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Project Based Learning

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PBL_Research. When is PBL More Effective A Meta-synthesis of Meta-analyses Com. The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Instruction_ A Comparative Stu. 8_Essentials_article_small_file_size_Oct2012version. STEM White Paper. EJ849707. 48443743. Validity and Problem-Based Learning Research_ A Review of Instrum. Barell_chapter[2] Inspiring Curiosity in 12 Easy Steps « Learning Is For Everyone -LI4E. A tongue-in-cheek piece ran in Alternet recently titled, “How to Kill Student Curiosity in 12 Easy Steps.“ “Each year,” wrote the wags at Alternet, “it seems, our school systems commit themselves ever more profoundly to the corrosive idea that test scores and “instruction” – not learning” – must be prized above all.

Amongst incredible pressure from government and district agencies, a drive to keep up with rapid technology change, and the need to bridge cultural chasms in the classroom, many teachers are finding themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place: their own understanding that personalized (rather than standardized) learning is what a great education should be about, and the reality that such an approach would often lead them into “dangerous” waters, where students might begin to think for themselves and ask difficult questions – rather than simply be able to check the right box on an all-important test.” courtesy 1. Facilitate Learning 2. 3. See #2. 4. 5. 6. How To Kill A Learner's Curiosity In 10 Easy Steps. How To Kill Learner Curiosity In 12 Easy Steps by Terry Heick Ed note: This has been updated from a 2012 post that you may or may not have already read.

So, there’s that. Killing a learner’s natural curiosity doesn’t happen overnight. It can take as long as 12 years, and in some rare cases even that isn’t long enough. Learning environments focused on standards, assessment, and compliance allow for the implementation of research-based strategies in pursuit of streams of data to prove that learning is happening. And who ever qualified for a job by demonstrating how strong their curiosity is anyway? Below are twelve tips to help stifle learner curiosity and keep the learning nice and tidy in your classroom this school year. Step 1. Whether physical or digital, individual or group, you’re the teacher (or “district curriculum coordinator”). Step 2. Voice and choice sound great in theory, but who knows better what a learner needs than the teacher.

Step 3. Right is right. Step 4. Again, see #3. | Online Resources. What is PBL? To help teachers do PBL well, we created a comprehensive, research-based model for PBL — a "gold standard" to help teachers, schools, and organizations to measure, calibrate, and improve their practice. In Gold Standard PBL, projects are focused on student learning goals and include Essential Project Design Elements: Project Based Learning | BIE. An Introduction to Project-Based Learning.