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Wiring. Software | OpenDaylight. OpenDaylight “Helium” -- The Rise of Open SDN OpenDaylight is an open platform for network programmability to enable SDN and NFV for networks at any size and scale. The community’s second release “Helium” comes with a new user interface and a much simpler and customizable installation process thanks to the use of the Apache Karaf container. For those looking to manage their networks using OpenDaylight, there is deeper integration with OpenStack, including significant improvements in the Open vSwitch Database Integration project, and a technology preview of advanced OpenStack features such as Security Groups, Distributed Virtual Router and Load Balancing-as-a-Service. OpenDaylight software is a combination of components including a fully pluggable controller, interfaces, protocol plug-ins and applications.

With this common platform both customers and vendors can innovate and collaborate in order to commercialize SDN- and NFV-based solutions. Download Helium. Welcome - E14N. Diaspora. Diaspora is the privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all, open source social network. On November 23, 2010 was announced that Diaspora is in private alpha phase. Since August 27, 2012 Diaspora is ruled by the community (announcement). Prerequisites Since Diaspora can run on MySQL and PostgreSQL you need to decide which one you want to use. Install one of them and set it up. Diaspora starts a so called appserver, on port 3000 by default, which serves the dynamic contents. You need a reverse proxy to handle the static content that forwards requests it can't handle to the appserver.

Installation Obtain the diaspora package from the AUR and build and install your desired database support with makepkg -si --pkg diaspora-mysql or makepkg -si --pkg diaspora-postgresql. Now edit /etc/webapps/diaspora/database.yml and fill out the needed values. Ensure your database is running and then switch to the diaspora user: $ su diaspora $ cd Create the database and initialize the schema: Updating See also. Pump Live. Diaspora Project Wiki. Libre Projects. The diaspora* Project. The WebM Project | Welcome to the WebM Project.

OpenH264. Let's Build a Compiler.