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MiscPix - A misc pic on each click! Muttville: Rescue, foster, adoption, and hospice for senior dogs, and support and education for the people that love them. Nutter Butter Ghost Cookies | 20 Favorite Halloween Recipes. How to Make Chocolate Ice-cream Cups Using Balloons - Funny Mike. Old Fashioned Potato Candy | Wenderly. Have you ever heard of candy made from a potato? For years my mom has talked of this mysterious potato candy that she loved as a little girl.

She would spend magical summers at her grandparents house gleefully running through grapevine arbors, relishing in the homemade jams and jellies made from the grapes. Hours would melt away watching and helping her grandmother work her magic in the kitchen. Whenever homemade mashed potatoes were served with dinner my mom knew that delicious potato candy wouldn’t be far behind. My mom and I have been planning to make this sweet treat for, well, more times than I care to count. Oh. It all began while antiquing. My beloved antiquing. Something marvelous always comes from antiquing. What is that you ask? It’s an antique potato masher. Everybody needs one, right?

After spying this precious find, we looked at each other knowingly and said, “guess we’re making homemade mashed potatoes for dinner tonight!” Homemade mashed potatoes are key. That’s it! Xo- Wenderly. Blog - Skateboarding Magazine. Life Hacks. 50 Dating Rules for Smart Girls Who Don't Need Dating Rules. What Makes a Relationship Great? Why are some couples happier than others? What is the “secret” for a great relationship?

With certain couples it is clear there is something about the way they interact that makes it obvious they have a unique and genuine connection. Even if you’re in a good relationship, you can’t help but wonder: What do they know that I don’t? And if you’re single, you might look at these couples and attribute it all to chemistry or destiny. Great relationships are based on realistic expectationsGreat relationships take work and thoughtfulness every dayGreat relationships need communication know-howGreat relationships turn negatives into positives Great relationships are based on realistic expectations Forget what you see in the movies or on television.

Couples in healthy and positive relationships have a fundamental understanding of the proper and appropriate expectations for a stable and long-lasting relationship. Great relationships take work and thoughtfulness every day Image by Nesster. How To Tell If Somebody Loves You. Somebody loves you if they pick an eyelash off of your face or wet a napkin and apply it to your dirty skin.

You didn’t ask for these things, but this person went ahead and did it anyway. They don’t want to see you looking like a fool with eyelashes and crumbs on your face. They notice these things. They really look at you and are the first to notice if something is amiss with your beautiful visage! Somebody loves you if they assume the role of caretaker when you’re sick. Unsure if someone really gives a shit about you? Somebody loves you if they call you out on your bullshit. Somebody loves you if they don't mind the quiet. Somebody loves you if they want you to be happy, even if that involves something that doesn't benefit them. Somebody loves you if they can order you food without having to be told what you want. Somebody will always love you.

This Clock Is Made For Me. Rate My Top 150 Funny Pics of the Month. Real World Existentialism Trolling [PIC] I carry your heart. Remember: You Can Become Great Too. 36 of My Favorite Silly, Crazy or Funny Quotes For the Day Source: Uploaded by user via Princess Source: Uploaded by user via Princess Source: via Princess Source: via Princess Source: via Irene Source: via Tammy< Source: via Carla Source: via Sarah Source: via Soraya Source: via Suzanne Source: Uploaded by user via Erin Source: via Suzanne Source: via Glenda Source: via Katie Source: via Flower Source: via Laurie Source: via Jj Source: via Jessi Source: via Rachel Source: via Blair Source: via Katie Source: via Lauren Source: Uploaded by user via Caleb Source: via Lynn Source: via doinks Source: via Jordan Source: via Sabri Source: via Source: animalcapshunz.ican via Leo Connie. Poetry 180 - Immortality. Review ONLINE. Last Picnic Before the fall rains come, Let’s have one more picnic, Now that the leaves are turning color And the grass is still green in places. Bread, cheese and some black grapes Ought to be enough, And a bottle of red wine to toast the crows Puzzled to find us sitting here. If it gets cold—and it will—I’ll hold you close. Night will come early. We’ll watch the sky, hoping for a full moon To light our way home. And if there isn’t one, we’ll put all our trust In your book of matches And my sense of direction As we grope our way in the dark. Back to Issue 2 of HR Online. Einstein. Friendship. "It's by chance we met, by choice we became friends.

