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Welcome to the Archinnovation. A/N Blog. A Daily Dose of Architecture. Archi[Z]id - Accueil. Architecture and Design News – - Architecture, Des. Plataforma Arquitectura. ArchitectureWeek - 2009.0603. Brooklyn is a hub of innovative architecture and design, with dozens of young professionals commissioning or undertaking their own eco-sensitive renovations to existing brownstones and low-rise attached buildings throughout the borough. Tighthouse, a Passive House brownstone retrofit, sits at the end of a string of two-story buildings constructed in 1899 that share a tree-lined block with larger brownstones built around the same time, centrally located off Fifth Avenue in the neighborhood of Park Slope. It is the first certified Passive House in New York City and meets the standards for new construction, surpassing the EnerPHit certification.

Remodeling Approach The unique retrofit of a 110-year-old house by the Brooklyn-based firm Fabrica 718 could serve as an important model for the many urban and suburban residences that need energy-saving renovations. Modern. Architecture + design + interior | +MOOD. Fusher Design fun fashion art trends technology (page 50) MIMOA | Modern Architecture Guide | Contributed, organised, and. TREND HUNTER - #1 in Trends - Fashion Trends, Technology, Style, Archi[Z]id - Accueil. AMNP.