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The Plataians - Shield Devices. Ancient Greek Sacred Sites. Sacred Sites of Ancient Greece Temple of Hephaistos The Temple of Hephaestus in central Athens, Greece, is the best-preserved ancient Greek temple in the world, but is far less well-known than its illustrious neighbour, the Parthenon.

Ancient Greek Sacred Sites

The temple is also known as the Hephaesteum or Hephaesteion. It is sometimes called the Theseum, due to a belief current in Byzantine times that the bones of the legendary Greek hero Theseus were buried there; in fact the bones alleged to be those of Theseus were buried in the 5th century BC at another site nearer to the Acropolis. History: Greeks. Ancient Greece, the Map as History. Antiquity – The Greek world - Mycenaeans - colonization – the Hellenistic kingdoms – a city-state: Athens – Athenian democracy - the Pan-Hellenic sanctuaries – Alexandria, a Hellenistic city – the Greco-Persian wars - Marathon - Salamina – The Peloponnesian war – the Athenian Empire – the conquests of Alexander the Great – Issus – Gaugamela Ancient Greece played a major role in the development of Western civilization and laid down the foundations of democracy.

Ancient Greece, the Map as History

This series evokes Crete and Mycenae, colonization and Greek cities, wars between Persia and the Athenian empire, Sparta and the Peloponnesian war, Alexander's conquests and the Hellenistic kingdoms. In an evolving geographic area, its two thousand years of history have inspired our imagination. The evolving Greek world The Greek world was an ever-changing geographical reality throughout three million years before Christ.

Top 10 Facts About Sparta's Women. Family tree of the Greek gods. Key: The essential Olympians' names are given in bold font.

Family tree of the Greek gods

See also List of Greek mythological figures Notes.