" "I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. " - Roy Croft - "You asked me once what I would remember – this and much more. " "Don't cry because you are leaving, smile because you were there. " "Somehow I know we'll meet again. "A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends "Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, though somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends. " "Friendships that last are those wherein each friend respects the other's dignity to the point of not really wanting anything from them "A friend appreciates the good in you, overlooks the worst in you, and brings out the best in you.

" "There are no goodbyes for us. "If you can count on one hand five good friends, then you are lucky. " "Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that's how I'll remember you. "Moving on is simple. Poem: THE MEASURE OF A MAN. Letting Go Quotes. Start Games: PAXMON - PACMAN squares.

How to Use New Auction Sites to Nab Must-Have Merchandise for up to 95% Off Retail. Last Updated: 4/01/2014 15:47 PST Have you ever heard of "Penny Auctions? " They’re a new online auction model that is becoming hugely popular. Penny auctions allow individuals to do just what the name implies--buy new, popular products for just pennies on the dollar. One of the most interesting and successful companies offering penny auctions is called QuiBids. This Oklahoma based company auctions off brand new products such as iPads, Macbooks, HDTVs, Digital Cameras, Gaming Consoles, and more for steep discounts, often as much as 85 percent off their retail price.

So, how do they do it? Savvy bidders have recently been able to buy a brand new Apple Macbook Pro for $23.90, a Nikon D90 Camera for $45.84, and Sony Playstation 3 for $12.32. The auctions are also insanely fun. But, the best part of QuiBids may be the “Buy-It-Now” feature. Some customers have really made out like bandits on the site. Click here to check out the great merchandise on the site and see how low it’s being sold for. Bob Marley. Portable audio gifts - Holiday gift ideas and gift guide 2011. Home theater gifts - Holiday gift ideas and gift guide 2011. Jade Mountain St. Lucia : Hotels and Resorts. "It's unlike any place in the world—you have to stay here to appreciate the brilliant design. " "You will come home changed" from this hillside resort—named for the owners' extensive collection of antique carved jade mountains—that is the sister property to Anse Chastanet.

"No matter who you are or where you've been, this place will enchant and amaze you. " "Jaw-droppingly beautiful rooms" all have 15-foot ceilings, "unforgettable Piton Mountain views," and private infinity pools in different colored tiles (ruby, amber, plum). Chef Allen Susser's Jade Mountain Club mixes sweet and spicy flavors, but the emphasis is on "seafood that makes your taste buds sing.

" "Staff are special. " Airsoft Guns SHORTY USA. Lucid Dreaming. By lucid dreaming, you can gain complete control over the one place that no one will ever care about: your imagination. Just The Facts Lucid dreaming is a scientifically proven phenomenon. While some get into lucid dreaming in order to treat chronic nightmares, or to experience all facets of the human experience, approximately 99.8% of people use it as a tool for cheap and interactive 3D porn. A lucid dream is a dream in which the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming, and he or she can even choose to control and manipulate his or her dream. Dream, dream, dream.

How to Take Control of Your Dreams: So, you've doubled your weight over the past five years, you own a record-shattering collection of greasy pizza boxes and broken aspirations, and you're beginning to consider installing a toilet bowl in the place of your computer chair? In order to even begin to get control over your dreams, there are a few preliminary tasks you must complete. The Tasks: 1. "What? " Calm down! 2. How to Break Up a Dog Fight Without Getting Hurt! Dog Fight Comment: January 10, 2014 I wanted to let you know how good your advice on breaking up dog fights works. I was home alone and my two intact males got into a fight. First I tried using a door to break them up but that didn't work, and I knew grabing the hind end of just one wouldn't help me, that's when I remembered your advice about using the leashes.

Beth Dog Fight Question: December 12, 2013 Ed, I recently tried to break up a dog fight between my 4 year old golden retriever and 5 year old yellow lab (both neutered males). Ed's Response: I am sorry for your loss. The short version is you take a dog leash and make a loop by running the snap through the handle. Then drag the pile (both dogs that are fighting are a pile) and secure the snap end of the leash around a tree, fence, or put it through a door and slam the door closed on the leash (you may have to run the leash around the inside handle of the door and then slam the door closed. I am glad you didn’t get bit. November 3, 2013.

Extreme How To Skills. Cities With The Worst Drivers. Tutorials! 50 'sexting' acronyms that 'kids' are using these days... | Boston. Knife - The sport of throwing knives. Inkling | Wacom Americas. Project #29. 10 Coolest Windows Shortcuts You Never Knew About.

iPhone 4S - Tips and Tricks.