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8 Common Thinking Mistakes Our Brains Make Every Day and How to Prevent Them. 12.3K Flares 12.3K Flares × Get ready to have your mind blown. I was seriously shocked at some of these mistakes in thinking that I subconsciously make all the time. Obviously, none of them are huge, life-threatening mistakes, but they are really surprising and avoiding them could help us to make more rational, sensible decisions. Especially as we thrive for continues self-improvement at Buffer, if we look at our values, being aware of the mistakes we naturally have in our thinking can make a big difference in avoiding them. Unfortunately, most of these occur subconsciously, so it will also take time and effort to avoid them—if you even want to. Regardless, I think it’s fascinating to learn more about how we think and make decisions every day, so let’s take a look at some of these thinking habits we didn’t know we had. 1. We tend to like people who think like us.

This is called confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is a more active form of the same experience. 2. 3. 4. Well, no. Kris Gethin 12-Week Daily Trainer - Week 9: Day 62! Quick Navigation Previous Day | Next Day Kris hits the rusty weights at Metroflex Gym once again for a hardcore biceps and triceps session! Week 9, Day 62: Biceps & TricepsWatch The Video - 08:21 follow this program in bodyspace SCHEDULE / TRACK / SUCCEED Apply Tips For This Workout Day The Right Gym Let's face it, if you don't like the place where you work out, you most likely will have a hard time getting there. Dips If chains are available, you can use them to add resistance to your dips and also look hardcore! Hammer Curls If you start failing during hammer curls, try bringing the weight across your body to continually work the biceps and allow for a full range of movement.

Triceps Cable Extensions With Bar Use a close grip to really isolate and target the triceps. Pre & Post-Workout Supplements About The Author Kris is a writer and photographer and will be providing with various types of articles. Bodyweight Workout For Your Morning Routine. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Chad Howse. Have you ever intended to work out in the afternoon or evening but didn’t get a chance to and were bummed that exercising that day was a wash? Or maybe you have a tough time getting started in the morning and feel sluggish throughout your day. Luckily, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to experience the benefits of working out.

And you don’t need any machines or weights either — you can get a great workout in your house or apartment. I highly recommend that all men find time for a short bout of exercise first thing every morning. By starting your day with the 15-minute (or less) workout below, your body will release endorphins that promote brain function, and improve focus and creativity. You’re going to have a boost in energy, and also a boost in metabolism, helping you burn more fat throughout the rest of your work day. 15-Minute Morning Bodyweight Workout Be sure to watch the video above to have the workout explained.

The Workout. Color Scheme Designer 3. A Man’s Guide to Wearing Shorts. Few items in a man’s wardrobe seem to elicit as much debate as shorts do. Today we’ll uncover just why that is, and then offer some guidelines on the how, what, where, and why of wearing them. Guidelines I’m sure will be much debated! Let’s get right to it. Why are some men reluctant to wear shorts? Why is there so much confusion about such a simple garment? In the late 19th and early 20th centuries there were a number of English words for shortened men’s pants. All of these varieties were clothing for boys, both unofficially and as part of many school uniforms.

Grown men didn’t start wearing shorts outside of extremely hot climates until after World War II, during which soldiers stationed in the tropics had been issued short trousers both for comfort and to ration cloth. In the post-war years, shorts caught on as a specific uniform for some kinds of sports and recreation. In the middle of the 20th century, shorts were considered athletic-wear only. When to Wear Shorts 1. 2. Can you? Clothes Make The Man. 15 Quick Fashion Tips for Men. Stumbleupon I’m sitting here enjoying a hot cup tea, trying to get the creative juices flowing for this next article. Since everyone loves top lists, I thought I’d give you guys something you probably don’t see too often, a quick list of some practical fashion tips.

Here are 15 Quick Fashion tips: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Articles you may also enjoy: » How To Tie A Tie: The Pursuit Of The Perfect Knot » Finding the Perfect Suit » The Elusive Perfect Shave » What Asia Taught Me About Casual Style All you need to know is compiled in our Method… Best bars to *ahem* "meet" single people? : washingtondc. How to Use Humor Effectively to Meet and Attract Women |

Timing of your actions is critical to many aspects of your dating life in general and dating any woman specifically. Timing of your actions is as important on your first dates as it is even earlier – when you just met a girl and you are trying to have that first conversation with her to figure out whether you will be interested in each other.

