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In the Classroom Reflect on HistoryEnhance a lesson with writing.

Kickoff Black History Month with a creative writing exercise. Have students write about "What Black History Month Means To Me". Teacher Chrome Extensions. DigitalBooksforDigitalKids - home. 50 Best Websites 2013. Members of the Northeast Ohio Lego Users Group create beautiful works, brick by brick (video) Lego fanatic Adrian Drake, right, and his son, Ethan, piece together a second Lego edition of the Serenity ship from the television series "Firefly.

Members of the Northeast Ohio Lego Users Group create beautiful works, brick by brick (video)

" The model, which will entail some 70,000 bricks, is the builder'™s pride and joy. Scott Shaw/The PD Painters see the world in oils. Sculptors transform objects into clay. We Are The Freedom Riders. Overview Key Staff Social Studies/History Teacher to oversee lesson and make connections with history content.

We Are The Freedom Riders

Music Teacher may provide musical context and skills as needed Key Skills Global Connections: Connecting to History and Culture Making Art: Producing, Executing and Performing Life and Career Skills: Leadership and Responsibility Creative Thinking: Communication and Collaboration. Quote Slides - Page 1. Chrome etensions. Audio/Video. Education Podcast Network. IEP Goals. PBS LearningMedia. Free Educational Videos for K-12 Students. iPadagogy - A Channel dedicated to videos of useful apps for Education. The Video Encyclopedia. Edted. How To Start Using iTunes U In The Classroom. Previously I wrote an article about the incredible potential of iTunes U for both student and staff learning. I posed the question: Why Aren’t We Talking More About iTunes U ? I was blown away by the many positive remarks in response to this article from others that have also experienced the benefits of iTunes U.



PatternsVariablesandFunctionsAnintegratedscienceandmathematicsunitfordiversefifthandsixthgradelearners. InquiryOne: The "infinite" across the disciplines In the first inquiry, students will explore the concept of "the infinite" as a way to grasp the idea that some events, such as a ball of tinfoil being launched from a catapult made of Popsicle sticks, would go on forever unless something gets in its way (e.g., gravity).


CEET Community of Expertise in Educational Technology. Smithsonian Quests. Design Your Digital Classroom. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: A Collection of Great Interactive Sites for Teachers. Today as I was sifting through my feeds I came across this awesome treasure trove of educational websites curated in a Weebly page.I spent a couple of hours going through the links included in this resource and I found them really interesting and worth sharing with the readers of Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: A Collection of Great Interactive Sites for Teachers

I am particularly adding them to the Educational Web Tools section. This Weebly page is a work in progress and there will be more added to it in the future like the Art section for instance is still not ready but I will let you know of any additions.There are also few links which no longer work and apart from that I am pretty sure you will be amazed by the web tools recommended there.

These web tools are geared towards k-5 students. They are basically online interactive, educational games and simulations. Here are the main categories featured in the list, click on any title to access its web tools. Kindergarten Reading - K-5 Technology Integration. The Sites We Love Right Now. 50 Best iPad Apps.

Digital teaching tools. Literacy and Context for Maths. Remixing Melville: Moby Dick Meets the Digital Generation. Big Ideas Culture Digital Tools Teaching Strategies Henry Jenkins In a traditional English class, a teacher might assign Herman Melville’s famous novel Moby Dick in small chunks.

Remixing Melville: Moby Dick Meets the Digital Generation

Students might complete their reading (or not), discuss major themes and perhaps write an essay at the end of the unit. But if a student never gets past the first few pages, the rest of that unit is lost. It’s become a common refrain that traditional education isn’t serving a generation of students whose lives outside of school are completely disconnected from what happens inside. Teaching resources. Picture Match. Picture Match is designed to give new readers practice with identifying beginning-letter and short- and long-vowels sounds through a simple, fun game.

Picture Match

Updated in 2008, the game features all letters of the alphabet. Free & inexpensive math curriculum materials: workbooks, ebooks, downloads, videos, tutorials, and more. - Nightly. EVLM Central Portal. Get Your Dose of History: 8 Documentaries for Black History Month. More Than a Month Filmmaker Shukree Tighman dressed as a Union soldier The most fascinating chapters of America’s past, including our stories of tragedy, pride, creativity, and triumph, are arguably contained in African American history.

