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Science Fair

SAPS Science Club Activities. FRAN SCOTT demos & pracs. Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Cool Facts, Online Games, Activities, Projects, Ideas, Technology. ScienceDays. Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab. Science Experiments You Can Do At Home or School. Make a Bouncing Polymer Ball - Experiment with Polymers. Introduction Balls have been toys practically forever, but the bouncing ball is a more recent innovation.

Make a Bouncing Polymer Ball - Experiment with Polymers

Bouncing balls were originally made of natural rubber, though now bouncing balls can be made of plastics and other polymers or even treated leather. You can use chemistry to make your own bouncing ball. Once you understand the basic technique, you can alter the recipe for the ball to see how the chemical composition affects the bounciness of the ball, as well as other characteristics. The bouncing ball in this activity is made from a polymer. Science: Materials and their Properties. 5 Fun Science Experiments for Kids. Everyone knows science is awesome, but did you know you can do science right in your own kitchen?

5 Fun Science Experiments for Kids

Ok, maybe you did, but if you're not sure where to start, we've got five really fun experiments that demonstrate the scientific principles of buoyancy, surface tension, density, chemical reaction and non-Newtonian fluid. Best of all, families can do these easy experiments with common, household items. Sesame Street's fuzzy, blue scientist Grover stopped by the #5facts studio to teach us a few things about the scientific method. Watch the adorable video above to see the experiments in action, then use the instructions below to gather everything you need for your home science lab.

Looking for more amazing experiments families can do together? Science Experiments. 5 Fun Science Experiments for Kids.