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Worldchanging: Bright Green. The Green Geek. 100 of the Most Essential Green Web Resources. The green web is growing faster than over-fertilized bamboo and many websites have cropped up to fill the ever-growing green movement. This guide will help you navigate the vast array of environmental websites starting with the best green blogs, tools, applications and resources and ending with forums, social media sites, environmental agencies and organizations.

The former will provide a window to green information and ways to go green and the latter will help connect you with others interested and involved in today’s top environmental issues as well as green design, sustainable living and environmental oddities of the world. 25 of the Best Green Blogs and News Websiites: How does one begin to sort through the overwhelming 6,000 environmental blogs listed on Technorati, particularly with new sites cropping up daily? 25 of the Best Green Web Tools, Applications and Resources: The growing green web is by no means limited to blogs and news sites. EarthFirst. EcoStreet - Green Consciousness. EcoSalon | Conscious Culture and Fashion. SmartPlanet - We Make You Smarter - People, Business & Technology. Ecofriend: Green Living. Environmental News and Information.

Lighter Footstep | Living Cheap Is the New Green. Climate Change Policy & Practice - Daily News.