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Ressources pour la classe. Les principaux sites nationaux Éduscol-Sciences économiques et sociales Les sites disciplinaires d'éduscol proposent une vision d'ensemble de la discipline, des actualités spécifiques et des présentations de ressources pédagogiques et éducatives.

Ressources pour la classe

EDU'Base SES : accès aux ressources indexées des sites académiques et d'éduscol. Les interlocuteurs académiques et les responsables des sites académiques et d'éduscol renseignent une banque des ressources pédagogiques en sciences économiques et sociales. Educnet "Lire les comptes", pour aider à déchiffrer les statistiques (données sur le budget de l'Etat et sur l'école, dossier mis à jour en février 2017).

Webclass Véritable manuel en ligne, Webclass (anciennement Brises) est un site destiné aux élèves de Terminale ES. Melchior Les ressources sont produites par une équipe d'enseignants coordonnée par un IA-IPR de SES. Apprendre avec l'Insee Dossiers pédagogiques de l'Insee. Cartes et outils interactifs. L'Insee en bref. Eco Dico Animeco Ecomultimedia Caen. Ressources pour la classe. Ressources pour la classe. Learn anytime, anywhere and largely for free: Anant Agarwal. Updated: Sat, Aug 03 2013. 01 29 AM IST Massive online open courses (MOOCs) are revolutionizing the education space, racking up students all over the world in the millions.

Learn anytime, anywhere and largely for free: Anant Agarwal

EdX, a joint venture of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University and one of the pioneers of the movement, was set up in May last year with an initial investment of $60 million and has more than a million students for its free courses. Indians constitute the second largest group of students after the US. Coursera, founded by computer science professors at Stanford University in April last year, has also been enrolling students all over the world. In an interview, edX president and MIT professor Anant Agarwal spoke about MOOCs, and how they could become an alternative to on-campus learning. Tell us about MOOCs and how edX happened? MIT has a long history of open content. MOOCs empowers learning and a revolution in the education space. What response have you received from Indian students? Chemistry: Organic Chemistry.

Podcast. Top 20 podcasts for science lovers. Science lovers are everywhere – Oklahoma, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Mexico, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Nebraska – so it’s good that podcasts exist for your viewing pleasure.

Top 20 podcasts for science lovers

Check out these ones for science lovers. 1. The Wild Classroom The Wild Classroom presents video podcasts that can also be downloaded for classroom use. Scientists and graduate students from around the world contribute to the podcasts. 2. This weekly podcast provides an overview of news and happenings in science from that week. 3.

The National Academies Press presents this podcast, which are 10-minute biweekly episodes that focus on the work that the academy is doing. 4. The BBC, PRI, and WGBH offer these podcasts with “global perspectives for an American audience.” 5. Dr. 6. Here you’ll find “science radio and naked science podcasts.” 7. You can choose from a weekly or a daily update and can subscribe via iTunes or other podcasters or e-mail. Welcome to Less Wrong. Today's Most Popular Study Guides. Khan Academy.