Being funny and using humor in an attractive way is just as much about when you say something as it is about what you are actually saying. Many dating advice sources encourage men to be funny and use humor to attract women. I couldn’t agree more – humor is important to attracting a woman on so many levels. But few of these dating guys tell guys when you should be using humor for maximum effect. The timing of being funny with women is critical. You want to show your serious side first, and then say something witty/funny in a non-chalant way, when appropriate and relevant. Practical, effective dating tips and relationship advice. The Single Best Way to Meet Women -- Really. I smiled when I saw this email from a friend working abroad… “I took your advice to heart and started doing a whole bunch of random stuff on a whim: wine tasting trip to Mendoza, gourmet cooking classes, tango, Portuguese lessons, and powerlifting.

It’s really added a whole new dimension to my life, I’ve met some awesome people in the process (plus a lot of cute Argentine and Brazilian girls!) And I feel I’m in my most creative state ever.” He came to me frustrated with his current lifestyle. He explained that he worked all the time and made a decent living, but for what? He was bored with his after-work activities, lacked the social circle he desired, and wasn’t meeting enough women. I asked him, “Why not write a list of stuff you’ve always wanted to try? To my surprise he replied, “That’s a great idea, I’m doing it.” For single men, this is the most effective way to meet women. You can find women everywhere, not just at the bar. Salsa dancing, or any kind of other dance class. [FR] Seducing an Alpha Turkish girl. : seduction. Get Rock-Solid Frame Control with the Women You Like, Guaranteed. Frame control is an incredibly necessary thing for you to master, both internally and externally, for finding success with women.

Guys that have it get their way with girls. Guy who don't get steamrolled by girls. You see it go both ways every day. If it feels like an intangible topic, it isn't. Rather than going into specific definitions (we'll get into that in a bit), let me give you some examples of what we're talking about. Gets a girl who's hemming and hawing to stop doing that and come with him Takes a girl who's trying to act coy and aloof and excites and intrigues her enough to make her chase him Nimbly deflects jealous friends trying to derail or interfere with his progress with their cute friend Shrugs off women's attempts to throw him off-balance, by being overtly sexual or overly rude, and remains calm, in control, and attractive On the other hand, a guy's relinquished control of the frame when he: What are "Frames? " In other words, a frame is a way of seeing the world. The 14 Best Dates in D.C. That Aren't Dinner and a Movie. D.C. has reputation for being a kind of boring dating town, probably because of all the dull Date Labs where people have a polite conversation over small plates then go to bed at 10 p.m.

But with the city's abundance of free spots, bars and outdoor spaces, there are plenty of inventive dates to be had in Washington. Here are the 13 best dates in D.C. that aren't dinner and movie. PHILLIPS AFTER 5: Phillips After 5 is a great date destination because it's about three dates in one — an art museum, live entertainment, and booze and snacks. The event only happens on the first Thursday of each month, so the date will be all the more special. New exhibits are frequently added to the collection and cover lots of art styles. Phillips After 5 take place on the first Thursday of every month at 1600 21st St NW. FIRST FRIDAY: I’ve always hated museum dates, mostly because I think it’s an inefficient way of both seeing a museum and getting to know your date.

Date Ideas in DC. How to Be a Better Conversationalist. Being able to hold good conversation is the foundation of every social interaction. Without this ability, getting past small talk and building stronger connections is damn near impossible. We talk to people every single day yet we get nervous and struggle during the moments that matter most. I’ve always been decent at riffing with people I already knew or was introduced to in a casual setting, like school or parties. But over the last few years in the real world, I’ve had to learn how to converse with many different people in many different situations. While talking to a friend the other night, he asked me how he could get more comfortable speaking with people, too.

Stay in the conversation Get out of your own head and into the conversation. If you’re thinking about what to say next you’re not involved enough. Make statements Asking questions are great for getting to know someone, when used wisely. Statements are much more comforting and natural. Rephrase your questions as statements.

