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15 New Social Media Templates to Save You Even More Time. Imagine having a quick and fast way to get up to speed with social media or to get your work done in less time (and with more confidence). When I’m in a pinch or into something new, one of the first places I turn is toward a template. I’ve built a stash of headline formulas, social media updates, and more to help organize my mind when it comes to working fast and learning something new.

Templates can be a lifesaver and a time-saver. I have my favorite go-to templates, and I was also able to dig up a huge number of others, created by some really amazing folks who are generous to help us all work smarter. I’ve collected them here below. I’d love to know which ones might be useful to you! 15 Time-Saving Social Media Templates The list below is full of a variety of different templates, some helpful in a high-level way of organizing your marketing efforts and others in a specific area of social media marketing and sharing. 1. Instructions: >> Free download << 2. >> Free download << 3. 4. 5. (via) A Dive Into The Social Media Abyss! - Creative Consultancies Creative Consultancies. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Snap Chat, Pinterest, LinkedIn – the social media vortex is one that threatens to engulf us all in a sea of information and a time consuming abyss of hashtags and updates.

Given that us creatives need time to actually create, what is the low down on social media for creatives? I recently organized a local artist networking event aimed to connect like minded spirits who live in the beautiful and creative Byron Shire where I live. Because social media can be a major cause of stress, Dotti Media, a team specializing in small business and the arts, came along for a half hour Q and A. An hour and a half later we emerged with new direction after diving deep into the often confusing and overwhelming oceanic eco system of social media and online presence.

Have a website. The Introvert's Guide To Succeeding In Business (+ Life!) - Leonie Dawson - Shining Life + Biz. In the very beginning, when I was just starting out in business, I fretted. I knew that networking is important. I knew I was supposed to go to business breakfast meetings and have business cards on hand. I was supposed to “get my name out there” and do lunch with other peeps going in the same direction as me. I knew I was supposed to effortlessly make connections and be confident and have my elevator pitch down to a fine art.

But here’s the truth of it: I hated the thought of it all. I’m an introvert. In short: I’ve sucked at traditional networking.And what’s more: It’s been okay. My business has continued to thrive and blossom and grow – it doubles in size each year. Obviously, being an introvert does NOT equal sucking at business. So lemme tell you how to succeed + thrive at this whole business game (even when you suck at that whole ole school networking thang)! 1. You were born a certain way for a very special reason. If you’re introverted or extroverted or right on the inbetween. 2. How To Sell Your Artwork As Prints Online! (And the HIDDEN SECRET to SUCCESS!) - Leonie Dawson - Shining Life + Biz. Hola gorgeous souls! A great business question asked today from a Creative Goddess! I want to sell my artwork as prints. How do I do that? I’ve got a buttload of experience in this one.

Once upon a time, in ye olden days of yore, I began my first foray into business by selling my art. I had my first solo art exhibition at 23, got featured in the Canberra Times + sold prints, original art + commissions online. It was very fun, and such a gorgeous time in my life. I’m now so busy with e-courses + coaching that I don’t sell artwork anymore. There’s four steps to selling your artwork as prints: 1. Small artworks: If it is smaller than A4, you can scan it in using a scanner. I use an Epson – this is the latest version of the one I use. I’ve had it for 4 years now or so and it’s still rocking it out. Large artworks: If you can’t fit it onto your scanner, you can either photograph it, or scan it in different parts and then stitch it back together using Photoshop. 2. 3.

The Print Them Yourself Method: 4. How I Wrote A Book & other bookish FAQs - Leonie Dawson - Shining Life + Biz. Hola darlinghearts, So I wanted to share a behind-the-scenes on how & why I created my book. This can be useful if you are thinking of writing one yourself, and are interested in: how I managed to write a book (while being silly busy & a mama)how I self publishedwhy I did itand where to from here! So I thought it would be useful to give you the total behind-the-scenes of why and how I wrote the book. Why I wrote the book I have a pretty hilarious reason for writing a book. In March, I had a stall at the North Queensland Spiritual Festival – the first spiritual event like it held in my sweet little goddess town of Proserpine. So I rocked up to the market with nothing physical to sell – I was really just promoting my website and e-courses and telling people to check me out online.

And I thought: Hey you know what? How I wrote the book AKA How the BUGGERY DID YOU MANAGE TO WRITE THIS BOOK? Okay. I had some really sweet emails and questions from goddesses. and another: How I got it written 1. 2. 3. 1. Denise is a true gem: she’s able to take all of the money mindset and manifestation theories that you might have heard before but dismissed because they weren’t for you… and turn them into quick exercises that can fit in any busy schedule, and that makes a world of difference. Denise’s Lucky Bitch book and money bootcamp have changed the way I interact with money in my life. Her teachings are practical and simple to take action on, and they create massive results. And fun! During the bootcamp I set a big money goal and surpassed it by several thousand dollars! The biggest benefit for me beyond manifesting more money into my life and business was the concept of upgrading your life. I feel like I’ve truly stepped into my first class life, and will continue to do so because of Denise’s incredible teachings.

This is the most powerful + transformational program about money I have ever done! Blasting through my money blocks (which I never even knew I had!) Thank you, thank you, thank you! FREEBIES - Leonie Dawson - Shining Life + Biz. Lucky Bitch | Denise Duffield-Thomas | Money Mindset Mentor.