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Facebook: Waste of Time? We’re constantly assessing the impact our of various marketing channels. One thing has become painfully clear: Facebook is not worth the time and effort. Today I’m going to tell you why we decided to stop wasting time on Facebook. Profile vs. Page To start, I have to be clear that my Facebook profile is great. So you can imagine my surprise when our Facebook pages for Social Media Philanthropy and True Voice Media fell entirely flat on engagement. Due to the Edgerank algorithm, we are only able to reach 8-16% of our audience on any given post. We get more likes, comments or shares on our postsWe pay Facebook to promote our posts There are no shortage of people who would come out and tell us that we’re “doing it wrong.” In the eyes of Facebook, there is a “right way” to build a page.

Facebook has designed a system in which the best way to “win” is to appeal to the Edgerank lowest common denominator. It has nothing to do with brand. We designed our pages based on what WE felt was important. Choose Not to Confuse. Bryan Eisenberg | May 17, 2013 | 0 Comments in Share 3 Every company has to make choices when it comes to how it markets and sells, and, in some cases, who it is and what it sells.

In an email exchange, Tom Grimes, the owner of a Culligan dealership in Amarillo, TX and a brilliant friend, shared with me what he's thinking about in terms of business choices. I thought about it and based on his thoughts, here's a list of the many high-level choices businesses typically make every day. It may help you make some more conscious choices of your own: Select or solicit? In some cases, a business doesn't want to make the choice. Making conscious choices improves your ability to build and communicate value.

There are many more choices we make, and I'd love to hear what other choices you make, but this is a good beginning. Image on home page via Shutterstock . The Perfect Facebook Post? Perfection. What is that? In the world of cars ….is it a Ferrari? If it is art… could it be the Mona Lisa? With the profession of architecture, is it personified in the Sydney Opera House? A rose? Big claims… but you have to admit their all damm good. Memorable even…and maybe even the term excellent could be rolled out and we could even stretch it to “awesome”. When you see something that is splendid you know it. Whatever the phrase it is always good to strive for perfection. At some stage the finger needs to hit that “publish” button or that “enter” key. 7 Tips for the Perfect Facebook Post Images on Facebook are the most shared of any media.

Creating a perfect Facebook post for images is maybe not possible, but here are 7 tips to help you move along the spectrum of excellence towards a “God like” Facebook post. 1. Keep it short and sharp and less than 90 characters or make sure that you if you have a URL include it near the top of that text. 2. A bit like putting lipstick on a pig. 3. 4. 5. Tre som vågar testa gränserna. I oktober 2012 installerade omkring 9 000 Facebookanvändare en app som postade förolämpningar på deras väggar och i deras fotoalbum.

För den som använde appen Mobbningssimulatorn såg det ut som att ens vänner på det ­sociala nätverket skrivit kommentarer i stil med ”Hur kan man vara så ful som du är?” Eller ”jävla fattiglapp”. Efter en dag tog Facebook bort ­appen från nätverket, men för antimobbningsorganisationen Friends, som stod bakom kampanjen, blev den ändå ett effektivt sätt att skapa uppmärksamhet i medierna. Andreas Drufva är marknads- och kommunikationschef på Friends. Han berättar att organisationen länge har arbetat mot kränkningar på nätet. . – Vi satte en 18-årsgräns på appen, för att vi visste att den skulle kunna bli obehaglig och läskig. Appen fick snabbt spridning, trots att Facebook som sagt efter endast en dag plockade bort den från sina applikationer.

Hur du blåser 100.000 personer på Facebook. Kommer ni ihåg Facebook-gruppen ”2kr per medlem till jordbävningsoffren i Haiti” som snabbt fick 200.000 medlemmar och sedan bytte namn till Svenska Nekrofilföreningen? Det har alltid varit relativt lätt att luras i sociala medier, för att det är så enkelt för oss att klicka gilla på någonting utan att tänka efter. Men även för att många inte riktigt förstår hur olika sociala nätverk fungerar och att vissa saker vi stödjer eller vill ta del av egentligen är helt orimliga.

