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As 4 irmãs que tiraram uma foto por ano durante 36 anos. Em 1975, o fotógrafo americano Nicholas Nixon tirou uma foto de sua esposa Bebe ao lado de suas três irmãs.

As 4 irmãs que tiraram uma foto por ano durante 36 anos

A partir disso, eles tiveram a ideia de tornar a fotografia uma tradição anual. Pin-Up Girls Before and After II, 1950s. 99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography. Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is.

99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography

It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages. You may want to explore further works of the photographers we’ve featured below. Ficheiro:First Mate.jpg. Pin-up. Masters of Photography. National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - In Focus. National Geographic is currently holding its annual photo contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30.

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - In Focus

For the past nine weeks, the society has been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to vote for them as well. National Geographic was kind enough to let me choose among its entries from 2011 for display here on In Focus. Gathered below are 45 images from the three categories of People, Places, and Nature, with captions written by the individual photographers. [45 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from. Karl Blossfeldt: Photographs, Articles and Resources from Masters of Photography. Icônica. The Top 50 Pictures of the Day for 2011. Every day at 5pm the Sifter posts the Picture of the Day.

The Top 50 Pictures of the Day for 2011

Below you will find a collection of the Sifter’s Top 50 from 2011. It’s hard to imagine the year is almost over, time seems to fly faster each successive year so it’s fun to take a moment and look back at the year that was. Click any of the pictures below to be taken to the individual post to learn more about the photographer and picture taken. Enjoy and stay sifty my friends! 9/11: United States marks 11th anniversary of attacks.

Americans marked the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks around the country with remembrances this week.

9/11: United States marks 11th anniversary of attacks

President Obama attended ceremonies at the Pentagon, Vice President Joe Biden spoke in Shanksville, Pa., and the names of victims were read by relatives during a memorial service at the World Trade Center in New York. The attacks, which claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people, were the deadliest terrorist strike on American soil. - Lloyd Young ( 44 photos total) Firefighters pay there respects at the 9/11 memorial, during ceremonies for the 11th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on lower Manhattan at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2012 in New York City.

New York and the nation are commemorating the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks which resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people after two hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. and one crash landed in Shanksville, Pa. (John Moore/AFP/Getty Images) The Big Picture. Discursos Fotográficos. GUIA ANÁLISE FOTOGRÁFICA. 1.1 Dados gerais.


Titulo | Autor, nacionalidade, ano | Origen da imagem | Género | Movimento | Titulo.O título da fotografia ou “legenda” é fundamental porque costuma fixar ou “ancorar” o sentido dafotografia a partir da perspectiva da entidade do autor empírico. Em certas ocasiões, não acrescentagrande coisa à análise da fotografia. Noutros casos, pelo contrário, a legenda é um elemento fundamentalpara esclarecer o sentido da imagem, embora parcialmente, já que se trata de uma informação que fazparte do objecto de análise. Introdução à Análise da Imagem (Martine Joly) Particularidades da análise fotográfica.

Photo by evandrolsf. 5 Artistic Uses of Google Street View. Mark Wright is a freelance arts writer and assistant editor of the Image Source blog.

5 Artistic Uses of Google Street View

People are using Google Street View for more than checking travel routes. You can use the mapping tool to test hotel neighborhoods, to take virtual tours of the world’s most famous art galleries, or to arrange imagery for innovative photography and video projects. SEE ALSO: Top 28 Google Street View Sightings The Google Street View (GSV) car, fitted with 15 directional cameras, captures panoramas from over 30 countries – but not without controversy. In 2010, GSV cars inadvertently collected payload data from unencrypted Wi-Fi networks, and a few weeks ago Google offered an opt-out from Wi-Fi tracking to curb further criticism. Rare and very interesting photos. Interesting and very rare photographs, you may never see.

Rare and very interesting photos

The first McDonald’s. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.