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CoffeeScript Basics – A Teach Me To Code Tutorial. CoffeeScript is now going to be a default installation with Ruby on Rails. So, I installed CoffeeScript and NodeJS and have been playing with it for the last hour or so. Here are the basics you need to know to use CoffeeScript including functions, arrays, hashes (objects), control functions (if, else, unless) and loops. In my opinion it is friendlier than JavaScript and more terse, but I don’t feel like it’s a huge win over JavaScript. That being said, it is something I’m likely to use in the future. Download 168 MBDownload (iPhone & iPod) 87.3 MB. Scripting FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions By the Scripting Guys Scripting in General What exactly is a script? A script is nothing more than a plain-text file created using Notepad or some other text editor, and saved with a particular file extension (for example: .VBS if you are using the VBScript scripting language).

A script file describes the steps required to complete a task. OK. Do you ever find yourself typing the same set of commands over and over again in order to get a certain task done? Scripts eliminate some of this repetitive work. Scripts can also be scheduled to perform tasks at certain times on certain days, even at night, when no one is around. I’m a complete newcomer to scripting. We hope the Windows 2000 Scripting Guide will get you started.

Can you recommend a book that will teach me scripting? Besides our own? What software do I need to install on my computer to write a script? Believe it or not, as long as you have Notepad then you have everything you need to start writing scripts. Next. Google unveils Swiffy Flash-to-HTML5 tool | Browsers & Add-Ons. Beginners Guide to Flash. Google, Bing & Yahoo Unite To Make Search Listings Richer Through Structured Data. Today, “in the spirit of“, Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo have announced the joint alliance of This alliance provides a common foundation of support for a set of microdata types — some that previously existed and some that have been created as part of this initiative. Microdata is a type of structured mark up that can be used to provide semantic meaning to content on web pages.

The microdata types currently supported are documented at schema.og. You can also take a look at the announcements from each search engine on their blogs: It appears as though the three search engines will be using this meta data solely to enhance the search results display for now, much like is already done with Google’s rich snippets and was done with Yahoo’s SearchMonkey. This makes sense for Yahoo, as they control only the user experience of their search results now that the indexing and ranking of their search results now come from Bing. YouTube's Creative Commons License Lets You Remix Videos Like Crazy. - Standardizing Structured Markup For Search Engines. The big news yesterday from the major search engines was the launch of This is the search engines uniting to make HTML markup for structured data to be used on the search results display easy and more manageable for webmasters.

This markup language is typically used by search engines to show richer content in the results. Like for recipe results, ratings, reviews, etc. The full documentation is over here. Google, Bing and Yahoo all jointly announced it together. Vanessa Fox at Search Engine Land has a very good write up explaining why they are doing this and more importantly do you need to change anything going forward. The quick answer is if you have already done markups, you won't have to change anything because the search engines will continue to support the old markups.

Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld & Cre8asite Forums. Tutorial - Learn Python in 10 minutes. NOTE: If you would like some Python development done, my company, Stochastic Technologies, is available for consulting. This tutorial is available as a short ebook. The e-book features extra content from follow-up posts on various Python best practices, all in a convenient, self-contained format. All future updates are free for people who purchase it. Preliminary fluff So, you want to learn the Python programming language but can't find a concise and yet full-featured tutorial. This tutorial will attempt to teach you Python in 10 minutes. It's probably not so much a tutorial as it is a cross between a tutorial and a cheatsheet, so it will just show you some basic concepts to start you off. Properties Python is strongly typed (i.e. types are enforced), dynamically, implicitly typed (i.e. you don't have to declare variables), case sensitive (i.e. var and VAR are two different variables) and object-oriented (i.e. everything is an object).

Getting help Syntax Data types Strings Functions Classes. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist — How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python. Version date: October 2012 by Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers (based on 2nd edition by Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers) Corresponding author: Source repository is at For offline use, download a zip file of the html or a pdf version (the pdf is updated less often) from Search PageCopyright NoticeForewordPrefacePreface-3 This Rhodes Local Edition (RLE) of the bookContributor ListChapter 1 The way of the programChapter 2 Variables, expressions, and statementsChapter 3 Hello, little turtles!