Till exempel att Facebook-sidor som lovar tusentals personer som gillar sidan något gratis inte kan samla in kontaktuppgifter till så många personer. En sidägare ser bara de senaste 500 följarna på Facebook. Men vi ser dem med jämna mellanrum i olika kanaler, falska Instagram-konton som lovar gratisprylar, falska Twitter-konton som låtsas vara någon annan (den nya påven t ex) och inte minst bluffar på Facebook. Hur kan då så många gå på en så enkel blåsning (vind=blås var ju också en ledtråd)? 8 types of people who 'like' your brand | Articles | Social Media. As I started researching this article, I found a number of articles about the different types of Facebook friends and fans.

They use a lot of cute names for the types of friends and fans (my favorite being "the poker player"—thank goodness Facebook's "poke" function is pretty much ignored now), but very few articles address the brand impact that different types of fans can have. When you talk to many marketers, they predominantly talk about their brands' Facebook fans as "brand advocates. " This implies that every Facebook fan a brand has is out there telling everyone how great the brand is and bringing other followers into the brand's sphere. Last year, I talked about the myth of brand advocates, so we won't rehash that in great detail here. Instead, we'll focus on the types of fans that constitute most brands' Facebook audiences and the different ways in which brands should treat these various groups. 1. 2. 3.

Among any fan base is a group of people who "liked" your page by accident. 4. Understanding & Increasing Facebook EdgeRank. Though EdgeRank is widely discussed topic on Facebook, it can sometimes be misconstrued. We’ve decided to provide you a quick summary of all the facts and offer advice on how to optimize your posting strategy to maximize reach. A General Overview of EdgeRank An “Edge” is defined as any activity that occurs on Facebook that can potentially create a newsfeed story.

This includes Likes, Comments, tags, RSVPs, or any public activity that a user undertakes. Facebook utilizes the EdgeRank algorithm to filter newsfeeds and show posts most relevant to the user. EdgeRank Factors While EdgeRank has its own unique formula, when applied to Facebook, it becomes simple. Edge Affinity – It´s all about Connections The Affinity score is measured by the relationship you have with the user that created the “edge.” Edge Weight – Are Photos too Heavy for Newsfeeds? There are two Weight types: post and interactions. Time Decay – Engagement Occurs Within Minutes An old story is a dead story.

EdgeRank Means Reach 1. 4 storytelling lessons from Ford | Articles | Social Media. Scott Monty took the stage at the 2013 New Media Expo in Las Vegas to talk about what he's learned from four years of evolving social media programs at Ford Motor Co. Though the brand has had its share of ups and downs in the social media space, it has continually looked for new ways to connect with fans and to build positive word of mouth around its vehicles. Monty shared a few lessons he's learned as Ford's global head of social media: 1. Let fans tell your story. Ford initially created a website called The Ford Story to help communicate with the public during the auto industry turmoil of a few years ago and to help share the story of the brand. Ford soon found that fans wanted to share their own stories of ways they'd connected with the brand.

"If you have a good product, let go of your fear and let others tell your story," he said. 2. "When you treat amateurs like pros, they tend to act like pros," Monty said. 3. 4. A version of this article first appeared on SmartBlog on Social Media. 5 tips for handling a Facebook firestorm | Articles | Social Media. If you’ve never had a negative event blow up on Facebook, your turn is probably coming. What are you going to do when a comment, post, picture, or news item goes viral in the wrong way? Here are five tips that will help you navigate the critical first 48 hours. 1.

Make sure you have a posting policy visible. Some brands have their posting policy on a special “tab” visible in their apps section and some in the “About” section under Description or Mission. Just make sure it defines elements that are unacceptable and may cause a post or poster to be hidden, deleted, or blocked. Posting Policy: Thank you for liking the official ______________ page. 2. Facebook has a function under the edit page/manage permissions tab where you can flag keywords as spam. Also, set your profanity block list to “strong.” 3. In a crisis, we are just facilitating a conversation on our Facebook page. 4.

As a crisis consultant, I believe there are conversations that need to take place and people that need to vent. Fansourcing: Put Your Facebook Fans To Work. If your brand is interested in obtaining the opinions and suggestions of its fans while increasing traffic to its various available social media platforms, then crowdsourcing might be one of the best marketing strategies for you. And, it’s fun! What Is Crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing is similar to outsourcing, but used primarily in the social media world. Basically, it is an online job or duty given to fans of the brand to eventually secure a decision regarding an upcoming product or event. Crowdsourcing is an engaging and fun way for consumers to be part of the brand and the decision-making process. Facebook is an ideal platform for brands to include their fans in product development since it is, after all, where fans spend the majority of their time.

