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Codage/développement (pour les élèves)

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Blockly - A visual programming editor. Code Monster from Crunchzilla. <h2>Code Monster gets kids excited about programming.

Code Monster from Crunchzilla

It is a combination of a game and tutorial where kids experiment with learning to code. <p> Code Monster use Javascript. Please enable Javascript if you want the play with the Code Monster. Otherwise, Code Monster will not be able to play with you. Home · gasolin/BlocklyDuino Wiki. My BIG List of iPad Coding Apps for Kids! December 9-15, 2013 is Computer Science Education Week, and this year their big push is to get coding incorporated into school curriculums everywhere.

My BIG List of iPad Coding Apps for Kids!

There are lots of reasons why kids should be coding, but none more than the fact that there are more resources than ever to help students and teachers get started, regardless of their previous experiences with computer programming. So, in honor of the #HourOfCode project, here is my BIG list of iPad coding apps for kids. There is something here for students of all ages. Bee-Bot (Free) - The new Bee-Bot App from TTS Group has been developed based on our well-loved, award-winning Bee-Bot floor robot.