De norm ISO 14001. Milieumanagementsystemen. (E-book). Digitale elektronica. Auteur Koen Lostrie Dit boek is in de eerste plaats een handboek voor de opleiding master in de industriële wetenschappen elektronica-ICT.
De klemtoon ligt op het vakgebied digitale elektronica met onder andere: logische poorten, talstelsels, rekenlogica, finite state machines, ADC, DAC,… Het laatste hoofdstuk behandelt de werking van computer hardware zoals harde schijven, SSD’s, geheugens, DVD’s, enz. Deze publicatie is uiteraard ook geschikt voor iedereen die wat meer wil weten over digitale elektronica. Koen Lostrie is afgestudeerd als industrieel ingenieur elektronica in 1998. Hij werkte tot 2002 bij Alcatel Microelectronics waaronder twee jaar in de USA. Ecodesign. Ecologisch verantwoord industrieel ontwerpen. Auteurs: Karine Van Doorsselaer & Els Du Bois.
Electronic power control. Volume 1: power electronics. Author: Jean Pollefliet With power electronics playing such a crucial role in every corner of our daily lives, we take for granted the growth and the variety of electrical devices - computers, smart-phones, and portable mulitmedia - and, hardly noticed by the consumer: power electronics is what the devices exist on.
It is this awareness that tempted dr. Jean Pollefliet to compose several textbooks, this to provide in-depth assistance to students and professionals alike, to further their studies in the fields of power electronics. Professor Pollefliet's textbooks on Electronic Power Control Volume 1 (Power Electronics) and Volume 2 (Electronic Motor Control) are both brilliant bases to gain insight and understanding in the theory and applications of power electronics for newer technologies. These books are currently widely used in universities and technical colleges throughout Flanders and the Netherlands, while the English translations are available now in Europe and the USA. Electronic power control. Volume 2: elektronic motor control. Author: Jean Pollefliet.
EPLAN electric P8 Reference handbook. Leseprobe This reference book, now in its fourth edition, offers a comprehensive introduction to electrical engineering design with EPLAN Electric P8.
Based on version 2.5 of EPLAN Electric P8, this handbook gives you an introduction to the system basics before going into the range of functions offered by EPLAN Electric P8. This book covers topics such as project settings and various user settings, the graphical editor (GED), using navigators, creating reports, parts management, message management, revision management, importing and exporting project data, printing, data backup, editing master data and importing old EPLAN data. It also covers add-ons such as the EPLAN Data Portal. Numerous examples show you the many ways you can use EPLAN Electric P8 and give you ideas of how to best solve everyday tasks.
The examples used in the book are available online as an EPLAN Electric P8 project. Maintenance, replacement and reliability. Theory and applications. Features Focuses on evidence-based tools for optimizing a variety of key maintenance/replacement/reliability decisionsPresents real-world cases demonstrating their application in a variety of sectors including food processing, petrochemical, steel industry, pharmaceutical industry, military, mining, and transportation (land and air)Includes downloadable PowerPoint slides that lead you through the book material Contains problem sets with answers at the end of each chapter that presents asset management decision optimization tools Software for many of the tools presented in the book can be downloaded from the book’s webpage on CRC Press, some are educational versions of commercially available software developed by Professor Jardine.
This downloadable software suite includes e-learning materials developed by Professor Tsang. Summary See What’s New in the Second Edition: New Topics. Refrigeration and air conditioning technology. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to maintain and troubleshoot today's complex heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems with REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY, 7th Edition.
Now celebrating its 25th anniversary, this time honored best seller provides the exceptional hands-on guidance, practical applications, latest technology and solid foundation you need to fully understand today's HVAC service and repair, its environmental challenges, and their solutions. Focused on sustainable technology in today's HVAC/R industry with an emphasis on new technologies and the latest advancements in the industry, the 7th edition has been updated to include more on Green Awareness, LEED accreditation and building performances with two new chapters on Energy Audits and Heat Gains and Losses.
This edition covers the all-important soft skills and customer relation issues that impact customer satisfaction and employment success. Wear particle atlas. Description Wear particle analysis is a powerful technique for non-intrusive examination of the oil-wetted parts of a machine.
The particles contained in the lubricating oil carry detailed and important information about the condition of the machine. This information may be deduced from particle shape, composition, size distribution, and concentration. The Wear Particle Atlas provides information for the identification of various wear particle types, the description of wear modes that generate these particles, the consequences of these wear modes, and description of the techniques that facilitate wear particle analysis. The Wear Particle Atlas is a guide to wear particle identification containing photographs of typical wear particles found in used lubricating oil, illustrative case histories, and operational procedures for wear debris analysis.
This Wear Particle Atlas is a reprint of the revised atlas that was prepared by Daniel Anderson in 1982 for the Naval Air Engineering Center.