Elle Magazine: Fans Planning Next Photo Shoot Elle magazine is currently running a Facebook app called Watch and Vote asking fans to decide which fashion pieces, themes and accessories should be displayed in their December spread. 5 New Ways to Improve Your Facebook EdgeRank. Brian Carter is a brand advocate for PageLever, the leading Facebook analytics tool. He is also the author of The Like Economy, and has been cited as an expert in facebook marketing by ABC News, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes.

Read more at his blog: Brands have learned that success with a Facebook page isn’t just about fan numbers, but also about how many fans see their posts. Facebook’s news feed algorithm — called EdgeRank — controls that visibility. Of course, optimizing a news feed so that it bumps up your EdgeRank is a complicated recipe that varies with each brand, the kind of content it posts, and its fans. 1. The Facebook news feed algorithm appears to be calculated both per fan and per type of post. After some research, its clear that a Facebook page gets more fan engagement from photos than links, statuses, or videos.

So, even when you need to post a link to your website, you should post a photo with that link. 2. 3. 4. 1. How to write for Facebook | Articles | Social Media. Social media platforms are always evolving, perhaps none more so than Facebook. As writers in this medium, we must evolve with it. Every community is different, as is every brand. But there are a few tips I can offer to other social media managers that will help improve your craft. 1. Listen. Before you can talk to a community you have to understand and embrace how they talk about you. Your community should inform your voice and your content (to an extent). 3. 4. 6. Hur ofta ska Facebooksidor uppdatera. One of the most common questions about regarding corporate Facebook marketing is how often should I post the page? The puritans will probably say something along the lines with if you don’t have anything to say, don’t say anything.

And if you do, then say it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really work that way. Even if we sometimes relate to corporations as if they where humanoids, they are simply the sum of organized structures. How Free Was The Wild West? Often small and modern companies have no problems with allowing their employees to be free to leverage the corporate Facebook Page in any way they see fit. If something isn’t working, then you change it. But for larger enterprises, especially multinational companies, the Facebook Page could easily turn into the Wild West. Now, add different launch dates and regional-specific information to the mix together with the ability to answer fans in their own language! Structure As A Strategy Applying EdgeRank Magic Here are some of the EdgeRank factors: Vad gör en story framgångsrik på FB. Send an anonymous tip Justin Lafferty on November 27, 2012 3:47 PM National Public Radio has been wondering: What makes a story tick on Facebook?

The company examined its geotargeted stories throughout July, August, and September, and found that nine types of stories in particular tended to do rather well on Facebook: place explainers, crowd pleasures, curiosity stimulators, news explainers, major breaking news, feel-good smilers, topical buzzers, provocative controversies, and awe-inspiring visuals. In February, NPR conducted a similar experiment with its station in Seattle, finding that the geo-focused content accounted for roughly 12 percent of page visits in a month. This time, NPR expanded the test to include KQED in San Francisco; KUT in Austin, Texas; WBUR in Boston; KPCC in Southern California; and still KPLU in Seattle. Which kinds of stories did best on the social network?

Eric Athas and Teresa Gorman of NPR explained what made each kind of story special: Place explainers: Bäst dagar att publicera innehåll - Branscher. Your Facebook page is a litmus test of your brand’s health. Since I started blogging in early 2004, I’ve heard over and over again how brands have lost control of their reputation. Power has shifted away from brands and towards customers, employees and other individuals. With new publishing platforms, ordinary citizens have gotten the possibility to voice their opinions and influence businesses and organizations trough social media.

Nowhere is this more evident today than on brand pages on Facebook. Due to the sheer volume of individuals that are present on Facebook, any people that have a bone to pick with a brand will almost automatically gravitate towards the Facebook page of that company simply because of the amount of exposure that comment can get. Sure, you can still influence by writing blog posts and using other channels, but writing on the wall on a Facebook page is more direct, you feel like you are talking directly to the brand and its customers, right on its turf.

A brand should not let critics run their Facebook page. Facebook och Twitter har blivit konsumentmakt på steroider.