15 Free Online Tools for Web Designers on a Budget. About two years ago when I became a full time freelance web designer, I made it a point to operate with little overhead. Even though I was confident I could make it as a freelancer, there was some fear that things might not go as planned. Because of this, I didn’t go out and spend lots of money on equipment and expensive software.

My focus was on being frugal and saving money where I could. One way I was able to do this was using free online tools or web apps to perform my everyday tasks as a web designer. Here are 15 free online tools that you will find very useful. Pixlr Pixlr is a powerful online image editing application. Google Analytics Google Analytics is probably the most popular free analytics tool available. Typetester The Typetester is an online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen. CSS Type Set CSS Type Set allows you to visually and interactively style text and it generates the CSS. net2ftp net2ftp gives you a fully featured ftp client within your browser. Kuler. XHTML. XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language) is a family of XML markup languages that mirror or extend versions of the widely used Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the language in which web pages are written.

While HTML (prior to HTML5) was defined as an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), a very flexible markup language framework, XHTML is an application of XML, a more restrictive subset of SGML. Because XHTML documents need to be well-formed, they can be parsed using standard XML parsers—unlike HTML, which requires a lenient HTML-specific parser. XHTML 1.0 became a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendation on January 26, 2000. XHTML 1.1 became a W3C Recommendation on May 31, 2001. The standard known as XHTML5 is currently developed as XML serialization of HTML5 spec.[1][2] Overview[edit] However, in 2005, the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) formed, independently of the W3C, to work on advancing ordinary HTML not based on XHTML.

Beginners: Learn Linux. > Linux Reviews > A beginners guide to Linux for those with little or no computer experience. Linux is a free Unix-type operating system for computer devices. The operating system is what makes the hardware work together with the software. The OS is the interface that allows you to do the things you want with your computer. Linux is freely available to everyone. OS X and Windows are other widely used OS. Linux gives you a graphical interface that makes it easy to use your computer, yet it still allows those with know-how to change settings by adjusting 0 to 1 . It is only the kernel that is named Linux, the rest of the OS are GNU tools. Linux is made with one thought in mind: Everything is a file . A blank piece of paper is called a file in the world of computers.

If you make many drawings then you will eventually want to sort them in different piles or make some other system that allows you to easily locate a given drawing. To organize our files into a system we use folders . Examples: ls. Web Design Process. The Shapes of CSS. Learn Development at Frontend Masters CSS is capable of making all sorts of shapes. Squares and rectangles are easy, as they are the natural shapes of the web. Add a width and height and you have the exact size rectangle you need. Add border-radius and you can round that shape, and enough of it you can turn those rectangles into circles and ovals. We also get the ::before and ::after pseudo elements in CSS, which give us the potential of two more shapes we can add to the original element.

Square Rectangle Circle Oval Triangle Up Triangle Down Triangle Left Triangle Right Triangle Top Left Triangle Top Right Triangle Bottom Left Triangle Bottom Right Curved Tail Arrow via Ando Razafimandimby Trapezoid Parallelogram Star (6-points) Star (5-points) via Kit MacAllister Pentagon Hexagon Octagon Heart via Nicolas Gallagher Infinity via Nicolas Gallagher Diamond Square via Joseph Silber Diamond Shield via Joseph Silber Diamond Narrow via Joseph Silber Cut Diamond via Alexander Futekov Egg Pac-Man Talk Bubble TV Screen Lock. How to create your first web page using HTML and CSS.

Note: If you know anything at all about HTML and CSS, don’t bother reading this, it’s a guide for the uninitiated, technophobes, luddites, computer-illiterates, anyone who is more comfortable with a pen and paper than a keyboard and mouse. If making a web page seems like brain surgery to you, then this is the article for you.

What you need to know The only prior knowledge I will assume is that you’ve used a computer before, you’re familiar with using a keyboard and a word processor, and you’ve at least seen a website. Other than that, I assume you are completely ignorant! The Basics When you visit a website (for example the one you’re reading now), you see a page in your web browser (the program you use to access the internet) , containing text, images and maybe some other things like videos, music etc. In order to display a page correctly, the web browser needs to know about the structure of the page, e.g.

