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Data - World Wide Web Foundation. Semantic Web Standards. Resource Description Framework - Introduction to ontologies and semantic web - tutorial. Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for representing information about resources in a graph form.

Resource Description Framework - Introduction to ontologies and semantic web - tutorial

Since it was primarily intended for representing metadata about WWW resources, it is built around resources with URI. Information is represented by triples subject-predicate-object in RDF. An example of a triple is shown in the figure below. It says that "Joe Smith has homepage All elements of this triple are resources defined by URI. The first resource (subject) is intended to identify Joe Smith. RDF triple (in graph representation) describing Joe Smith - "Joe has homepage identified by URI All of the elements of the triple are resources with the exception of the last element, object, that can be also a literal. RDF triple (in graph representation) describing Joe Smith - "Joe has family name Smith" (c) Marek Obitko, 2007 - Terms of use. FOAF Vocabulary Specification. Classes Class: foaf:Agent Agent - An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact).

FOAF Vocabulary Specification

The Agent class is the class of agents; things that do stuff. A well known sub-class is Person, representing people. Other kinds of agents include Organization and Group. The Agent class is useful in a few places in FOAF where Person would have been overly specific. [#] [back to top] Class: foaf:Document Document - A document. The Document class represents those things which are, broadly conceived, 'documents'. The Image class is a sub-class of Document, since all images are documents.

We do not (currently) distinguish precisely between physical and electronic documents, or between copies of a work and the abstraction those copies embody. [#] [back to top] Class: foaf:Group. Web Ontology Language. The OWL family contains many species, serializations, syntaxes and specifications with similar names. OWL and OWL2 are used to refer to the 2004 and 2009 specifications, respectively. Full species names will be used, including specification version (for example, OWL2 EL). When referring more generally, OWL Family will be used.

History[edit] Early ontology languages[edit] SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query. Abstract RDF is a directed, labeled graph data format for representing information in the Web.

SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query

SPARQL can be used to express queries across diverse data sources, whether the data is stored natively as RDF or viewed as RDF via middleware. This specification defines the syntax and semantics of SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query extension for executing queries distributed over different SPARQL endpoints. The SERVICE keyword extends SPARQL 1.1 to support queries that merge data distributed across the Web. 1 Introduction The growing number of SPARQL query services offer data consumers an opportunity to merge data distributed across the Web. Using Virtuoso Open-Source Edition on Windows. Building Virtuoso on Windows requires some time and the user should be proficient with Windows software development.

Using Virtuoso Open-Source Edition on Windows

The build is not guaranteed to succeed out of the box. Unless you plan to actually modify the Virtuoso code, we recommend using the binary distribution. Getting Started with the VOS Binary Distribution for Windows Prerequisites Appropriate environment variables should be set before any of the steps below -- Determine the root location for your Virtuoso installation. Basic Installation Simply unzip the binary distribution zip file to your chosen location (see Prerequisites, above).

Bin lib hosting database vad vsp Note: The current Windows binary package is missing a php.ini file, required for PHP run-time hosting support. The default administrator username and password are both dba. By default, the Virtuoso server will listen for HTTP connections at TCP port 8890, and for SQL data access (via iSQL, ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET, etc.) at TCP port 1111. For instance -- -- or -- Using Virtuoso Open-Source Edition on Windows.

GeoSPARQL. Virtuoso SPARQL Query Editor. A-Z of terms: XML and SKOS RDF downloads - Data, research and statistics. Education terms is the controlled vocabulary developed and maintained by the Department for Education.

A-Z of terms: XML and SKOS RDF downloads - Data, research and statistics

The purpose of this page is to make Education terms available for anyone who wants to use it. XML and SKOS RDF files can be downloaded from the downloads section. These files are provided as open source. More information about what open source means is available from the links provided on this page. Background information about the files and the schema is available in the explanatory notes document. It is important to understand that Education terms is not a closed file. Release notes for Education terms are issued with each new version of the XML and SKOS RDF files.