Day Two. 6 Apps to Help You Plan the Perfect Date | My Life Scoop. Whether it’s a first date with a gal you’re just getting to know or the 800th with your sweetheart of twenty years, planning and smoothly executing a date can be daunting. It’s hard to come up with ideas that both you and your partner will enjoy. But with today’s technology, creating memorable dates has never been easier. Below we highlight six smart apps that will help you plan and carry out dates that are bound to make your main squeeze swoon. Flowers Meaning While bringing flowers on a first date might be seen as over the top, once you’ve been going out for awhile, few women can resist the charm of a beautiful bouquet.

Free UrbanDaddyNextMove The gents at UrbanDaddy have one mission: helping people living in the biggest metro areas of the U.S. find the best bars, restaurants, and events. Spotify A well-planned music playlist can create the perfect mood for your date. . $9.99 a month for unlimited song downloads NiftyDateIdeas $.99 cents Dropp App MoviesApp. Fail-proof first dates in the DC area from Best sushi happy hours in the DC area from Best bars for fun and games in the DC area from How to Use Eye Contact to Improve Your Business and Love Life. In our first post in this two-part series on eye contact, we discussed the importance of eye contact and some of the reasons we don’t always feel comfortable looking someone in the eye. But just because eye contact is a great thing and a vital tool for improving the quality of all your face-to-face interactions with others, doesn’t mean that more eye contact is always better or that all eye contact is created equal.

You have to do it right—at the right time and in the right way. How to do that is what we’ll be exploring today. We’ll start off with a primer on how to make good eye contact in general conversational situations, and then we’ll tackle eye contact tips for specific scenarios. General Principles for Making Effective Eye Contact Eye contact begets eye contact. But don’t be a creeper. Thus good eye contact is based on mutuality. “In order for eye contact to feel good, one person cannot impose his visual will on another; it is a shared experience.

Don’t overdo it. Hide your eyes. How To Give A Good Compliment | Life Coaches Blog. If you see a lot of posts about communication at Life Coaches Blog, it’s not because I’m good at it, but because I was a real social nerd (some of my friends will say I’m still one :P). More than a few people who’ve seen me speak have been surprised, but I’m an introvert by nature and an extrovert by training. I’ve had to pick up these skills to overcome my awkward social skills and that’s why I like to share what I’ve found to work, and what I want to learn more about. Here’s something I’ve found to help me open up conversations, give people a lift, and raise my self-esteem at the same time. How To Give A Good Compliment There’s nothing like a warm, sincere compliment to make your day. Instead of waiting for one, why not give one out? Take it from me, the more you give, the more you find you’ll receive. 1) Make your compliment specific.

“That necklace looks really good on you” makes a bigger impact compared to “you look really good today”. 2) Back up your compliment. Featured. 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy. Without realising it, many of our thought habits get in the way of our happiness and cause us to get stuck into negative patterns of thinking. Below we will look at 13 ways we can rewire our thoughts and minds into allowing ourselves to feel the happiness that we deserve, freeing us to live, love and be happy.

We will look at how we can liberate ourselves from those thoughts and mental habits that hold us back and hold us down, we will look forward to a better, happier and more positive new us. Follow this advice and not only will you feel better but those around you will too, after all, only a lit candle can light other candles. 1. Let go of your complaining Throughout the day we could potentially find countless things to complain about, the weather, the traffic, the service we got at a restaurant but how does this constant whinging make things any better for us?

Does it make things better for us? “Tell the negativity committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.” 2. Humor Train. Pyramid of Success. I first heard about John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success when I was in my teens, and then was exposed to it constantly during my playing days at UCLA. It was literally decades after leaving Coach’s supervision that I came to realize the power and wisdom of the Pyramid.

It has shaped both my professional and personal life, and can be easily incorporated by anyone who is seeking success and fulfillment. Making Sense of Dreams. Lucid Dreaming Community & Resource - Home. 21 Brilliant Productivity Tools Every College Student Must Use: Get Degrees. Songs to lie on your bed and stare at the ceiling to | lytebryte25 | 8tracks.

Sleeping Tricks - Effective Techniques For Falling Asleep. Courses They Should Actually Be Teaching In College. Identify a Lie with 6 Simple Questions. Amazon. Different-Types-of-Wine-Print. 9 Ways to Hack your Brain to Think Faster. Six Books on Leadership Worth Actually Reading. First Aid. Essential Survival Skills and Tools.

12 Bar Tricks Every Man Should Know.