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All my stumbles I have stumbled...3

Movie Quotes - - Quotes and Lyrics ... Anchorman Ron Burgundy: 1001, 1002, 1003. Ohh, it's a deep burn! It's so deep! Oh, I can barely lift my right arm because I did so many. I don't know if you heard me counting, but I did over a thousand. Ron Burgundy: I'm gonna throw this out there; if you like it, take it, if you don't, send it right back. Ron Burgundy: You stay classy, San Diego. Brian Fantana: Don't get me wrong, I love the ladies. Ed Harken: [on the phone] Well, really, I don't know where he would get his hands on German pornography... but really, as adults, its not like we haven't seen our share of pornography in... Brick Tamland: I love... carpet.

Ed Harken: [on the phone with his son] Put the gun down, and let the marching band go! Ron Burgundy: [looking at his reflection in the mirror] Mmmmm... Ron Burgundy: I don't know how to tell you this but I'm kind of a big deal. Bartender: You know, times they are a changing. Veronica Corningstone: For Channel 4 News, I'm Veronica Corningstone. Brick Tamland: Cough. Shoes, Clothing and Accessories. Movie mistakes - goofs, bloopers, pictures, quotes and trivia from thousands of movies. Keyboard Switch - Laugh Break. For a computer programming class, I sat directly across from someone, and our computers were facing away from each other.

A few minutes into the class, she got up to leave the room. I reached between our computers and switched the inputs for the keyboards. She came back and started typing and immediately got a distressed look on her face. She called the teacher over and explained that no matter what she typed, nothing would happen. I started to type, "Leave me alone! " They both jumped back, silenced. I typed, "I said leave me alone! " The kid got real upset. Me: "Don't touch me! Her: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit your keys that hard.

" Me: "Who do you think you are anyway?! " Finally, I couldn't contain myself any longer and fell out of my chair laughing. After they had realized what I had done, they both turned beet red. Funny, I never got more than a C- in that class. Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world. Lyric Writing Exercises: a 5-Day Workshop.

Guest post by Maria Rainier If you’re anything like most songwriters, you’re all too familiar with that frustrating sensation of being stuck in a rut. You know it’s important to write something – anything – every day, but there are times when that just seems impossible. Maybe you don’t have enough energy, you might be too critical of your first attempts, or you could be missing out on the muse. Whatever the reason, you can still get your daily writing done in a productive way if you introduce new exercises into your routine. The next chance you get, try starting this five-day lyric writing exercise workshop – it’s the perfect way to begin a week of successful songwriting. You can rearrange the order of the exercises, tweak them according to your preferences, add new dimensions to them, or replace some of them with your own favorite exercises.

Day 1: Research Mix & Match The first step is to give yourself something interesting to work with. Day 2: Collaborative Brainstorming. The Guitar Noize Regular Maintenance Guide. Us guitar players are very experienced at restringing our guitars, polishing them, tuning them up and so on. Many of us adore our guitars and do everything we can to keep them as close to perfect as possible. However, there are always some things that get missed one way or another. Over a short period of time these things maybe don’t matter but if you want to still be playing your guitar in 15 or 20 years they really can make a mess of things if you don’t have a good routine.

Here’s the Guitar Noize Regular Maintenance Guide. All of these points are no-brainers and absolute musts with each re-string. This is the minimum that should be done to keep your guitar playing like a dream. The guide will not go to go into any great detail per step as there are plenty of amazing resources available in text and on YouTube which will help you further. Think of a guitar like a machine with moving parts.

Remove the strings. Clean the fingerboard. Electrics. Bridge. Trem. String up and tune up. Love « Simply Dee. If you love someone by pravs j. Shes the girl that believes that what comes around goes arou | Witty Profiles. Shop. Photos and Quotes - Tumblr Pictures - Food - Funny posts - Internet Meme. Wore inn buff it. Butterfly Effect. Unfinished work. Human Touch Couple Pillowcases, Love Pillow Cases, No Matter The Miles. Blackened Metallica guitar cover by Cissie - Kirk Hammett solo included. 30 Ways to be Intimate With Your Wife. Intimacy can be defined in many ways.

But if you’re a dude, your brain probably went exactly where mine would have; the nape of a neck, the curve of a breast, or… Sorry, where was I? Truth is, intimacy isn’t what happens between the sheets. Intimacy means fostering a warm, friendly, informal atmosphere that makes is easy to share mutual interests, habits or affections. Sex equals intimacy, but intimacy doesn’t necessarily equal sex. Intimacy with your spouse should be the breath of your relationship. Nurture your intimacy and you will have a union that is happier, healthier, and filled with surprises. Here are 30 ways to be intimate with your wife. Have a Picnic: Whether you have a picnic at the park, beach, or living room floor, sharing a blanket full of food is a simple yet terrific way to enhance intimacy. Take a month, try some of these ideas. See how much more there is to learn about the person you thought could no longer surprise you.

COMMONHype. Lose the Lag: How to Make Your PC Run Like New Again. A spoken word poem about a 9 year old boy dying from cancerperhaps the greatest thing the internets ever given me. Transcript: It doesn't matter why I was there, where the air is sterile and the sheets sting. It doesnt matter that I was hooked up to this thing that buzzed and beeped every time my heart leaped like a man who's faith tells him God's hands are big enough to catch an airplane, or a world.

