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How I use Evernote to support my sketchnoting practice. I’ve drawn many sketchnotes, which are real-time visual summaries of presentations or other sources of information. I often need to find a particular sketchnote or set of sketchnotes. For example, if someone’s curious about a book, I like being able to send them my sketchnote of it. If I’m convincing a conference to hire me for sketchnotes, it helps to pull up sketchnotes on similar topics.

I also like browsing through sketchnotes and illustrations (both mine and other people’s) for inspiration. Organizing my sketches After drawing my sketchnotes using Autodesk Sketchbook Pro and saving them as PNGs, I use a right-click shortcut to send them to Evernote. This is what a sketchnote looks like in my Evernote notebook: I tag my sketchnotes with various keywords to help me find things again. Then I can use tag:____ searches to find collections of sketchnotes, and I can right-click on the set and export the attachments to a directory if needed. Searching This is how awesome it is. Other thoughts. Welcome to feedly. How To Learn A New Skill Systematically With Collaborative Learning Playlists. We have heard about playlists. Frequently used in the context of music, playlists are a series of digital files arranged orderly so you can play them one after the other.

Of course, you can play them randomly too. Either way, playlists are an organizational tool that help you personalize your listening or viewing experience. It is because you choose what to keep and what to shed on a playlist. Wouldn’t learning benefit from such an arrangement? It could be a neat way to make sense of all the knowledge out there, by keeping the best learning bytes on a collaborative learning playlist.

Learning and Teaching at MentorMob Information overload is not only because there is too much to process. MentorMob is an attempt to organize learning into relevant chunks i.e. playlists. MentorMob was launched in November, 2011 and is in Alpha presently. The Anatomy of a Learning Playlist A learning playlist looks like this: For Learners – Browsing Playlists For Teachers – Creating Your Own Playlists. ELI7001.pdf (application/pdf Object)