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Home. Tantra lovemaking positions, I : Lands of Wisdom. When you play with different positions during lovemaking, you invite a whole spectrum of qualities into your union. Each posture will activate a different kind of response. The more expansive you can be with how you express your love, and the more dimensions you can include, the more spicy and fulfilling your relating will be. Instead of being one-dimensional, always moving into the same habits of behaviour, you will become multi-dimensional – able to access new and unexpected facets of your being. This will help you to open to new experiences and qualities in lovemaking. You will be challenged to open up more of your potential, not only as lovers, but as individuals. In this posture the man can go wild.

In this posture the woman can go wild. This is a relaxing way to be a king and queen of love, sitting together in a chair with the woman on top. This posture allows the man and woman to relax together in the space of valley orgasm. The classic Tantra position. Like Loading... Take typing lessons, test your typing speed and practice typing for free! This is, a web application that will help you teach touch typing. Touch typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. A person possessing touch typing skills will know their location on the keyboard through muscle memory.

It can improve any individual's typing speed and accuracy dramatically. This is a short tutorial that will explain how does this application work. You can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate through these slides. This tutorial is based on these few principles: No boring, repetitive exercises. Initially it starts generating words from a small subset of the most frequent letters of the alphabet. When you are typing these words, keybr measures time to type a key for every letter in that subset. Once you familiarize yourself with the current subset of letters, the algorithm expands it, including more and more letters to it. So at any time, you will by typing the letters you are least familiar with. This is the text board. ?

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