It doesn't matter that I was curled up like a fist protesting death, or that every breath was either hard labour or hard time, or that I'm either always too hot or too cold. Doesn't matter because my hospital roommate wears star wars pajamas, and he's 9 years old. His name is Louis, and I don't have to ask what he's got.The bald head with the skin and bones frame speaks volumes. The gameboy and the feather pillow booms like they're trying to make him feel at home because he's going to be here awhile. The Inspiration Tree: I Believe... That two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.

I believe… that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don’t even know you. that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help. that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being. that the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon. that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel. that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated. that it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others.

That no matter how bad your heart is broken that the world doesn’t stop for your grief. What do you believe? The official source for Broadway Information. The Social Network For Kids | Imbee. How To Make Electronic Music With Computer? Where To Start? I decided to write down some guidelines on how to make electronic music (although some of the following tips may apply to other musical genres as well, not just electronic music) covering such things as what hardware is required or recommended, what kind of music making software is needed, how to get a hang of different kind of electronic music styles, etc.

There’s a lot of choices in hardware and software, countless of ways to do things in production wise and as many arguments and differing opinions as there are producers. In this article I try to point you to the right direction in electronic music production, muchly based on my own experience. A little info about myself is that electronic music production has been my longtime hobby for years and I’ve been creating tunes on such genres as trance, downtempo, ambient and experimental. Some of my songs has been released commercially through record labels and has also been used in a film project. So, without further ado, let’s begin!

1. 2. Band Promotion, Event Promotion :: Peel Post. The Labyrinth of Genre. Evelyn Glennie shows how to listen. Rhyming Dictionary. Rhyme any word, even made up ones. Latest Picture Quotes | Latest Sayings with Images | Latest Quotes with Pictures. KEEP. Awesome Google Products You Probably Haven’t Heard Of. As we all know, Google is the most valuable brand in the world and it is now providing us with a lot of great free services such as Gmail or Google Search. However, definitely Google doesn’t want to stop creating new services. In the near future, Google is expected to offer many others to serve our lives better. Here are some of their interesting ideas: Google Body Browser Google Body provides a detailed 3D model of the human body and we can easily observe anatomical layers, zoom in, and navigate to any parts. Google Listen Google Listen is a solution for Android users who don’t have time to follow the news via RSS.

Google Mars It seems like the success of Google Earth is not enough for Google. Google Wedding This service could help you simplify wedding planning. Aardvark Aardvark is the place you can ask questions that are difficult to find exact answers elsewhere on the Internet. If you know more interesting Google’s stuffs, share with us below. The Incredible Noodle Weenie. 5 Ways in Which You Can Improve Your Connection With Your Fans Immediately | blog: Your music. Your way. March 25th, 2011 | how-to’s team includes all kinds of people. Many of the folks involved in building the tools and features are artists, musicians or even scientists. There are people who’ve been around in the start-up business for a while, but also music biz veterans. I myself spent chunks of the last two years on my thesis researching models for successfully marketing music while fully acknowledging the reality of the digital age.

Sharing is caring, whether it’s candy or ideas, so here are some quick music marketing tips! Hope you’ll find some time to start applying them this weekend. Treat your first followers like royalty. Get busy and let us know how this works out for you! The crew wishes you a great weekend! P.S. Pick Up Lines Galore - Model United Nations (U.N.) Pick-up Lines! I’m Sorry. Useful expressions in French :: Helpful expressions in French. Products for Extremely Close Couples. With Valentine’s Day creeping up, couples may find themselves searching for unique romantic gifts.

Everyone else may find themselves searching for the nearest exits to get away from the lovey-dovey stuff. Some couples are just so sweet it’s sickening. Sure, being close to your partner can be really amazing, but there is such a thing as too close and everyone sees it but you two. Not sure what we mean? Fundies Underwear for Two Experience a whole new level of intimacy with Fundies—the most ridiculous pair of underwear we’ve seen since handerpants.

Smittens Have you ever been so smitten with someone that you’d go without mittens just to hold their hand? TwoDaLoo Toilet for Two You really don’t have to do EVERYTHING together. Face to Face Tandem Bike Some people think tandem bicycles are cute, and some people find them sickening, but most people don’t find them dangerous. Sexy Hotness Sleeping Bag 8-bit Dynamic Life Heart Tee for Couples T’s for 2 Cigarette Holder Built For Two Slanket Siameses. Solutions for hi??o. How To Do a Frontside 360 On Your Snowboard » Mountain Weekly News. Have you ever wanted to know how to do a frontside 360 over a jump on your snowboard? Or want to know what the heck I am talking about? A frontside 360 is a 360degree spin over your heels while in the air. Before trying this trick make sure you have pads on, as it will make falling much easier!! 1. Find A Comfortable Sized Jump. Find a jump you feel comfortable hitting and being in the air.

Nothing to big to start the 10-15 foot range works wonders. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. Up next we will cover backside 360′s or spinning a 360 degree spin over your toes. Snowboard Sale Google+ Tags: Snowboard. The Leading Lin Designz Site on the Net. Skateboarder Magazine – Skateboarding Videos, News, Photos and Events. 200 Greatest Electronic/Dance Albums.