What HTML Looks Like HTML uses ‘tags’ to identify different parts of a page. CSS3.0 Maker | CSS3.0 Generator | CSS 3.0 Generator | css3 generator. CSS Cheat Sheet. Beginners: Learn Linux. Roozz: create browser based web apps out of any desktop program. What if I told you that a technology exists that can take any Windows program and turn it into a fully-functional web app that looks and feels exactly like the original desktop version, without the need for the source code, and without the kind of re-programming or web development that aims to rebuild the app from the ground up?

The technology is called Roozz. It can take most programs and recast them as web apps in a matter of hours; the only requirement for the user to be able to use the browser-based apps is to install a browser plugin. Although this might seem like a disadvantage compared to other web app technologies, Roozz professes to have a significant edge in performance/speed as well as the fact that the conversion process itself is quick and does not require re-programming. The concept: what Roozz is for The experience of running the software in browser is exactly the same as if it were being run locally or from CD, with zero performance hit.

How it works: The test: The verdict: CSS Examples. Custom QR Code Design. Beautiful Designs that Work! QR codes are the biggest thing in marketing today, not just for the brands but for the consumers. QR codes make it easy to bridge online information accessed from the offline world through the use of smartphones and other mobile devices. As such, QR codes make your print advertisement, posters, brochures and other printed marketing collaterals more interactive and more easily remembered! It used to be that QR codes are monochromatic: black pixels and boxes on white background. These codes are automatically created by QR code generators and cannot be modified without affecting scanability. Recently Designed QR Codes Request a Quote. Svg Editor Demo [JS] - inEvo Labs. Here at we have been working hard on ColaDI (site soon).

This is a project that will innovate in Design Content Management and Collaboration, adding real-time collaboration and discussion, 2D and 3D retrieval and web-based content management interface. An essential part of design collaboration is the means to draw and edit graphical content. We already built a Flash SVG editor, but on this project we wanted to go with HTML5. As the past post on our Labs showed, we are working on a Javascript (GWT) SVG Editor. This will work directly with the SVG from the browser so it works purely over HTML5.

Therefor, this can be used on Ipad, Android and most browsers – by now we have only tested it on Firefox and Chrome -. We are presenting a short demo video and a live demo so you can try it out. This library (pure svg editor, just SVG and JS on the browser) was built with GWT so you can add it to your GWT projects or just use it as Javascript on other frameworks. Now for the Live Demo! Enjoy. Are You Ready to Build a Website? This is a guest post by Doug Bond, the online marketing director for Andy’s Web Tools. As a small business owner, launching a new website can seem overwhelming. Many questions need to be asked, and it’s difficult to know if you’re ready to begin the building process. But with the proper preparation building a new website can be easy, inexpensive and fun. Here are 10 questions to help guide you through the thought process – knowing the answers to these questions will help make sure you’re prepared to begin your Web project. 1.

What is the goal of your website? You should build your website with a goal in mind. 2. Your website cannot be everything to everyone. 3. Determine what your customers are seeking and then make this information easy to find on the site. 4. Think about the questions customers ask most often and consider how you can make this information visually appealing on the site. 5. The design of your site should reflect the mission, vision and culture of your company. 6. 7. 8. Examples of Successful Website Layouts. Page Navigation for Visitor Friendly Sites and Stickiness. How To Avoid Clunky Web Design With Holistic SEO & Usability.

Pricing. 10 Ways to Diagnose a Google Penalty. Historical CERT Documents. Presenting Information Architecture. How To Get News From Social Network Aggregators. Site Structure. What Potential Impact Can HTML5 Have on SEO? Google Webmaster Tools Adds Top Pages Queries & URL Redirects. Google: Toolbar PageRank Won't Change Crawling, Indexing or Rankings. Crawling Blocked Directories - Then Sending Us Email about "Googlebot encountered an extremely high number of URL - Webmaster Central Help. 4 Ideas To Improve IIS & .NET For Technical SEO. Whrrl Upgrades Personalization Engine To Fuel Discovery. Web 3.0 The Semantic Web. Knowledge Genes - The WHY Code. Crowdmap. Gravity. Semantik - Project Hosting on Google Code. Perception | brainstorm.