Get Your Dose of History: 8 Documentaries for Black History Month

Black History Month is our yearly pop-up reminder to reconnect with these stories. Though, as last year’s Independent Lens documentary More Than a Month points out, why contain it to just one month? Here is a collection of African American history documentaries to watch throughout the year. How Japanese Kids Learn To Multiply – Amazing, No Need to Learn Japanese. Thank you to everyone who has shared this post!

How Japanese Kids Learn To Multiply – Amazing, No Need to Learn Japanese

Before we discuss this great method of multiplying numbers, if you are after a great power point slide show to use in the classroom to improve times tables and multiplication skills then you will find this useful. If you enjoyed using the resource above then make sure to check out the games and tricks available to help develop, practice and learn times tables skills.

I came across this method though a Japanese friend and it shows how Japanese pupils learn to multiply in maths lessons at a young age. EVLM Central Portal. The Teacher's Corner - Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Activities - Nightly. Academic Video Lectures - Nightly. Math. Historypin. Abolitionist Speeches by African American Women. The first thing that I would do is talk to students about the 19th-century voice and that the 19th-century voice is really quite different from the 20th-century voice and that it takes a while to get used to it.

Abolitionist Speeches by African American Women

And then to move on from there and to say, okay, well what can I do with this unfamiliarity? And just to, you know, read the passages over to maybe look for the personal voice. You know, we all want to know "I the speaker," what makes this Frances Ellen Watkins Harper's speech as opposed to anybody else’s. But then to realize that part of the 19th-century voice is the omission of the eye, of the personal, and that Truth is in fact much more exceptional in that way than Harper.

Lights, Camera . . . Engagement! Three Great Tools for Classroom Video. How many times have you thought to yourself, "In what way can I spice up this unit and make it student-centered? " One great way is to let your students be creative using video. With all the tools and technology available, making videos is easier than ever for you and your students. Recently at the annual National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) conference, Becky Ellis, Greg Kulowiec and I presented three different ways you can use video with your students in the classroom.

The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Google Reader. Love it!? Hate it!? Doesn’t really matter what you think of the new Google Reader interface….. 400 FREE Writing Worksheets. As ESL teachers, we’ve all had those students who do great on their grammar exams, speak up confidently in class, and are always first to raise their hands for activities - and yet, when it comes time for a writing assignment, they can barely squeeze out a few short sentences.

This can be frustrating for the student and teacher alike - but it’s the symptom of a problem that’s well-known in every teaching community: Speaking and writing are two very different skills. As with any new skill, practice is key - but students who have trouble writing aren’t usually keen to take on even more writing practice. Special Needs Education. Special Needs Apps. Corrective lenses for the colorblind - Support. Dave Ludwig. Special Education Apps. My Top 10 Free Web Resources for Teachers. Technology. K12 educational transformation through technology. Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. Blended Learning Toolkit. Edmodo. Edmodo - free social learning platform expands and improves. Edmodo is a free social learning network for teachers, students and schools, providing a way to connect and collaborate, share content, access homework and grades, communicate, organize lessons, and much more.

It provides teachers a private, safe way to connect with their students and parents, organize and share lessons, share resources with students, manage projects, remind students of important dates, and even distribute quizzes. The fact that it is a private system is what makes it appealing to teachers and school systems. The Learning Network - The Learning Network Blog - Going Hybrid: Where’s a Newbie to Start? The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have. Every single teacher is concerned about his/ her teaching practices and the skills involved in this process.

Browse By Channel. Google for Educators - Resources for using Google in school. 30+ Google+ Accounts and Communities to Follow. YouTube. The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Google Reader. Educational Technology - "Techmecula" If Education Technology Was A Baseball Team. Create interactive flash tools / games for education. The Top 10 Digital Learning Apps Teachers Can Actually Use (By a Teacher Who Actually Uses Them). The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You. All Events. June 18, 2014 - 9:30am - June 20, 2014 - 4:30pm. Mapping The Future Of Education Technology. Educational Technology. Hands On Letters and Numbers with Doodle Buddy. Englishyappr. Create interactive flash tools / games for education. Play online, learn online and feed the hungry.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. Creative online spaces for groups. Best Disney World Restaurants for First Time Disney Visitors. The Mobile Native.