cover Letter Ever: How To Write It and Write It RIGHT

Step 1: FIGURE OUT THE EMPLOYEE’S NAME and contact information. When composing a cover letter, knowing the name of the employee to send your letter to, her position in the company, and the address of the company is crucial. An easy reason for someone to toss your application in the trash is spelling his or her name wrong. Put all this information on your cover letter — it may seem tedious but it’s professional and it gives an immediate indication that this isn’t a mass produced cover letter. How Can I Make Sure My Resume Gets Past Resume Robots and into a Human's Hand?

How to Get People to Call You Back Video. 18 Things I Wish Someone Would've Told Me at 18. Free Online Documentaries. BrainPOP Jr. - K-3 Educational Movies, Quizzes, Lessons, and More!

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